
Chapter 4 - No Choice

I heaved a sigh as yet another of my potential bosses called me to tell me that they would not be able to hire me.

I just couldn't understand it. They had all been happy with me at the interviews. Why the sudden change now? It made no sense to me.

I sighed, at least there was still the club, although I didn't want to work there, it was beginning to look like I had no other choice.

The owner, Kevin, had asked me to come in tonight, which I found a little odd. 

The ad had stated I would be doing admin, so why would they want me to go in at night?

Regardless of how I felt about it, I clearly didn't have any other choice left but to go in.

I hurriedly got dressed before leaving to get there on time.

And boy, was I surprised when I walked in.

It was packed, which I had expected. What surprised me was the naked girls dancing on poles. And the naked girls walking around on stages. And the barely dressed waitresses.

What the hell had I just walked into?

Before I could turn around and make my great escape, Kevin came over to me.

He wore a simple black suit, his hair jelled up into dangerous-looking spikes.

"Kenzie! So glad to see you, come with me."

I followed him, not wanting to be rude while keeping my head down.

"Here you are."

"Wait. What?" I looked around the dressing room. Why was I in the dressing room?

I looked at him, "Why am I in the dressing room?"

He looked at me as if it was obvious, "You start work tonight, babe."

"Admin. The ad said, admin."

He laughed loudly, "Oh, you poor naive girl. No. Dancing. But obviously, we will ease you into that, so tonight stick to waitressing, and keep the bored one's company. Maybe do a few stage walks."

I could feel my chest tightening in horror, "I can't... This... No, I-"

"You're pretty, you'll make a lot on tips. Are you sure you want to pass this up?"


"Um... Wait. Can I waitress for a few days and decide?"

"Sounds fair. Four days and then I want you up there or out of my club."

I nodded.

"Pick anything that's your size." He said before walking out.

I felt sick to my stomach, but after the day I had with all the rejections, I didn't have much of a choice.

I chose a very short black dress that had a corset-style toppiece.

It just barely covered, but it was still the most non-revealing item I could find.

There were no flat shoe options either, so I left my own black heels on instead of the sky-high options that would probably break my neck.

With a heavy sigh, I walked out and was immediately met with a blond wearing a pink bikini top with a tiny flared tutu. Her hair was blond with the left side having red ombre and the right having green.

"Took you long enough. Name?"

"Uh, Kenzie."

"No, honey, we don't use our real names out here."

"Oh? I don't know then."

She sighed, "Don't worry, we all started out like you. Pick something sexy and cute, or fun. Easy to remember. I'm Jazzy."

"Uh, right." 

"Sultry Sundae. That's what we're calling you. Come." She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the club.

I wanted to point out that I was far from sultry, but I doubted it would do any good.

"Did you see who went into one of the rooms?!" Squealed a redhead, I had forgotten her name after my sixth drink.

Shifts were over and the girls were having drinks, I had wanted to go straight home but they wouldn't hear any of it, so I was here in the back room of the inventory, and very drunk.

"Who?" A brunette named Candy asked.

"Wyatt Grimes."

I spat out my drink in shock, "What?"

All eyes were now on me.

"I'm just curious. He has a girlfriend."

"That does not stop them," Piper commented.

Wyatt had come in here? When? Why? With who?

"He took Cherry in with him."

Who the hell was Cherry? I hadn't met her.

Jazzy scoffed, "No wonder she disappeared," she turned to me, "He used to come in here all the time for her. She's so in love with him. She doesn't give a damn that he will never settle down with her."

Candy nodded, "She has it bad," she scrunched up her nose looking at me suddenly, "You know, Cherry actually looks a bit like you."

I could feel the color draining from my face, suddenly I wasn't feeling so good, "What?" 

The girls were all nodding and adding their agreements to this.

Shit. Wyatt was coming in here and picking a girl that looked like me? Surely that was only a coincidence. It had to be.

"I think I better get home." I got to my feet.

"What's up with you? Your mood soured the moment we mentioned Grimes."

"Uh, he's my ex-fiance's father," I responded while fishing my phone out of my bag.

Before I could do or say another word, I doubled over emptying the contents of my stomach.

"Oh, God. Okay, girls, go home. I'll sort her out." Jazzy said.

"Not a big drinker, huh?"

I shook my head.

"Can I call someone to take you home?"

I shook my head again. I had no clue how I was going to get home.

"Do you know your address?" 

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I do."

"Give it to me, let's get you home."

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