
Chapter 3: Meet Ryan Gonzalez again

This is a large office room. It is designed with the main color tone being black and gray. There was a faint scent of peppermint oil in the air. Pure and cool. In the middle of the room are a large sofa set and a tea table made of black marble with gold motifs. Not far away is a desk. Ryan Gonzalez is burying his head in a pile of papers. But that did not detract from his aura.

"Oldest brother."

Louis spoke up. His face showed a smile. Ryan stops working and looked up at them. His amber eyes rested on Agnes for a few seconds. It was only a few seconds, but she felt as if her heart had stopped and her limbs fell off.

One second… two seconds…

Agnes tried to hold back her worried. She did not stop praying.

“Is this the person you said?”

Ryan turned his gaze to Louis. His amber eyes were quiet. He stood up and adjusted his shirt and walked over to the sofa. Seeing Ryan's unfamiliar attitude made Agnes secretly breathe a sigh of relief. Her heart was still beating like a drum in her chest. Only then did she spy on him. Ryan's tall is about 6' 4". Today he wears an expensive tailor-made black suit that embraces his masculine and well-proportioned body. Neatly combed jet-black hair. His every movement exudes a regal aura. Agnes was a bit dumbfounded as she looked at him. Compared to that morning at the hotel, Ryan is now a powerful New York gentleman.

“Right. She is my friend. I see you are recruiting more secretaries, coincidentally she also graduated with a major in finance not long ago.”

Louis said as he looked at Agnes. She understood the meaning in his eyes. She took a deep breath, then stepped forward, smiled, and put out her hand:

“My name is Agnes Lee. Nice to meet you, Mr. Gonzalez."

Ryan looked at Agnes' hand. He frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. Then he shook her hand. Agnes shivered slightly as his skin and hers touched. She felt Ryan deliberately squeeze her hand. His thumb rubbed her palm a few times. But his eyes were calm. What does this mean? Is it a normal move or is he implying something? Fear rose in Agnes' heart again.

The three of them sat down together. Ryan asked Agnes a few questions about qualifications and experience. Thanks to her previous preparation, everything went relatively well.

“You should try the job for a month. If the evaluation is good, our company will sign the contract.”

Ryan said seriously. Agnes nodded in acceptance. Louis looks normal on the outside, but on the inside, he's happy. Looks like the first step has passed.

“Go back to work, Louis. I have some personal advice for her.”

After Ryan's words, both Louis and Agnes were slightly surprised. But immediately Louis stood up and nodded.

"Okay, I'm back to work. The two of you kept talking slowly.”

After saying that, Louis went straight out. Agnes was a little nervous. Now in the large office, only she and Ryan remained. The space was so quiet that anyone could hear the other's breathing. Agnes pretended to look down at her clasped hands. She didn't dare to look directly at Ryan. His amber eyes were like a deep whirlpool. It is ready to wash away anyone who dares to confront it.

“Agnes, how are you friends with Louis?”

Ryan broke the boring atmosphere. Only then did Agnes look up at him. He was also staring at her. His lips raised slightly. Agnes calmly replied:

“Louis and I knew each other when we were in college.”

Louis had told her not to tell their true relationship. Agnes thought that was also reasonable. Ryan nodded and continued to ask, this time with a slight smile:

"I think we've met somewhere before? Right?"


There was an explosion in Agnes' head. Her face was a little stiff. What's up? Doesn't tell her he recognized her? Could it be that he was waiting when it was only the two of person and then he would strike her? Agnes shivered briefly. She forced a smile and shook her head.

"I don't think you've met me before. And I have seen you many times. On magazine covers.”

Agnes secretly gritted her teeth to suppress her nervousness. She felt a chill under Ryan's gaze. His eyes are slowly changing. From gentle to dangerous. That was all Agnes saw and felt. Is he going to get angry? Why is he angry? Could it be that he recognized her and was testing her?

“Oh, then I must have gotten the wrong person.”

Ryan suddenly smiled. His scary face just now disappeared as well. He stood up and walked over to Agnes. Her heart beat with every step he took. She opened her eyes wide. His tall figure gradually enveloped her. Ryan propped one arm down beside Agnes' shoulder. He leaned closer to her, closing the distance between them. Agnes felt his breath encircling her. Even his nose was about to touch her face. Ryan spoke in a low, warning voice:

“I hope you won't do anything to disappoint me. If not, I'll tell you the consequences of your mistakes. Now, have a good day at work.”

Ryan emphasizes the last words. Then he left her body. His hand deliberately stroked Agnes' cheek before leaving. A smile appeared on his lips as if he was waiting to hunt prey.

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