Memories of us, I loved you.

Memories of us, I loved you.

By:  Lydear  Ongoing
Language: English
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The sense of loss that grips Thea's heart when she finds out that all the sacrifices that she has been making for her brother are in vain. The pain of being betrayed by the only person who she could've exchanged her life for nearly paralyzed her. In a foreign land with no one to rely on, Thea only lives for vengeance .A story about unrequited love and strong passion. Thea, finds out that she had been suffering from induced amnesia by her fake parents in an attempt to prevent her from remembering her real parents. Thea can't take the news of her fiance's engagement. More than anything, she wants revenge. The pain of seeing the love of her life marrying another woman fuels her desire for revenge and answers.....

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The ongoing novel is about Betrayal, Revenge, and Humor written by Lydear. Thea is slowly healing from amnesia caused by her adoptive parents. Her life was in turmoil before having amnesia. While she forgets everything, she was unconsciously mistreated and enslaved by her adoptive parents' family and even stealing away her fiance and having him marry her best friend, Penelope. Upon seeing Gael and Penelope together, she seemed to like being ripped off by pretending that she doesn't recognize and remember anything at all. The show would she treat Penelope and Gael now that she is obliged to serve them?

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17 Chapters
Making love
WARNING!! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SOME MATURE CONTENT. Skip if you are not comfortable with it. Thea was in the kitchen preparing Gael's favorite meal. She was busy cooking as she didn't notice his presence until she felt someone hugging her from behind. Her body froze momentarily but she relaxed as she noticed who had hugged her. How could she not notice him? How could she not recognize his touch? How could she not recognize his cologne? The man in question was none other than the love of her life. The man who she fell in love with when she was young. Her every dream was to marry him. Her entire being was dominated by the same man, Gael. What Thea felt for Gael was more than love. She was obsessed with him. She was obsessed with his entire being. From his aura to his coldness. To her, Gael was perfect, her Gael was perfect. "Missed me? " Gael asked as he twirled her to face him.For a minute words were not coming from Thea's mouth. Her mind was not functioning. She was stunned
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I want your........
WARNING: This chapter contains some mature content. Please skip it if, you are not comfortable. " Yes! my love! I want more! " Thea moaned in between words as Gael positioned himself in between her beautiful thighs. Although they had been married for months, he could still not get enough of her. Her sight fascinated him and every day, he was seeing a beautiful side of her. "Your beauty is definitely my weakness! Or should I say that your beauty is my strength?" Gael slapped her rosy lips with his member and Thea was trembling with desire. Pure lust was visible in her eyes and she was obviously getting impatient. She could not wait anymore. While in the position of the four, she inserted her middle finger in her core while smirking devilishly at him to make him jealous and it worked. Gael lost all rationality. His beast had been unleashed and Thea could only have herself to blame. He inserted his huge girth in her core and removed it, teasing and pleasuring her at the same time " S
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As Thea was familiarizing herself with the boat of intense pleasure and satisfaction, as she was sinking deeper into the world of pleasure with her husband, she heard a very annoying and familiar sound......It was a knock on her door. With obvious displeasure written all over her face, her half-closed eyes fluttered open as she surveyed her surrounding. After observing the familiar room for what seemed like ages, she let out a disappointed grunt. She was clearly disappointed. It turned out that she was dreaming. The pleasure and satisfaction that she was experiencing a while ago, were all in her dreams. She was reliving her past life. But this time, she was reliving it in dreams. After thinking about the contents of her dream, Thea felt like slapping herself. She felt silly and embarrassed. But is only fair that way? She had to collect herself and move on with her life. ' You will never learn Thea, will you? When will you ever wake up? Are you that thick-skinned or you are jus
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Penelope Rowen
Heading for the door, obvious displeasure was written all over her face. She knew that her secretary was prepared to nag her and ruin her day. She was not ready for that. Having had those sad memories about her ex-husband, Thea was prepared to take the day off. She was in a sorry state and the last thing she wanted was to be seen by her colleagues like that. She was prepared to give her Secretary a good scolding but what she saw was not what she expected. The person she was prepared to chide was not the one standing at the door. Looking at the person before her, Thea's mouth remained open as the words she wanted to say could not come out........She was more than stunned. Never in her wildest dreams could she have thought of seeing Penelope Rowen, her best friend or it should her ex-best friend for clarity, and memories of their separation came crashing into her already broken heart like a tsunami, and fresh tears streamed down her face, the image that she was trying to salvage a
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Heartless and shameless
