
Mated to Alpha Xander
Mated to Alpha Xander
Penulis: flawlessforhim


It was a sunny day. The clouds had gathered earlier in the morning and Olivia thought it was going to rain, that’s why she stayed home. But later on, when the clouds cleared, Olivia zoomed out of the house, not looking back at her mother who shouted at her to come back and take her allergy medicines. 

She made a bee-line for Lucy’s house, which had become her safe space,away from her parents. They weren’t abusing her or anything, she just needed to clear her head sometimes and being around Lucy did it for her. Although, for the past few weeks, the duo really hadn’t spent much time together due to Lucy’s parents having marital issues and their constant arguments having a mental strain on Lucy.. 

Olivia tried to break through her best friend’s shell but Lucy was adamant on being alone and Olivia respected that. It had been two weeks since they last spoke so she was really surprised when she got a call from her best friend asking to spend the afternoon together. Olivia knocked on the door with excitement. Her smile toned down a bit when Lucy’s mother came to the door and invited her in. 

“No thank you, ma’am. I’ll just wait for her here.” Olive wanted to stay out of the house, at least, until the tension died out. 

Lucy came dashing through the door and the both of them made their way to the field, away from all the drama going on in their lives. They set their cloth on the ground and laid the food on it 

“I’m so glad to be out of that house. It was so suffocating.” Lucy stared straight ahead, lost in thought. 

“It’s okay” Olivia could see the pain in her eyes “I missed you. I missed my best friend.” 

Lucy didn’t want to talk about what had gone on in those two weeks, the things she heard. Her parents had managed to drag her to the center of every fight and she didn’t want to be a part of it. She was just twenty-one. Maybe she shouldn't have turned down going to college. 

“Hey” Olivia shook her “ Stop thinking about it. Come on, let's talk about something else."

“Yes! Like your birthday! Do you have any plans in mind? We have to plan for a very big party!" 

Olivia smiled as she thought about it. She had been looking forward to this day because she would eventually find her mate. 

“I just hope I end up with someone who's very nice to me." 

Lucy scoffed. 

“Hopefully, you don't end up like my parents." 

Olivia looked at her friend in pity. She could see that her friend was suffering dearly but she didn't want open wounds that were about to be closed. 

“Should we be worried about that?” Lucy asked, slowly getting up and pointing behind Olivia. 

Olivia followed her hand and turned to look at what Lucy was pointing at. Olivia could see men running towards her and Lucy. They weren’t far off and something in Olivia’s gut told her that they were dangerous. The same thing told her to run but she couldn’t. She froze but Lucy was there to drag her so they could run. Olivia ran past Lucy and pulled her best friend as they both tried to get to safety before these men caught up with them. 

She looked behind her and somehow, htye were even closer than they werebefore. 

“Lucy, we have to hurry up. They’re getting closer.” Olvia was worried about her best friend and she could see the fatigue starting to set in and she knew they had to stop unless something bad would happen. Lucy was slowing down and it would be better if she gave up. It would be better if she never went back then for her to leave her best friend here at the mercy of these men who she didn’t know. 

She stopped running and Lucy dropped to the ground. Lucy was a human and running had triggered her asthma. She pulled the inhaler out of Lucy’s bra, she has forced Lucy to start keeping it there in case of emergencies. She brought it out and shoved it into Lucy’s hand, guiding it to meet her lips. Lucy took deep breaths as thoughts crossed her mind. 

She was now in deep trouble and she didn’t know if these men were going to kill the both of them. They looked scary, they held no weapons and there were six of them. They stopped right behind Olivia and she turned back to look at Lucy who was beginning to panic again. 

“We really should have picniced somewhere closer to home. My mum's going to kill us.” She whispered. 

Olivia wasn't scared and neither was Lucy. She was a strong and brave young woman and that had been the only things she had held on to. Her mother was going to kill her for getting kidnapped though. 

“Get up girl. What was the use of running?” The bald and buff man dragged her upper arm and she snatched it away from him and gave him a look. 

“Can’t you see she can’t breathe or are you just blind as well as dumb?”

Olivia expected some type of retaliation but not a punch. A slap, maybe. The blow almost knocked her out and Olivia could see Lucy hovering over her, waving her hand. She was lifted up from the ground by her upper arm, the flesh hurting as she looked at him. 

“Let’s go meet your master, bitch.” The bald man was so close to her face his breath smelled of alcohol and tobacco. She could see the dirt up his nose as he hovered over her, trying to scare her. Olivia hated people invading her personal space; she took the opportunity to spit on him. He grunted loudly and pushed her to the floor. Lucy helped to break her fall and the latter gave her a look that said she has messed up again. They were in deep trouble.

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