Mackayla’s Story

Mackayla’s Story

By:  Carol Lewis  Completed
Language: English
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Mackayla has had a few trials in her life already and moves to Texas to live with her uncle. She finds friendships and falls in love with Blake who has also had some trials. They undergo some more trials both separately and together which scares Mackayla and she runs again but is that the whole story

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37 Chapters
Mackayla was sitting on a chair reading her book, Brenda Mackayla's 15 month old daughter was dozing in her stroller. "Sorry I am late" said a deep voice behind her as a hand touched her shoulder. Mackayla stood up, turned around and smiled at her Uncle Leon. "It’s okay" she said as she hugged him. "Who might be you be?" Mackayla smiled at the young girl holding Leon's hand. "I'm your cousin Aerina silly" the girl replied with a giggle. They had spoken on the phone a few days before while Mackayla and Uncle Leon were finalizing things. "And this is Brenda" Mackayla said as her daughter woke up with a small giggle. The two girls smiled at each other "hi" said Brenda. "How was your trip down" Leon asked? "Long but pretty nice" replied Mackayla. "Sammy here yet" she asked? "Arrived this morning and your cousin is already enthralled with her" he replied. Aerina giggled and smiled "she's so cute." They loaded the bags into the back of the blue truck that Leon was driving. "Would y
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As they walked into Tonio,s Mackayla sighed as the cooler air hit her, then smiled at the decor of the little restaurant. "I see why you like this place reminds me of Maxine's." Leon smiled and nodded at Mackayla, Maxine's had been the families favorite stomping ground for a while. "You still go there?” "Occasionally Mom, I and the girls will go but Dad won't." Leon frowned "I am sorry I never meant for any of that stuff to happen much less in such a public place." "It’s okay Uncle, Mom and I forgave you a long time ago." Leon smiled and hugged his niece as the waitress came up to seat them. As they sat at the booth in the corner the waitress introduced herself. "Hi I am Debborah. What may I get you to drink" she asked with a smile at the two little girls, winked at Leon, and gave Mackayla a grin. "Can I get a chocimi Shake Daddy?" Leon nodded "go ahead order whatever you would like. I'll take my usual Debbie." "What's a chocimi shake" asked Mackayla? "It's chocolate, cinnamo
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They were sitting on chairs in the backyard chatting Mackayla watching as Brenda sat and pulled the grass out. She felt her body stir and caught a whiff of the same scent as earlier and saw a pair of black snake-skinned cowboy boots enter her line of view, slowly looked up sighing as her gaze took in the long lean legs and nice hips, encased in blue washed out denim shorts, a washboard stomach, broad chest and muscular arms and shoulders and a pair of green eyes with small silver specks. She felt a strange pull in her abdomen and a soft smile curved full lips as Blake offered her a bottle of soda. "I think we got off on the wrong foot this afternoon I apologize. My only excuse is I have been having a difficult weekend but that's really no excuse. May I join you?" She nodded and heard a few soft sighs one her own as Blake lowered his long frame into a folding chair next to Mackayla. After a little bit William came out to start the grill, he smiled at Mackayla as he passed her, the
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Mackayla walked them to the door, Brenda whimpered a tiny bit and the others waved then they were gone. Mackayla sighed and walked back into the apartment she again pulled out her laptop and settled at the table where she started up her music program and checked her email. Almost immediately she began thinking about her life in the past few years and her mood darkened. Her body trembled with rage as she got up and threw her mouse across the room and cursed loudly in a few different languages. She went to her room and threw herself across the bed and screamed, punched and kicked till she started crying for everything she had lost. Her back began to spasm, and she slide off the bed and fell a few times before she reached the bathroom and fumbled for her meds. She shook out a handful and stood there debating a few seconds she barely heard the doorbell ring and her phone went off but she honestly didn't really care. Don't you dare she heard a voice in head say, so she put the meds back
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A few minutes later Blake heard the excited and welcoming barks of Maggies and puppies smiling as he heard Mackayla say in awe "ohh they are so beautiful and sweet. Why are they penned up?" "Debbie and Chuck are both allergic to dogs." "Mama com to" Brenda cried a few tears running down her cheeks as she ran to her. She knelt to sweep her daughter up and smiled as she looked to see Carson had followed after her daughter her breath caught as she took in his semi-undressed state. He had long lean legs encased in black swim shorts that ended just below his knees. His calves were well shaped, he was shirtless and he had a long tapered chest and a six-pack and some unique tattoos. He was smiling and wearing sunglasses "com to Car?" "No I was just bringing you to mama. "K, Aggs comin" as Sasha walked her out of the pen. "Mackayla met Maggies" Carson lowered his glasses, his eyes almost complete changing watching with raised eyebrows and a low wolf-whistle as she turned and bent to str
