


As we continued to drive away from the warehouse, I felt my strength slowly returning. The pain in my shoulder was still there, but it was starting to feel more manageable. My head was clearing, and I was starting to think more clearly. But I still had no idea what was going on, or what we should do next.

"What the hell just happened back there?" I asked Diego, my voice hoarse.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Deigo said, glancing over at me. "But I need you to know that we're in serious trouble. And we need to figure out what to do next. We're not out of danger yet." His voice was urgent, but also reassuring. He seemed to be completely focused on getting us to safety. "I promise I'll explain everything in detail once we're in a better position. For now, I just need you to trust me."

I took a moment to let his words sink in. Then I looked at him and nodded.

"Okay, let's figure this out," Deigo said, his voice firm but calm. "First, we need to get you some medical attention. That bullet wound needs to be looked at." He turned the car onto a side street. "Can you hang on a little longer?"

I nodded, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder. It was throbbing, but I knew I had to focus on the task at hand.

"Good," Deigo said. "There's a hospital not too far from here.

We drove for a few minutes, and then I saw the hospital up ahead. It was a large, imposing building, with a bright red cross on the front. Deigo pulled into the parking lot, and found a spot close to the entrance. "I'll help you inside," he said, opening his door. "Can you walk?"

I nodded, even though I wasn't sure if I could. I didn't want to let him down. I got out of the car, and we slowly made our way towards the entrance. My legs felt like jelly, and my shoulder was screaming in pain.

The automatic doors slid open, and we entered the hospital lobby. The smell of antiseptic and the hum of the fluorescent lights were oddly soothing. It was a relief to be in a place where I could get some help.

A receptionist looked up from her desk. "May I help you?" she asked, her voice neutral.

"My friend has been shot," Deigo said, his voice serious. "We need medical attention."

I looked up and saw her face. I couldn't believe it. It was like Melissa had come alive again, right there in front of me. It was as if she was calling out to me, asking me to reach out and hug her. I felt my heart beating faster, and my hands started to tremble. I tried to speak, but no words came out. I was frozen in place, unable to move. It was like time had stopped, and I was trapped in that moment, with Melissa standing right in front of me.

"Melissa," I whispered, my voice barely audible. My hand reached out, as if of its own volition. Suddenly, everything went dark. I felt myself falling, and my mind went blank. When I opened my eyes again, I was lying on a hospital bed. I felt disoriented and confused. I tried to remember what had happened, but my thoughts were muddled. I had a vague sense of being in a haze, as if I was underwater.

My body ached, and I felt weak. I tried to sit up, but it was a struggle. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get a grip on my surroundings.


I was completely baffled by the strange encounter with the drug lord. I couldn't understand why he had called me by the wrong name, or why he seemed so desperate. His eyes had been filled with a kind of raw, primal emotion, and it made me feel uneasy. I knew I needed to get out of there to my next job as soon as possible, but I also felt strangely compelled to find out what was going on.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

I reached my car and unlocked the door, grateful to be getting away from that strange encounter. I was confused by the drug lord's behavior, but I tried to push the questions from my mind. I needed to focus on getting home safely. I started the car and began to reverse out of the parking spot. But as I was backing up, something caught my eye.

I turned my head and looked out the back window. There, standing behind my car, was a figure in the shadows. I couldn't make out any details, but it was definitely someone there. I froze, my heart racing. I knew I had to get out of there, but I was afraid to move. I stared at the shadowy figure, trying to figure out what to do.

After a few moments of indecision, I decided that I had to get away from there. I put the car in drive and started to pull forward. But as I did, the shadowy figure began to move. I felt a surge of adrenaline as I realized it was running towards me. What should I do? Floor it? Sound the horn? Call the police? I was frozen in terror, my mind racing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shadowed figure reach the side of my car. But just as I thought it was about to try to open the door, the figure leaped out of the way. I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop. In the rearview mirror, I saw the figure run off into the darkness. My heart was pounding, and I was drenched in sweat. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Was it real, or just a figment of my imagination?

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