
Take Me Home

Riele's POV

Once I got home, I was so tired. 'Ella sure can tire someone out, especially when it comes to shopping. I'm surprised I'm still alive after all that' I thought, shaking my head while smiling lightly. It was stressful but worth it.

I took off my shoes then went up to my room to place them on the shoe rack next to the door. I dropped all the shopping bags I had on my bed. "I'll arrange these first before taking a shower or should I eat first, then shower or... Argh!" I growled. "Look at me talking to myself. Just shut up! Don't reply yourself! Argh!" I hit my head forgetting to use my other hand without my phone in it. A stinging pain started to form. "Why is my life like this?" I cry out.

Deciding to arrange first, I set off to work. But first, I went to my mp3 player, connected my phone to it and began playing some songs. I dumped the content of the first bag on the bed and began putting them in various places.

I danced to the song being played for a while before I got tired of dancing and decided to sing along. *Shake It Off by Taylor Swift* was on. "I'll shake it off, shake it off. I-I-I'll shake it o-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing. 'Really' I sighed. "I hope it isn't a business call" I silently prayed. 

There were a few times I get called from work to come to handle some things very late. We run the company 24/7. Now you know why I'm always stressed out. I got to my ringing phone, looked at the caller id and furrowed my brows in confusion "Ella?" I said as confusion engulfed me. 

I picked up the call "Ella, why are you calling? I just dropped you off. Is something wrong? Is the house on fire? I told you not to take your laptop close to your cooker. Were you kidnapped? Oh no, you took too many clothes, maybe that's what they want. Were you hit by a car? Well, that's impossible since I made sure you were in your house before I left. Are you dead? Talk to me!" I ranted, panicking a little.

Ella was anything but careful. The last time she called this late, she burnt her room because she forgot to turn off the hairdryer as she accidentally poured orange juice on it. The spark caught a cloth and... you know what happened next.

"First, you have to breathe." she said slowly and carefully.

I nodded before breathing in and out "I'm good." I announced

"Secondly, if I was dead, how would I have been able to call you?" Ella asked.

"Oh, yeah." I said, embarrassed as I thought through what I had said.

"Finally, I got something right for once." Ella yelled triumphantly, making me cringe. I had to pull the phone away from my ear before she damaged my eardrums.

"Will you quit yelling?" I demanded in annoyance. Sometimes I wondered why she acts like a 12-year-old but when she was 12 she acted like a grown-up, it's really weird and complicated.

"Oh yeah, sorry." she apologised.

"Why did you call me?" I asked, placing the phone in such a way that it was between my shoulder and ear, supporting the phone from falling as I picked up another dress to place in my closet.

I sighed 'Another short gown added to my collection' I thought, looking at the gown in my hands. Its blouse was black with short sleeves while the skirt was floral printed with a white background.

"I completely forgot. I wanted to remind you to call your boyfriend before you sleep tonight... Or morning might I say." she said, confused at the latter of her statement. I could hear shuffling at the other side of the call, which meant that she was either raiding the kitchen for food or she was about to sleep. 

"Really Ella?! That's why you called?" I facepalmed. Then the realisation hit my face "Wait, I don't have a boyfriend?" I said, finally done with the numerous bags I was organising. I sat on my bed, waiting impatiently for her response.

"Of course you do. The guy at the mall. " she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ella, you know I have work tomorrow. Do you think I'll worry about calling a guy right now instead of taking a good night sleep? And need I remind you, I know nothing about him." I said, trying to reason with her.

Putting the phone on speaker, I placed it on the bed not far away from me as I stripped myself, preparing to take a warm bath after such a stressful day.

"I guess you're right." she said thoughtfully. I hummed in response "At least call him, tomorrow. You don't know, maybe he could be your prince charming." she said. I could almost imagine her pouting as she said that.

"Yeah OK, maybe tomo-" I glanced at the clock on the wall "Or today I guess" I blew out as the time read 12:30 am. I quickly did the calculations before breathing out, '6hrs 30mins left'

"Alright. Good night... Or Morning" she said still confused if it was right to say morning or night in this situation.

"It's good night El" I said laughing at her stupidity.

"I know you're making fun of me. Laugh while it last" she said but she couldn't help but join in, laughing with me. 

"Bye" I said hanging up. 'Now for a hot bath', I thought dreamily. I went to the toilet on the other side of the room; Once in, I turned on the tap to fill up the tub. I went up to the cabinet, brought out my brush and paste before washing my teeth. Once I was done brushing, I turned off the tap since the tub was full to the brim.

I added my coconut and vanilla-scented body wash then got in making a little amount of water spill on the floor. The water was warm but a little hot, exactly what I needed to relax my muscles. I sighed then went deeper into the water, now the water covered my entire body except my eyes and part of my hair. 

Once I couldn't hold my breath any longer, I sat up and began to wash my body. I added some shampoo to my hair and scrubbed it. Once I was done, I put on my bathrobe and cleaned the water that spilt on the floor to prevent anyone from slipping then I ventured back into my room.

I sat in front of my vanity which had all my body care products on which were all from my company. I grabbed my coconut-scented lotion and applied it to my body.

I tied my hair up in a bun then walked over to my walk-in closet before grabbing my nightdress which consisted of a white gown that reached a little bit below my knees, with the word *Smile* written on it.

"Take me home." I said before jumping on the bed.

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