
Chapter 2 - Old Friends

I didn't have many friends growing up, and that hadn't changed much into adult life.

My only real friend was Milly, a very loud woman I had met at a bar years ago. So I called her to help me get ready for the gala.

"You better take pictures. And snag me a hunk while you're there." She said while blowing her cigarette smoke out the window.

I wrinkled my nose, "I'm going to try and find a job, not a man, Mills."

She waved a hand, "Find me a rich husband and you won't need a job."

I laughed at her, "I'll see you later. Make sure Toby stays inside."

She nodded. 

I rushed downstairs to get my cab, nearly falling into the high heels I wore. It had been a while since I had worn heels so my poor ankles were in protest.

As soon as I got into the cab and it began to move I realized this had been a bad idea. I was feeling queasy already.

I stuck my head out the window hoping the wind in my face would stop me from throwing up all over the cab. I knew I wouldn't see Wyatt at the gala, but I still felt sick at the off chance of it.

When we arrived I paid the driver and hopped out, what I really wanted to do was run back home, but I wouldn't allow myself to do that. This could be the big break I needed so desperately.

Taking a deep breath I forced my legs forward.

Caleb and Selma spotted me the moment I walked into the fancy oversized area and came over to greet me.

I was thankful for that because I had never done very well in such crowded spaces. There were a lot of people at the gala and all were very well-dressed. I felt extremely out of place in my attire.

"I'm so happy you came!" Caleb beamed, giving me a quick hug.

Selma snagged a glass of champagne from a waiter walking passed and handed it to me, "You look a bit nervous."

"Gosh, is it so obvious?"

"No, I only know because I was the same at first," 

I liked Selma, she was friendly and made me feel welcome. 

"I'll introduce you to some big names, come on." Caleb motioned with his head.

He took Selma by the hand and I followed the pair around the room while Caleb introduced me to some people.

He and Selma helped me keep the conversation going with one of the older couples, and Caleb effortlessly mentioned I was looking for a job.

"I do have an opening. If Caleb can vouch for you, I'll set up an interview."

I was ecstatic, I hadn't been expecting it to happen so quickly! 

I grabbed another glass of champagne while we spoke and exchanged emails. I was now convinced that this had been fate.

Until Caleb briefly put a hand on my back to get my attention.

I turned and I could feel the blood drain from my face as Caleb spoke.

"Kenzie, you remember my dad. Dad, I hope you don't mind I invited Kenzie, she's looking for a job so I thought it would be a great opportunity for her."

I felt like!e I was going to faint as I looked into those deep blue eyes.

His dark hair was styled back and I noticed he had begun to wear stubble on his face. His eyes had a few more lines at the corners, but other than that, he had barely aged.

But none of that mattered.

I blinked, my mouth going dry as he looked at me. He looked just as shocked as I felt.

"Kenzie, nice to see you again. It's been a while." He held out his hand for me to shake it.

I forced my hand out and as our skin connected I was sure I would die right then and there. 

Just his hand against mine brought back all those memories of that night.

Those same large hands against my body...


I shook my head and pulled my hand away quickly, "Sorry, Selma, I'm not feeling too well."

"Would you like to sit?" 

I nodded numbly. I needed to get away from Wyatt. I refused to look at him as Selma ushered me off down a hallway.

I took a seat on one of the chairs near the toilets.

"Is everything okay? You've gone white as a ghost!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little light-headed. Go back in there, I'll be back in a minute."

She nodded with a smile before walking away.

I downed the last of my champagne and rushed over to the bar to order something else.

Wyatt wasn't supposed to be here, so what the hell was he doing here?

I ordered a gin and was halfway into it when I heard his voice behind me.



I turned around to face him, clutching tightly to my glass. I didn't know what to say to him. I hadn't spoken to him since that night.

How was I supposed to face him now?

"Mr. Grimes, I wasn't aware you would be here tonight. I checked online and it said you wouldn't be here."

He completely ignored my statement, "You look lovely. Caleb mentioned you're looking for a job?"

I gulped my drink, "Yeah."

He loosened his tie slightly and my eyes lingered there longer than they should have.

