


"No, please," I try to tell Celeste, but she's no longer listening to me. "Celeste!"

It's already too late. She presses the button of the intercom and ends her call. No more than a few minutes later, Duke Jared and Duchess Elena are already in the kitchens, dressed to the nines and wearing matching confused expressions.

They go to their daughter who is faking a fit of distress. She hugs her father and says, "Dad, I think Meredith took one of my cupcakes."

I'm so nervous I can't even say anything. I feel like if I open my mouth, I'm going to end up in tears.

Duke Jared peers at my face. "Well, Meredith? Did you take it?"

"No," I stammer, twisting my hands. "My dad gave it to me. It's. . . it's also my birthday, sir."

"I know," he answers shortly, sharing a glance with his wife before looking down at his daughter. "Well, it seems like there's no need to worry here, darling. Meredith is also celebrating her birthday so her dad has to give her a little gift."

Duke Jared and Duchess Elena have always been good people, which is kind of a wonder why they ended up with such a bad daughter. She always did this to me, getting me in trouble and making sure I get seen by my mom who hates me. Her parents, whenever they are present, always try to pacify the situation and be fair to me even though they’re part of this secret elite society.

"You may go now," Duchess Elena says, reaching out to pat my hand. "I will call the others to take over here. Try to enjoy your day."

I can only nod. I feel like I'm floating with all the embarrassment flowing in my body. I just take the cupcake and run straight to my room in the maid's quarters, careful not to run into my mom. The moment I close the window behind my back, the tears come out.

* * *

The next morning, I get woken up by a harsh voice and a heavy poke on my head.

"Wake up! We're tasked to be servers for the ball at the Lycan King’s Mansion."

"Hmm," I groan, trying to turn to my side but I receive another poke, with more conviction this time. "Ow!"

"Get up!"

That's Mom, I realize. Of course. Who else would be serving me head bumps and screams in the morning?

I open my eyes and sit up. It's still dark outside, and the clock on the wall tells me that it's only four o'clock in the morning. I swing my legs off the bed and click the old lamp on, only to find Mom still in my room, rummaging through my moldy cabinet.

"Mom, what are you looking for?" I ask, coming to help her. "I can find it--"

"You have no decent clothes!" she hisses exasperatedly as though this is still a surprise. Of course I have no decent clothes. Doesn't she know I sew some of the holes that keep appearing every day? "And it's such a fancy occasion. You can't go there looking like a rag.”

I don't answer. I don't know what to say.

"Come!" Mom motions to me and leaves the room as I trail after her. We go to the common area of the maid's quarters and she impatiently pushes me down on a chair. "Now, this is a big event. We will be part of the service system in the Antonov Castle, where the Crowning Ceremony will take place. Do you know what that is?"

"Yeah," I say shortly. When she just looks at me expectantly, I straighten up and continue, "It's where the next Lycan King of the Raven Solstice Kingdom would be chosen, and candidates must duel to get the title."

"Yes, and we as servers must conduct ourselves so as not to mess up that occasion."

I just nod, blinking to let my eyes adjust to the bright lights. To be honest I don’t know why the Princes have to beat each other up to get the title, and I don’t know why they’re called ‘Lycans’ either.

All I know is that it must be a gig for the rich people, because I have been in school and they never taught us that. We as servants just go with it.

As Mom tries to spruce me up, I notice that she herself is wearing a beige dress, simple but cleaner and more well-made than anything I've ever seen her wear. I don’t know why we have to bother looking presentable when the duel is a private match that only the elites could witness.

She continues to talk about the limits of servants and whatnot (as if I already don't know). I just sit there pretending to listen, but then Dad shows up with a huge sack with Celeste behind him.

"Good day," she tells us. "Here are the old clothes that you might use, Meredith."

She looked smug as she said that. Typical. But I just force a smile and say, "Thank you, Miss Celeste."

"You are coming to the Ceremony, Miss?" Mom asks her, and I can't help noticing a soft smile on her face.

Celeste smiles back. "Yeah. Who knows, I might find my mate there. It might be one of the Lycan Princes."

“What’s a mate?” I ask, and Celeste looks at me with disgust before leaving with Mom at her tail.

Dad stays behind to help me look at the clothes. There are so many. A lot of them are old and definitely not my size, but they're all pretty fancy. In the end I choose a black flapper dress because it's the only thing that fits me. And I'm pretty sure it's the only fancy thing I will ever have.

I glance at myself in the mirror and decide that this is probably the best I'll look too.

"You look great," Dad tells me encouragingly. "And for your information, a mate means a partner. Who knows, you might find a partner in the party too."

I have to admit, that makes me excited more than anything else. In fact I almost forgot that we are supposed to be just servants at the Antonov Castle. I keep thinking about stumbling into a man who will take me away from all of this and just . . . love me forever.

By the time we get to the Castle, the occasion is nearly in full swing. The house is massive, maybe even bigger than the Carrington Manor. There are gold decorations everywhere, especially in the ballroom where the actual Ceremony will be held.

Once there, I get ushered into the kitchens by Mom, who seems to be in a better mood. Dad pushes a golden tray of drinks in my hand and guides me to the door leading outside of the kitchen. “The match is already starting, so make sure to serve only the ones in the garden. Avoid the ballroom at all costs.”

I nod and smile, ready for duty. “Of course!”

But before I can get through the door, Mom suddenly appears, stopping me and grabbing the tray from my hands. "What are you doing?"

I almost stagger forward with her force. "I was about to serve drinks--"

“No,” she mutters with an angry smirk. “Remember how you almost messed up Miss Celeste’s birthday? Well now I can’t trust you to go outside. You will be in the kitchen all night.”

My mouth falls open. “But why? Why would you dress me this way if I’m supposed to be at the back?”

Instead of answering, Mom grabs my face and squeezes my jaw so hard I shed tears. “Don’t test me. I swear to god, I will kill you, Meredith.”

This is not the first time that Mom has ever threatened my life, but for some reason, this hits harder than ever.

Fear floods my system and I could feel myself shifting into a strange trance. Strength surges in my veins, and suddenly I find myself pushing her off me with a force so strong she gets slammed against the wall. I can see the sheer shock on her face, changing into pure anger as she tries to get up and seize me.

But without hesitation, I burst out of the kitchen and into the gardens, straight to the castle and into the ballroom.

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