
Chapter 5: Seducing Bobby

Tiffie woke up earlier than Bobby. She sat beside him in the sofa bed. Then, she can’t help herself but to stare at him sleeping innocently. It was already 12 in the midnight when he arrived at their home. Curiosity went through her veins. Slowly, she climbed herself on the top of him. Their lips were only centimeters away. She could smell the alcohol mixed with his breath. Her eyes widened when his arms wrapped around her. It made her to lost her balance and her head landed to his chest. She could hear his heartbeat. She wondered if it was beating for her.

“Tiff?” He cleared his throat. “Why are you here?”

Tiffie blinked her eyes and shoved him away. “Good morning, Bobby. I have to do some breakfast.” She ran towards the kitchen.

Tiffie took the apron which was hanging at one of the kitchen counters. Then, she opened her phone and logged into her Pantra account. She turned on the radio and put her phone in the phone holder before she started to prepare for the ingredients. Next, she cracked the eggs and whipped them in the bowl. She saw Bobby walked inside while yawning. He stretched his arms and saw her. She hid the bowl behind her but still Bobby managed to catch her.

“That’s not the proper way to do it.” He snatched the bowl and whisk from her. Then, he slowly whisked it in the figure-eight motion.

“Oops.” Tiffie bit her lower lip as she quickly pushed the pause button in her phone. “I’m trying to do some magic just like you are doing in my kitchen.” After that, she opened the flour mix and sneezed. The flour mix fell to the floor. “Oh no…” She tried to pick the remaining flour mix. Her slipper slipped that made her lost her balance. Good thing, Bobby caught her with his broad arms. Her right leg raised up. They stared at each other as they remained in that kind of position for a minute.

Bobby wrapped his arms around her waist. Then, he gently pulled her towards him. Her head safely landed to his broad chest. Tiffie glanced at him and he gave her a quick smile. He leaned his head down. One of his fingers playfully winded a strand of Tiffie’s coffee-brown hair around it. His lips went near her. Tiffie closed her eyes as she opened her mouth to say something. She wanted to get off him but her legs began to tremble. Bobby didn’t give her a chance to utter any word. He claimed her lips. It was gentle at first but the fire was ignited within his eyes. They kissed slowly and deliberately, lost in a bubble of time. Tiffie gave in to the sweet sensation as she kissed him back. The raging fire between them was cut out short when they heard the bell rang coming from the oven. The croissants were ready to serve. Bobby removed his arms from her and hurriedly put on his mittens to get it.

Tiffie sighed as she sat at the vacant chair. She watched him carefully put it the croissants in the clean plate. Then, he drizzled it with chocolate syrup before he placed it on the table. Tiffie didn’t waste any time. She grabbed the fork and asked Bobby to take a bite. Of course, Bobby was little bit lost into his thoughts before he gave in to her wish.

“If you’re a food, what you would be?” He ate the rest of the croissant. “Except for a croissant.”

“I think I will be a slice of cake with a cherry on top. Probably, it’s a black forest flavor.” She took another croissant and sliced it in half. “Because I’m a popular and special.”

“Of course, you are special to me.” He playfully patted her head. It made her to slip the fork from her fingers.   

Tiffie’s heart began to pound fast. “I think that I will be in-charge for the coffee instead.”

Tiffie and Bobby remained silent as they took their roles. Bobby finished baking the first batch of croissants while Tiffie carefully wiped off the coffee stains at the side of the mugs. Then, they had a small talk while eating their breakfast. Bobby bid her a goodbye. He needed to go back in Manila to check Café Amore. Tiffie had no choice but to let him do his own business. Plus, she needed to attend a quick meeting which was already planned by her big brother.


It was already eight in the evening. There was no sign of Bobby. Tiffie sat in one of the vacant chairs in the powder room while watching the other girls doing their makeup. Miriam was ironing her hair. Elaine carefully applied the eyeliner in Atalia’s both eyes. Pollyie finished checking the dresses and hanged them in the rack. They stopped what they’re doing when Eriana entered with a new face. She was taller than Pollyie. She was probably 5 foot and six inches when she removed her golden stilettos. Her big breasts were almost revealed because of her blue crotchet top. Good thing, her long jet-black hair covered her nipples.

“Pollyie, can you change the dresses? We need to change it with summer collection instead. Sorry for the short notice.” Then, she whispered something with the guest. “Girls, I want you to meet Miss Andria Sy. She will be Fritz’s partner for this today event since it will be bias if we will include Pollyie. Plus, Pollyie has already created your costumes for the runway.” Then, she walked near Tiffie. “I hope that you’re ready too.”

“Um…” Tiffie grabbed her makeup kit. “I guess that I just put a little press powder.”

