
To fire!

Alpha Ray__ that was his name, she thought silently in her mind as he administered what she guessed to be a dose of paracetamol into her vein.

Jasmine looked up to Mira who she guessed was only a few years older than her. She was so beautiful with her red hair that was packed in a more girlish manner compared to Alpha Ray's. She had Jewelry on her left ankle and upper right arm. Jasmine felt inferior as she followed them at their back.

She didn't exactly know how she was going to use this gesture to her advantage but she knew she was on track. The two cock heads looked expensive with their intimidating aura, especially the Male. Since they were giving her a chance to prove herself after knowing who she was as a captive under them, she ought to leave a good impression on them.

Jasmine noticed that she was the shortest amongst the trio. She was 5'7. Mira's height was somewhere between hers and Alpha rays height. They stopped in front of a door that led to a room with Alpha Ray accessing the room first. At this point, Jasmine refuse to believe she was still in the same facility.

The hallways were generally bright all through from the penetration of sun rays through wide windows but this room was the exact opposite. It was dark with burning lamps around on the walls. Her orbs contracted as she took in the rest of the room. Without a doubt, she could tell the room was not only beautiful but it held a very important person in the civilization. With the number of maids around the room, some in stiff positions while others were in action, this has to be someone important.

She couldn't help but notice the stuffy atmosphere. There was no chance of cross-ventilation and the burning lamps were the icing on the cake.

"Doctor, don't you think you're aiding the growth of this thing in this kind of atmosphere?" Jasmine spoke for the first time after digesting the look of her surroundings.

Alpha Ray squeezed one side of his face while Mira and the rest of the maids in the room had a shocked impression on their face.

Who was this girl and did she not know how to speak?

She examined the elderly man on the bed. They were standing around him while the maids that were trying to regulate his body temperature stepped back with their small containers of water and bath towels.

Alpha Ray watched as she concentrated her unique orbs on the body of the Elder man. Left to him she'd have no business in this, but Mira__

He was a bit taken aback to find out she was one of the newly held human captives. He had no reason to be particularly, so he continued to watch her for any sneaky move ignoring her manners.

" I have seen this before. With these blisters, he is running a hell of a temperature, and his pulse is slow. These symptoms__" She paused before she continued.

"He looks like he is in a lot of pain. I suggest you go ahead to cut the skin away as soon as possible. The fine poor man doesn't look like he is at peace!" Jasmine's emphatic instinct was now alarmed at the physical symptoms she could gather on the Beta body.

Alpha Ray's ego was now punctured. He maintained composure while he retained his stare at her. This bitch!

"Take the sample and let's leave." He instructed while Mira looked in between him and Jasmine. Too much attitude, she was going to put her in her place very soon, Mira thought.

The human guard bulged his eyes recognizing Jasmine as she followed the trail of Alpha Ray and Mira. Jasmine arched her brows at him as she questionably passed by him. Now her guess was right about both werewolves in front of her. They were very important in the civilization considering how every individual they passed would bow their head at them.

Alpha Ray led her into a very dusty room while Mira stood by the entrance. It was dark and full of cobwebs. If this place was meant to be a laboratory then it was very ridiculous. There were randomly stained slides all around, dusty puppets, some petri dishes littered around, a few microscopes, and some charts on the walls. All of this got Jasmine thinking about why the laboratory was not a functional one.

The setting wasn't advanced, but a scientist or a laboratician could find his way around in here. She opened what she suspected to be a hot air oven. The smell of some decay tissue in it almost made her puke her intestines making her step backward immediately.

Alpha Ray found her curiosity annoying.

"This place is dead!" Jasmine protested, making Mira peek her head in.

"Mira!" Alpha Ray warned instead, making her immediately withdraw her head away from the entrance.

"You don't have electricity, how am I even sure the microscopes are working?!" Jasmine found herself yelling now as she walked around trying the switches.

Alpha Ray stepped towards her, making her stop her semi-panic. He stood akimbo while he stared deep into her eyes.

