

Hi wonderful readers.

First of all, I’d like to say thank you for reading so much and so far. Thank you for the time invested into this book.

Without you, nothing would have been possible, so thank you for that.

We have come to the end, and while it is a bit abrupt, I’d like to clarify some things.

The book is already at 290 thousand plus words, I was really worried about its readability because anything longer would probably scare readers off. I don’t know how everything usually operates because I am a mildly new author on the platform and this is my first completed book, but it felt like Luna Scarlett was getting long, and if I was to go further into settling some other points in the story….. It’d have been way longer.

Now to pick up some of the points I left unfilled in the story (Without giving any spoilers of course.)

(Okay, maybe one spoiler, or two  :)

The fact that Hunter’s mother killed Oliver: I’d say this would have led into a whole other story, and it will, it’s basically a foreshadowing for a story, maybe Hunter’s? I don’t know at the moment, but that’s what I planned it to be.

Hunter is a complex character. We saw him change a bit in the continuation of the book, and now we also know Diane is going to leave him, even after giving birth to his twins. Scarlett accused him of once feeling something for Oliver, but we know from his interactions with those around him that Hunter has been nothing but vicious and has probably never felt love for anyone really.

I’ll leave you to speculate on how Oliver’s death comes into play here. Maybe it was a major event into making him who he became, or maybe it didn’t matter at all. Go wild people : )

What really happened to Danis? Hehe :) Danis… is going to make a comeback. We have a lot of characters who haven’t gotten their happily ever afters but who obviously deserve them and Danis is one of them. Fen is also another. That mage too. And remember I didn’t say anything about who Priam’s mate really is?

Those are going to be the basic plots of the book I plan to write on them and some new characters in fresh tropes. The next books I plan to write would be almost zero about Scarlett and Roman, but the other characters, that is if you’ll all be here for me when I do write it. I feel it’s going to be nice.

Who is the mysterious mage? It could be anybody. You’ll just have to read and find out :) The thing is though, my writing is still evolving, and I know I have way more to go before reaching a genuinely remarkable stage, but I love doing one thing, and that’s making every event be a shadow to something bigger. The mysterious mage’s identity will be revealed but I’m sure you could figure it out.

What about Fen? (sobs and sighs as I bite my lips in nervousness): This will be the spoiler. Fen was meant to be that strange invisible flame of fire thing Maya can summon. If you remember at the beginning of the book, Scarlett said there was something different about Fen and his lineage, how she thought wolves of his kind had died out. Fen is a hybrid. Half wolf - half what I’ll call guardian for now. Maya cried so heavily when he was banished because he had formed a bond with her. He was to her, a friend who her parents trusted explicitly, and who had supported her a lot when her mum was going through different stages of her life. Fen and Danis meant a lot to Maya. Danis’s loss to her was cushioned somehow, but we don’t know if he told her before this that he would be leaving because she didn’t react to it. Fen’s leaving was really abrupt, and Maya is to Fen, a young girl, like his young girls who were killed in the attack on the pack.

Fen having an affair with Elara, was just to give him a bit more flesh. He’s not a golden boy, I feel I had given him that image.  Maya was meant to call him back to the pack when they were attacked in the woods, some sort of brief apology happens, he becomes badass, things like that. I had to shorten it because of the wordcount, but it’s a new concept, and who can think of how this guardian bond might play out when Maya is now a full-grown woman :)

Axios being both Hunter and Fen’s son: We now know Elara was actually the daughter of a rival always bent on destroying  Roman’s family now and taking back the Alpha leadership of the Ironclaw pack. Elara was wildly brilliant, but she never loved Roman and she was possibly never going to. I don’t think she loved Axios, not as she should have. He was a product of her picking apart specific gene traits in people, and maybe she also knew about Fen’s hybrid heritage. She planned to make a supreme wolf of a child, then watch him grow, and later pick those genes off him, and transplant it to her brother. We know she tried to do it directly once, with Roman, but it only worked partially because her brother was still subject to the other side of Roman’s wolf when Roman finally accepted that part of himself. Axios bearing strands of DNA from both Hunter and Fen shows us why he can develop some of the abilities he will later, even though he’s Hunter’s son and Hunter doesn’t have any specific special abilities.

Who is the Alpha King? Is it Scarlett’s newborn son? My answer will be, let’s wait to see who the mark will pop up on next. Selene’s mark has moved on to its next bearer, and we all know who the Alpha king was originally meant to be. He just couldn’t be because of the reason I stated in the book. Too much blood on his hands. Therefore we can say there are certain criteria for being the Alpha King, unspoken rules of a sort. Let’s see if Scarlett’s newborn son, a child who will have so much controversy around him, can be the next Alpha King.

(Extra) Who was that child Elara was with in the woods? Scarlett had a vision of a child in Elara’s arms. Who is that child? A secret baby between her and someone else? Or a stolen child?

All these and more will be handled in a next book, and this time, I really hope I can do a lot better for you all.

For now, check out Luna Sophia’s Retribution: ) It’s really good, with a new kind of ML. A breath of fresh air if you will, and trust me to input the twists and turns (●''●)

Thank you all for reading Luna Scarlett. I love to see your comments, though they can be a bit harsh sometimes, lol.

Let’s finish Luna Sophia together, then I’ll revisit the continuation of Scarlett’s world in new fresh books with your favorite tropes being the center stage for loads of drama, conflict, heartbreak, and of course, love. There’s still a lot of hot sizzling romance we haven’t witnessed!

Love you all. You can leave your comments here. I’ll view them and respond to them as soon as possible.

Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
well done author we look forward to you starting their stories
goodnovel comment avatar
he is going to struggle if he becomes Maya's mate
goodnovel comment avatar
I think you did just fine, yes sometimes a little confusing but as you said you’re a new writer… I’m a book/novel junky…. Keep up the good work, you’ll only get better. I look forward to seeing more on your characters from “ Luna Scarlet “

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