
My Boyfriend Is a Demon II
My Boyfriend Is a Demon II
Автор: Karen Moon

01. Freeing the prisoner

Shandra didn't know what to look at first.


The chains that held Eluna's arms and legs.


The deplorable state of not only her clothes, but also her hair and face.


Or the fact that she was not a demon.


In the last few months of her life, Shandra had not only met two powerful demons who had sworn to

protect her, one as her boyfriend and the other as her friend (and brother-in-law), but she had also become actively involved in the magical world.


That, she knew, was formally the fiancée or ex-fiancée of her current boyfriend. The woman facing her had been kidnapped, injured and tortured, and needed help.


But even so, it was almost impossible not to feel the tension in the air, to know that, sooner or later, she and

Sam would come face to face... And they would have to explain themselves.


The girl took a step toward her, sheathing her sword. Eluna's eyes squeezed shut, as if she couldn't see her very well:


"Who are you?"


The voice of Sam's betrothed was low and weak, but one could tell that it had once been much more beautiful and imposing. Shandra swallowed dryly.


"My name is Shandra. I have come to save you."




"Sam and Julian are here."


Hearing the two demons' names, she quickly stirs. The tinkling of chains sounds as she throws herself forward and practically screams:


"Where?! How?"


"Ssssh! Calm down. And let's not draw attention, okay? We're undercover. No one knows we're here."


The woman's skin, which is purple and translucent, seemed to take on different shades, such as pink and red. She was quite reminiscent of a chameleon. What was Eluna? She didn't look like a fairy either, and she definitely wasn't an angel.


Summoning her inner powers, Shandra closed her eyes and imagined herself creating a sharp magical blade made of light. When the small stylus appeared in her hands, Eluna grumbled:


"These are chains made to nullify magic. That won't work."


The young woman then looks at the sheathed metal sword. The prisoner once again comments:


"Steel won't set me free either. Believe me, it's not like I haven't tried."


Shandra stares at the chains in desperation. Then she looks back, as if sensing the presence of more watchmen and thinking to hurry soon.


"I have an idea," Shandra says, with determination in her voice. "We need to find the key to the chains. If we can free you from them, we can find a way out together."


Eluna looks at her with a mixture of hope and skepticism.


"Do you really think it will be that easy?"


Shandra smiles lightly.


"It won't be easy, but it's our best chance. I know this place, and I know where the guards usually keep the keys. If we're careful, we can reach them without attracting attention."


Eluna hesitates for a moment, but finally nods.


"Okay, we'll do it your way. But know that if that fails, I will not hesitate to fight."


Shandra doesn't know how she will fight in chains, but she understands the determination in Eluna's eyes and knows that the situation is serious. She approaches the young woman and holds her arm gently.


"Come on, follow me closely and do exactly what I say. We can't fail."


The two begin to move stealthily through the dark, dank corridors of the dungeon. It was silent as a graveyard there, and what little noise could be heard, other than the footsteps of the two, was produced by rats and other critters, which probably served as food for the rodents.


Sighing deeply, the girl looked back and smiled at Eluna, just to give her more confidence, but the girl did not return the smile. Instead, she made a confused face.


After a few minutes of climbing a few flights of stairs, the girl with fairy blood in her veins stopped walking.


"What is it?" asked Eluna.


"I'm trying to track the keys, but it's a lot harder than it looks. It's not like they're emanating any energy aura."


"You use magic tracking, then?"


"That's just one of my skills," Shandra replies, failing not to show pride. "Do you know if there is a room around here where they keep that sort of thing? Or maybe some guard who is directly responsible for you?"

Eluna looks around, trying to remember any information that might help. After a moment's thought, she shakes her head.


"I have been kept in different cells and rooms since I was captured. I'm not sure where exactly they would keep the keys, but I know that the guards make regular rounds. Maybe we can find one of them and try to get some information."


Shandra nods, thoughtfully.


"Then we'll have to find a guard and interrogate him discreetly. We'll need a plan."


They continue to explore the dungeon in search of a lone guard or any clues that might lead to the keys.


The corridors are dark and full of alleys, which makes the task even more challenging.


"Where are Sam and Julian?" asks the exiled prince's ex-fiancée impatiently.


"They're upstairs, distracting the others."




"Yes, and so we don't have much time. Let's try to find that key soon."


After some time, they finally spot a guard patrolling a nearby area. He seems to be alone, which could be an opportunity. Behind him is a door. Could that be a shed? A closet?


Shandra approaches Eluna and whispers softly:


"Stay here and watch. I will approach it and knock it down. Then we'll go into the room? Deal?"


"Deal," Eluna replies, softly, totally suspicious.


Shandra silently turns away from Eluna and approaches the guard carefully. She watches his movements for a few moments, waiting for the right moment to act. When the guard turns his back to her and is about to pass through the shed door, Shandra moves forward quickly.


With one agile movement, she hits the guard with a precise blow to the back of the head, causing him to faint instantly. The guard falls to the ground without making a sound, thanks to the well-executed blow.


Shandra then takes the key from the guard's belt and quickly heads for the shed door, indicating for Eluna to follow her.


They enter the shed and find a room full of cabinets and shelves. Shandra begins to rummage through the place in search of the keys to Eluna's chains.


"Come on, come on," grumbles the girl, looking for any indication of objects that would open locks.


After a thorough search, she finally finds a set of keys hanging from a hook on the wall.


"I found it!"


Smiling, the girl takes the bunch of keys and begins testing one by one on the shackles that kept Eluna totally bound.


"Well, well, well."


That voice was not Eluna's. Nor was it coming from her lips.


It was coming from the door of the shed, which was open, and with a tall silhouette against the light of the torches.


A cruel smile formed on the face of the burly man, very tall and apparently ready to spill blood.


"I knew it."

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