“Oh no! That will not do a good trick.” She pointed at Miriam. “Do some magic for Tiffie!” Miriam did not have a chance to argue with her. Then, Eriana led Andria beside Tiffie’s side. “Please take care of her since she will be one of our models for this event. The important guests will arrive soon before the project runway start.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “Five minutes more before the call-time. Do your best to not just to impress. The costumes which you will wear… It will be auctioned tonight and the funds will be given to my designated charity. Plus, the whole new world will see this event because I told my technical crew to put this show live in Pantra.” She had a small talk with Andria before she left them.


The upbeat instrumental music started to play inside the ballroom hall. The models arranged themselves at the backstage. Tiffie was a little bit uncomfortable with her gray striped knot front crop tube. She was amazed when Andria projected herself in the runway wearing a metal black microkini. Her top was tied up behind her neck. Then, Andria finally met Fritz in the middle of the stage while wearing his sexy black leatherette shorts. He took of his cowboy hat and covered the middle part of his pants. Andria clung her left arm at Fritz’s right arm. Tiffie could feel the tension between them when they saw Pollyie looked away.

Tiffie almost slipped off when she’s almost in the middle of the stage. Good thing, she managed to hold her balance. Then, she gracefully removed the white sarong sheer from her waist. It revealed her white high leg bikini bottom. She made a quick turn and her eyes widened when she saw a familiar handsome figure in the front audience. It’s no other than Jake Cooper. She blinked her eyes twice in order to check if she’s in the dreamworld. When she’s about to take a turn, the heel of her stiletto got broke. That made her lost her balance. Luckily, Bobby entered the stage and ran towards her. He’s wearing a leopard jacket that almost revealed his 6-pack abs. His broad shoulders caught her in no time. After that, he wrapped back the sarong sheer around her and carried her away from the stage.

“Wait!” Eriana shouted when they saw them going to the exit. “The show is still on-going on.”

“Let me go!” Tiffie kept on punching Bobby’s chest. But Bobby did not give her a chance to let her go. His grip held her tightly.

“I’m sorry, Eriana.” He glared at Tiffie. “Tiffie and I will go somewhere.”

Eriana didn’t have a choice but to let them go. Bobby let her go when they arrived near the lobby entrance. Without further ado, he gave the helmet to Tiffie and sat on her Vespa.

“Are we going home now?” Tiffie put her arms at the both sides of her waist.

“No.” He started the motor engine. “Hop in or I will leave you here.”

“Better.” Tiffie’s about to turn her back when Bobby pulled her in. She landed to his arms again. They remained that way for two minutes. “Fine, but you better treat me good food.” She pushed him at her back. “Hold on tight.” Then, she pulled up the center stand and twisted the hand grip. She could feel Bobby’s arms wrapped to her waist. His sweet masculine scent made her sniffled a bit. She tried to hold her breath to avoid sneezing.

“Where do you want to go, Tiffie?” Bobby asked.


She drove the Vespa motor fast. The wind brought Bobby to lay his head at her upper back. Tiffie fixed the side mirror and took a glimpse at him. It’s the first time for her to be with Bobby on a road trip. She hoped that he will love it. Thirty minutes passed when they arrived at the nearest convenience store. She slowed down her Vespa and parked it in front of the convenience store. After that, she threw the helmet to Bobby and went inside the convenience store. Next, she hid in the chocolate counter. It took a minute for her to decide which chocolate bar she’ll get. Then, she opened the chocolate bar with wafer inside and bit the half of it.

“Is that all?” Bobby appeared.

Tiffie did not answer and continue to munch her food. Then, she grabbed at least two chocolate bars. Her eyes widened when Bobby took the cart from the counter. Then, he put the remaining chocolate bars inside it. Bobby snatched the chocolate bar from her hand. Tiffie tiptoed to take it from him. Because Bobby was taller than her, she could not reach it. She had no choice but to watch him eating the remaining chocolate. It made her angry and kicked his feet. Bobby grabbed her bandeau top. Both of them lost their balance and fell to the ground.

 “Let me…” Tiffie did not have a chance to finish her sentence when Bobby placed his finger in between of her lips to silence her. Both of them felt nervously when they heard two pairs of feet going towards their direction. Then, they heard a loud shriek coming from the counter.

“Jake Cooper!” The cashier shouted. “Is that really you!”

“Of course, it’s really me.” Then, his eyes wondered in every counter. “Do you know where can I get a cup of noodles and cream bread?”

“You don’t need to search for it, sir.” She pulled some strands of her hair and placed it behind her ear. “I’ll get it for you.” She’s about to get the cup of noodles adjacent to the candies section when her pair of eyes saw Tiffie and Bobby’s position. “Teenagers.” She rolled her eyes at them and walked back to the counter.

Tiffie helped Bobby to stand up when they heard someone closed the door. “Since you ate my favorite flavor, you better pay for the remaining chocolate bars.”

Bobby playfully patted her head. “Your wish is my command.” He scratched his head when Tiffie threw four packs of potato chips and a liter of soda. “Promise me that you’ll able to finish these.”

“Yes.” She was about to grab a bottle of yoghurt drink and two packs of sandwich when she saw Jake Cooper pulling out the glass door. “Hurry and kiss me, Bobby.”