Time passed, but no one said anything. Penelope looked like she had been frozen. Apart from their silent cries, nothing else could be heard. Finally, Penelope's expression changed. She looked like she had remembered something. She appeared to have gained some energy and she gave Thea an amused look, from her expression, she seemed to have figured something out. Looking at the smiling and happy Penelope, Thea was scared. Although she didn't know the ideas that were running through Thea's mind, her guts were against them. She was scared. To her, it was like the stillness before the storm.Penelope moved from her couch and sat next to Thea. " You naughty girl. Who permitted you to mess with me? your acting skills are advancing. You are becoming better and better at acting. But today is not April fool's day, so why are you fooling around? why are you lying to me? do you know? when I looked at your face, I was convinced that you were saying the truth. But then, I know you. I know you can
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Penelope was still in love with Gael?
Two years ago.Unbeknownst to Thea, what felt like a silent mental reassurance for herself was audible enough to the already fuming Penelope opposite her. Listening to what Thea was silently saying, a look filled with pity and sympathy crossed her eyes but as she remembered that Thea was responsible for the predicament that Penelope was in, that look was replaced with pure hatred and disgust. Penelope lifted the corner of her lips into a cold and contemptuous sneer and spat to Thea, " You are pathetic. In fact, you are a miserable loser. If it was on a normal day, I could have pitied you but this? This is serious! Other than hatred and malice, I have no other feeling left in my heart for you. I hate you, Thea Daniels. I regret the day I met you. You are an evil cunning witch! You deserve to die. Are you even listening to yourself? If your parents love you as much as you claim, then why do you need reassurance? If they love you as much as you claim, why do they have to be so hard on
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You are a loser!
Two years ago When convincing Penelope proved fruitless, Thea was hopeless and frustrated. She could not believe that she was going to lose her friend just like that. ' I feel like Penne is overreacting. I have already apologized and that too countless times. I have promised to call off the engagement. What else does she want me to do? I think she is being unreasonable.' With a dejected face, Thea left the hotel and drove directly to their mansion. Upon seeing her father's butler standing outside the gate, " Hello uncle John, can I see my father? Is he in his study? It's urgent please let him know that I want to meet him. " Upon hearing what Thea was saying, the butler didn't even spare her a glance he motioned her silently to follow him. At this time, Thea was already used to the way the butler treated her. He never treated her with any respect or love. Sometimes, Thea was confused and she made a mental note to ask him why he hated her so much. But that could always wait. She ha
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Two years ago. True to Thea's words, she secured the business deal within two days but the recognition she expected never came. She could never have expected that she would be ridiculed and abused for the same. Immediately after signing the deal, Thea called her father's butler as she was not allowed to call him directly because her mother was strongly against it. When Thea asked why she was not allowed to address her parents as "dad" and *mom", while her young sister, Sara Daniels was allowed, she was told that she was being groomed to be the future of the family business and they could not spoil her. Without asking questions, Thea believed in their far-fetched theory and she never doubted them. After the butler confirmed that Thea could see her father, she drove her old and pathetic car to Daniels's residence as she was not allowed to live in the family mansion, it was a part of the 'right upbringing'. As Thea was driving, she could not control the happiness that was seeping throu
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Two years ago.Caressing the place where she was hit by her mother, Thea threw a confused look at every one. She couldn't understand what was happening but what confused her the most was why she was slapped because according to her, she had not done anything to warrant a slap or the ridiculing looks that they were giving her. If anything, they were supposed to be worshiping her because if it was not for her, they couldn't be where they were. Thea felt like she was being unjustly treated and although she didn't have the guts to question her parents, she found herself asking anyway. "Why? why are you always treating me like this? am I not your daughter? You promised to introduce me to the world, what happened? after everything that I have done for this family, is this what I get in return? disrespect and disregard? I think I deserve better than this, I was stupid enough to think I was important to you all. I won't be surprised if you tell me I was adopted. " As Thea was complaining, a
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Humiliation and torture.
Present.Thea stared at her used-to-be best friend with shame and guilt. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing could come out. Her mouth had betrayed her at a very critical moment. Looking at Penelope, she looked as beautiful as ever. She had every girl's dream figure. Comparing her disheveled self to Penelope's, she paled up in comparison. She was not as beautiful as she was two years ago when she married Gael Weston. Years of pain and torture had changed her completely. She was not as cheerful and as gullible as she was before either. She was now smart. Deep in those admiring eyes, Thea also had doubts. She didn't know whether she could trust her ex-best friend again. Time would tell. When Thea failed to gain the recognition that she wanted from her family, she was hurt and disappointed. She wanted to sever ties with them. She wanted to be on her own. When her family threatened her with her brother, she had no option but to get married to Gael. Thinking that from that day on,
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