She tried to look away but there was a force keeping her eyes glued to his.

"You want to show off? I am giving you a chance. Prove the bacteria is a flesh-eating bacteria and there is no backing out in this." He warned with his index finger to his face. Her legs trembled to hear the treat in his voice.

'So arrogant and mean!' She thought to herself as she watched him leave before she sank onto the dusty floor. The joints of her fingers cracked as she felt the veins in her head throb. At this point, death was the solution to her problem but she was forbidden to die before her people. Not when they were still held in captivity.

A shadow approached her. It was six times bigger than her. She stood still as tears ran down her cheeks. If he was going to kill her, why did fix her injured wrist? The monster approaching her drooled as it took each step like a toddler that was learning to walk.

What a beautiful scene to see at the verge of execution!

She began to breathe heavily but the monster only moved closer to her.

She began to yell as she tried to crawl away but he was now standing close to her. His rough brown skin was full of randomly sized pores. He was wearing blue trousers that exposed his tail which Jasmine thought would match the measurements of her height.

She glued her back to the wall as she stared upwards looking at his sapphire orbs. He was staring at hers too full of admiration while she was busy crying.

He lifted his fingers which were almost the length of her face and the hair of it quickly absorbed Jasmine's tears while wiping them away. Jasmine choked on her tears as she tried to calm her nerves to accept the safe aura of the monster in front of her. Maybe he wasn't here to hurt her.

He did the same to the other side of her face before making a facial expression that looked like he was grinning. This made Jasmine let out a genuine smile as she watched him dig his palms into his pocket.

He handed over to her a portion of flat dry bread to which she hesitated before accepting it.

She didn't realize she was hungry till she collected the bread from his large hand and began to bite on the hard chewy texture of the bread. She couldn't remember the last time she had food.

"Wait," She held her injured hand in his direction as he planned to exit the dusty room.

"What's your name?" She asked after forcefully swallowing the rest of the hard bread.

He didn't turn to look at her, instead he walked towards an elevation and made some patterns on the dust before he left.

She immediately strode to the direction of elevation to see what he left on it.

"SETH" it read and she found herself smiling at the name of the monster.

He was cute.


She hissed for the millionth time as she tried to focus her lens on her specimen. She got a few old reagents around and did the unbelievable part of making her temporary energy source to power her microscope. The ocular was quite unclear and her illuminator source was getting weaker and weaker as the seconds passed by. Sweat was dripping from her forehead as she tried to focus the lens on her specimen.

"necrotizing fasciitis? Is that you?! I knew it was you!" She beamed with joy and pride as if she hit a jackpot as she finally identified the specimen under her microscope.

She hopped outside with joy as if she knew where she was going, only to bump into some guards. She identifies them both to be the bitter duo that flung her across the room. She squeezed her face as her excitement died down.

"Where is that Ray guy_," She thought to herself but it came out loud. The guards gave her a displeasing look, making her cover her mouth with her palm.

"Sorry_ " She stuttered,

"Alpha Ray__" She corrected, not sure if she remembers the name correctly.

One of the guards left and she assumed that he was going to call the Alpha.

She stood uncomfortably in the presence of the other guard that looked like he had no facial nerves. If Seth could give a friendly grin why was it hard for this one to give it a try?

She carried her face away only to be forcefully lifted off her feet. She realized the other guard was now back so she began to scream.

"Let me go, I can walk for goodness sake!"

She tried to wriggle out of her grip but she was somehow sending shocks to her injured hand so stopped struggling.

Eventually, she was dropped at a dark dungeon where cried her eyes out. So fucking ungrateful and foolish!

What looked like hours later, Seth appeared to light the lamp in her dungeon. Without saying a word he sneak an apple out of his pocket for her while Jasmine looked at him numbly. He had a kind of sad expression on his face as he slowly walked out without a word.

"Seth," She called out and he stopped right on his tracks.

"Tell Mira that her father would not survive the next three days."

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