

The words tore through the air like a sharp blade, fueled by Thomas's aggression and righteous anger. "That doesn't change the fact that you are her dad's killer," he spat out, his voice seething with accusation. Damon's world shattered in an instant, his mind struggling to process the damning words hurled at him. The sheer audacity of his own father, manipulating the truth and implicating Damon in a crime that he himself had committed, left him dumbfounded and emotionally battered.

The weight of this revelation bore down on Damon, the realization sinking deep into his bones. How could his own flesh and blood be so conniving, so capable of inflicting unspeakable harm on others, even after enduring their own profound pain? It was a maddening thought that gnawed at Damon's consciousness, leaving him questioning his very existence and the depths of human depravity.

Meanwhile, Asher found himself immersed in a sea of bewilderment, desperately trying to make sense of the perplexing puzzle
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