I jumped when he cleared his throat, "Kenzie, come and see me tomorrow at nine. Grimes Enterprises. I'm on the top floor. I may have a position for you."

Again I felt like I was going to be sick.

He wanted me to work for him? Was he insane?

"No thank you, Mr. Grimes." I got to my feet and made a beeline for the bathrooms. I needed to get away from him, and fast. The memories of that night were swarming in and I couldn't face them.

I had made it to the bathroom door when I felt his hand around my arm a split second before he turned me to face him.

"Kenzie, don't be stubborn. You need a job, I have a vacancy."

"No thank you, Mr. Grimes. I have interviews lined up. I appreciate the offer though."

I could see he was getting annoyed, "Listen, Kenzie, I am not asking you, I am telling you. And I'm sure you remember how I hate to be disobeyed."

I gulped. Why was he referencing what had happened between us?!

"Look, I-"

"Baby, there you are." A woman with long brown hair stepped up beside him, wrapping her arm around his.

He looked even more annoyed now.

She smiled at me, "Sweetheart, I don't think the help can drink on the job."

My mouth dropped, and I looked like I was in uniform. 

Wyatt raised his brows, "Amanda, she isn't staff."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

This was the perfect time for me to get away so I faked a smile and rushed passed them, back onto the main hall.

I pushed my way through people to get to Selma, I noticed Caleb was heading for the stage.

"Hey, I need to"

"Thank goodness! I need a huge favor."

I had been trying to tell her I needed to leave.

I could feel Wyatt's eyes boring into the back of my head.

"Uh, what is it?" I didn't want her to think I was rude.

"We're doing the old method of auctioning dated to raise funds for the charity, my friend who was supposed to go up with us has fallen ill suddenly. Would you mind?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think I can."

"Please?" She grasped at my hands with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, fine. I need to go home straight after though."

She pulled me into a hug and I just about wanted to stab myself.

I needed to work on my boundaries, but I had never been good at telling people "no" when they needed help.

I forced myself not to turn and look at Wyatt even though I could feel him staring at me.

I wasn't even listening to what Caleb was saying on stage, all I could focus on was the fact that I was standing only a few feet from Wyatt Grimes after I had sworn I would never go near him again.

When Selma ushered me up with her onto the stage, I kept my eyes on anyone but him.

Caleb of course outbid everyone for Selma. I was third in line and I was starting to feel like throwing up again.

Although I kept my eyes away from him, I knew he was watching me. 

It came my turn and I flashed a fake smile at the crowd, not wanting to let Selma down.

"Bidding will start at five thousand," Caleb announced.

An old man in a blue suit raised his hand.

"Twenty." My eyes shot up to meet those blue eyes of Wyatt's. What the hell was he doing?

I could see even Amanda looked confused.

Another man lifted his hand, "Twenty-five."

I silently prayed that they would end the bidding at that.

"Thirty!" A young man shouted. He wore a light blue blazer over a plain white shirt, his dark hair shaved close to his head. He was very handsome.

Selma beamed at me, not realizing how sick this was making me.

Wyatt stepped up, "Thirty-five!" 

The same young man didn't seem phased, "Forty-five!"

I could see Wyatt was getting annoyed, "Fifty!"

The young man grinned, "Sixty-five." 

I watched Wyatt as his jaw clenched and he turned away. Yeah, he was pissed off that much was clear.

I was just thankful he hadn't continued bidding, or I would have had a lot of explaining to do!

Caleb announced that the young man had the highest bid and continued with the next.

I rushed from the stage the moment the bidding ended, only to walk straight into the guy who had won the bid for me.

"Kenzie, right?"

I nodded, slightly taken aback by how striking his green eyes were, "Hi."

"Axel." He stuck out his hand.

"That name sounds more like a rock star than a fancy businessman," I joked while briefly shaking his hand.

"Funny you should say that, I used to be a musician. Only, it was country and not rock."

That intrigued me, "So how does a cowboy musician end up here?"

He flashed me a smile, "Well, I believe I did just bid for a date, so how about I tell you all about it over dinner later this week?"

I could feel my cheeks flush but I nodded shyly. We exchanged numbers and as I was leaving, I dropped my head down to avoid the steely gaze of a very angry-looking Wyatt.

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