“Eh?” He raised his eyebrow. Tiffie did not waste any time. She pulled him near her and quickly pressed her lips to his. Bobby’s eyes widened as his wallet fell to the tiled floor. The cashier rolled her eyes while holding the barcode reader.

Their kiss lasted for a minute. They heard the paper bag fell to the floor. The cup noodles rolled near Bobby’s shoe. Bobby broke the kiss. Tiffie quickly ran to the soft drinks section and hid. Bobby did not have any choice but to help Jake to pick his things up. Then, he stared at him from head to toe. He’s shorter than him and a little bit skinnier. Plus, he had also a growing beard in his face.

The cashier took the receipt and ball pen and gave it to Jake. “Sir Jake, can you give me your signature?” Her eyes turned into innocent puppy.

“Of course.” Jake hurriedly scribbled at the back of the receipt. Then, he gave back the ball pen to her. “Thanks for helping me, bro.” Jake gently tapped his shoulders. After that, Jake handed his wallet and waved at him before he went outside.

“Uhm… how much is the cost of my goodies?”

The cashier sneered as she put all the goods inside the paper bag. “It’s only four hundred and eighty pesos.” Her eyes widened when she checked the front of the receipt. It was the same paper with Jake Cooper’s signature. “I’ll just print another receipt sir.”

“Is Jake gone?” Tiffie popped out of nowhere. Then, she checked every side of the store. “Good thing, that he’s gone.” She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

“Well then.” Bobby got the receipt and put the paper bag into her hands. “You better bring this. Give me the key and I shall drive.” Tiffie glared at him as she placed the Vespa keys to the side pocket of his pants.


They caught in a huge traffic. Tiffie hid her face from his back when they heard the loud thunder coming from the skies. The large raindrops started to pour on top of them. That made their clothes to get soaked wet. It was difficult for them to push through their trip. They decided to check in the nearby resort. Too bad, the resort was in a full-occupancy. The only vacant room was a couple room with jacuzzi. They had no choice but to accept the offer. Silence yearned between them as they entered the room in the second floor. Tiffie shivered because of the cold air coming from the air conditioning machine. Bobby rubbed his both palms and placed it in each side of her cheeks to make her warm. Then, he handed the towel to her.

“How about you?” Tiffie sneezed.

“Don’t worry about me. You need to go in first.” He gently patted her shoulder. Then, he heard her sneezed again. “Go now or you’ll catch some cold.”

“I think that I have a better idea.” Tiffie took his hand and pulled him inside the bathroom. “Perhaps, I want to spice some things a little bit. Shall we?”

Bobby smiled as he opened the door for her. Tiffie hanged the towel in the other side of the shower as Bobby pulled her inside. Tiffie bit her lips when Bobby removed his jacket. She could only see his black underwear. Then, she couldn’t help herself but to glance at his underwear. The bulge was kind of huge inside of it. She felt something prickly when his fingers ran through her arm. Plus, the cold water ran towards their bodies that made her shiver more. Bobby twisted the shower knob in counter-clockwise emotion in order to change the water from cold to warm. Next, he pressed his body against Tiffie. The wall tiles were a little bit cold against Tiffie’s back. In order to make her warm, Bobby wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her near him. Then, his lips started to kiss her neck while the warm water ran onto them. His lips went to hers as he kissed her gently at first. Then, it turned into torrid as the fire ignited between them. Their tongues played smoothly with their mouths as they rubbed their bodies with soap.

“Do you want it?” He whispered in her ear.

“Yes, I couldn’t wait.” She replied.

He kissed her again as he unwrapped the sheer sarong from her waist. Next, he pulled down her white underwear and striped bandeau top, leaving them in a wet tiled floor. Tiffie swallowed hard when he pulled down his underwear. Then, he threw it outside of the shower room. They’re finally naked. Bobby could see Tiffie’s cheeks turning red.

 “I could never get tired of kissing you, Tiff.” He kissed her again. “I can’t wait to brand you as mine.”

“You’re making me blush, Bobby.” She looked away. “My ultimate question is…Do you really like me?”

 “I always do.”

He could hear her soft moan when he squeezed one of her breasts. He pinched and rolled her pink nipples between his fingers. His mouth caught one of her erected pink nipples and his tongue playfully licked her erected pink nipple. After that, he hoisted her legs around his waist. Tiffie could feel his manhood pressing against her opening. He tried to grind force inside it. He thrusted gentle at first. Soon, he thrusted again this time with all of his energy. Tiffie’s sweetest moan filled in the air when she welcomed him inside of her. Within seconds their bodies were intertwined as they danced into the romantically beat until their bodies exploded.

“I love you…Tiffie.” Bobby whispered as he trying to catch his breath.

“Me too.”  Both of them were lost into the ecstatic burning of lustfully pleasure.

Bobby twisted the shower knob to turn it off. Then, they started to wipe their bodies with towel. After that, Bobby carried her towards the bed and continued their lustfully desire.

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