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Carson got up from the chair and took the stuff and stretched the pad out on the couch beside Blake as he picked up the little girl up and laid her down. She laid perfectly and lifted her bottom while Carson cleaned her up she laughed when Blake tickled the bottom of her feet. Then Carson deftly slid the new diaper under her and secured the tapes. "Traitor you never lay that still for me" both men chuckled and Brenda broke out in giggles. "It's all about distraction" Leon said walking out a few seconds later. "Sorry didn't mean to wake you up Uncle." "No its okay wasn't really sleeping." They all laughed. They all talked for a bit more before Carson and Blake said that they really ought to be getting back, and got up and Leon walked them to their bikes. A few minutes later Mackayla heard the roar of the engines then Leon came back in, she was sitting on the couch with her laptop open and Brenda was beside her watching cartoons on the television. He sat down in the armchair and
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They said good night just as she hung up Carson walked in. "Ladies did you want some warm milk?" "Sure." "Blake says you are gonna need a new faucet (a deep chuckle and Mackayla shuttered a bit) some point in time. The inside is rusted which causes it to stick, he and I took care of the kitchen. Sasha will you stay or did ya want Blake or me to?" Mackayla sat kind of stunned this was the first time she had seen Carson like this. "I can't I was just home for a quick cat nap, then a nice hot shower cause I have to be back at mid-night." Blake walked in at that point with two coffee cups Mackayla studied him through lowered lashes her body still a quiver. "I recall you mentioning that but it must of slipped my mind in all the excitement (a bold faced lie). Plus don't you think Mackayla should have some say in this." "Of course." Blake set the coffee cups down on the table having a feeling they were in for a bit of a fuss. If she was anything like Leon he knew she would be stu
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Sasha sat on the couch knitting Leon sat in the armchair reading his eBook,Mackayla worked on her laptop and Brenda sat on the floor playing with her toys. Mackayla was thinking about the charity event that Blake had asked her about the other day wondering if the invitation was still open. She was also still debating on all the things she'd heard about him where good mostly and that was drastically different from what she had heard before she started with her ex. The only thing that was the same was the temper part. She was mostly decided but she would have to ask Blake about a few things before she made her final decision that was if she was still able to go. Leon got up "can I get anybody anything to drink or eat?" "Appie." "Yeah that sounds good." "Three apple juices and some apple slices coming up." Brenda toddled to the corner where Leon's guitar sat she brought it over to her mama "pay me peas." "Let's wait till Uncle comes back and see what he says.” Sasha said "I didn't
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Saturday at 9 am Carson came to pick up Brenda per Mackayla's call. Leon and she had talk for a bit after he had come back and agreed that it would be good for her to spend today at the ranch. So when Leon had gone home this morning to take a shower and shave and grab some things for Mackayla he had repacked Brenda's diaper bag with her bathing suit. He handed her some pictures "these are the pictures from the first swim and horse ride. Blake wanted me to tell you again how sorry he is about what happened. And I add my apology to" he squeezed her hand before he brought it to his lips and kissed it. She smiled "it's all right. Okay Brenda you be a good girl love you." "Uve ou Mama" she blew a raspberry as Carson put her on his shoulders and they waved goodbye. Debbie and her sister Katherine showed up at about 10 just as the new nurse was finishing up. They stayed to talk for a bit at one the doctor came in to check her ankle, "looks like we can cast it and send you home a bit lat
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So they drove to back to town Brenda was really upset and Mackayla hurt pretty bad too so Debbie led her to the bedroom. Chuck said "sorry dude I didn't want to ruin your evening but Debbie was getting really bad." "No worries it happens I know. I have been in that situation a time or two myself." Chuck opened the refrigerator "wanna beer they might be awhile." "Sure." Back in the bedroom as Mackayla settled Brenda down a bit before she let her nurse. "I'm so sorry Mackayla I got really anxious but I swear we tried everything." "It’s okay it was a nice distraction before it ended." "It don't have to end why don't you take him back to the apartment after you get the baby taken care of." "I thought you were gonna come spend the night with me? Don't you want to?" "Of course but after all the crying and worrying I am pretty bushed and got a bit of a headache." "I'm sorry did she overtax you." "Oh no not Brenda the puppy we call her Pink. I swear at one point she was out crying t
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