
Chapter Forty Three

As Don was taken away, Evelyn felt a swirl of conflicting emotions. Part of her was relieved that he had been arrested. But another part was worried that he might escape yet again - so she wondered why he was kept alive and not executed on the spot.

Surprised by her unusual thoughts of violence, she brushed them from her mind. She was a doctor and wasn't supposed to think like that. A wave of shame washed over her.

Evelyn turned to Rebecca. "Are you alright?" She asked once again.

Rebecca sighed. "Yes, I'm okay. I'm just confused..."

"About what?" Evelyn prodded gently. She knew something was amiss, though she still couldn't understand the confrontation between Rebecca and Don over Victor.

Rebecca looked at her friend, unsure how to explain her discovery about Victor. "He - he is human."

"What? Who is?" Evelyn's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Victor," Rebecca elaborated, her voice wavering. "He wasn't wearing his ring when they wheeled him outside. I tried to stop them from taking him
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