
Chapter 87: "You just have to say the word."

Caelum’s face is scrunched in a light frown when he watches the video, but I notice there’s nothing foul about the frown.

He looks conflicted, like he’s trying to decide on something and he can’t, so he’s keeping quiet about it. Mulling over it again and again in his thoughts.

I feel a surge of worry and concern go through me and I speak without thinking about it any longer,

“If you’re worried about the weapons and your identity, I'm sure we can find a way to get the video pulled down.

I can.

I can find a way to help with that. This video is only up because you came to save me, and I don't want that to affect you.”

I realize how sappy I sound and some rebellious spirit in me lets out a barf sound, nope, it’s Alora. I shoot her a glare, and she looks away as she chuckles, but I feel Caelum’s gaze accurately on me. I feel the intensity of it, the moment it alights on me, and I feel the emotion that courses through it, his gaze bathes me in a subtle heat, like sunlight.

And through it,
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