
Turned On

Shirley arrived the building and waited in the lobby as instructed by a nurse. Her heart pounded against her chest in the most violent manner. She waited a while and she couldn’t spot her mother anywhere. Instead the nurse who had earlier told her to wait in the lobby appeared from the corner.

“Where is my mother”? Shirley asked as the nurse got closer.

“I’m sorry Miss Shirley you won’t be able to see your mother today as instructed by the doctor”.

“But why I haven’t seen her ever since she was admitted”. Shirley said in frustration.

“Actually someone came to see her today and they got into a really big fight”. The nurse looked around before whispering. “The argument triggered really bad reaction and we had to sedate her”.

“What who is this visitor and why don’t I know about him”. Shirley got really confused by this revelation. They never had any friend, the only people they were very close with are Charlotte and James and they had no business with her mom.

“Can I see a doctor; I can’t leave without seeing my mom”. Shirley requested.

After visiting the doctor’s, office she finally got the permission to see her mother. As she entered the room. A smile slowly crept onto her face. Her mother looked better that the last time she had seen her. Now she looked neater and he beauty shone bright.

As she approached the woman memories of the past came flooding her mind. She was still 16 at that time and it was after the death of her father and brother. They ran away from Las Vegas to New York City. They lived in a pretty fine house but because of the situation, things between them weren’t as good. How could it be good when her father died before her very own eyes and she held the gun? Who would believe that she didn’t kill them? But still something told her that she didn’t, the feeling was convincing yet unreal.

“Shirley come for dinner”. Her mother called coldly.

“Yes mom I’m on my way”. She came out from her room gently closing the door in order not to annoy her mother. She strolled towards the dinning, head bowed to the ground in fear. She sat at the dinning staring at the plate of food before her.

Tabitha stared at her in disgust. “Won’t you eat”? Won’t you eat the food… You bastard”.

Shirley shot her head up. “Mom!!!”. She called in shock

Suddenly a look of regret filled her mother’s face. In quick movements she reached Shirley’s side and squatted before the seat of the teenage girl. “I’m so sorry honey; I didn’t mean to call you that”.

Sarah burst into uncontrollable tears “I’m sorry mom, I know I killed Dad and Ryan it’s my entire fault, it’s my entire fault they are dead”.

“No, don’t say things like that... You didn’t kill anyone”. Tabitha cooed.

“But I held the gun mom…”.

A moment of silence followed and Shirley knew at that instance that she made a mistake with her last sentence.

“Yes” Tabitha voice boomed in the house and the look of pity became filled with an evil and angry look “You held the gun and you killed them, you killed them you little monster”.

Coming to reality Shirley’s eyes were filled with tears. She always had to put up with her mother’s mood swing while they were in New York; being good and pitiful towards her one day and being the total opposite another day but when they decided to return to Vegas, She chose to be angry, evil and unforgiving towards her, maybe that was what affected her mental health. Many times she wanted to visit their former house where the awful incident took place but her mother warned her never to set foot there if she valued her life.

“Ma’am visiting hours is over; it’s time for you to leave”. A nurse announced through the door.

Shirley wiped her face with the handkerchief in her hands “I’ll be out in a minute”.

Adon, Shirley and Niklause returned from the couples outing late at night. It was a quite stressful day for them so they went to their individual room for the night. As Niklause and Allison preceded their room he spotted a figure in the bar. He stood there staring at the figure unsure of whether or not to call for help

“Niklause aren’t you coming”? Allison asked

“Just go okay, I’ll be there”.

“Promise”?. Allison whined.

Niklause nodded absent mindedly, his eyes still focused on the figure.

After Allison’s figure disappeared completely, He took slow steady steps towards the figure and paused. “Shirley”? He called unsure.

She raised her head slowly. “Oh, you’re back”. She stuttered drunkenly. “I better go to my room”.

She stood up from the bar stool and staggered towards her room as she walked past Niklause she hit an object on the floor and lost her balance. And just like lightning Niklause caught her, he has been watching her from his side view.

Shirley chuckled. “I’m falling too much these days”. She burped loudly; the smell of alcohol from her mouth greatly irritating Niklause.

Niklause just stared at her in disbelief. “How disgusting”. He muttered.

He carried her bridal style up to her bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. As he turned to leave he felt something or rather someone pulling his shirt and tugging his arm gently.

“I didn’t kill them I promise. I swear I didn’t kill them”. As she said these words her sobbing increased. Niklause just stood there staring at her surprised. He didn’t think he’d see her cry in all his years of existence, she was always tough and savage. He tried to release his hands from her grip but instead she held them tighter. “Don’t go please stay please don’t go”.

Niklause sighed, he didn’t know what to do. It was as if he stood at a cross road. One road asking him to stay until she was totally fine while the other road asked him to leave her to crying. After all she was nothing but a bloody home wrecker pretending to be a good person.

He violently pushed her hands away from his, and made his way towards the door, as he did his conscience pricked him. What if something bad happened to her? He decided to go back and make sure she was okay. As he turned she her sobs reduced and she stopped crying. “Seems like she doesn’t need my help anymore”.

As he left the room he found Allison standing outside the door. He questioned with a look on his face.

She hesitated a little before replying. “You said you’ll be up in a while, I waited and didn’t see you so I got worried”. “I missed you. Allison cooed and engulfed him in a bear hug.

He pushed her off gently. “Allison I’m tired okay not right now, and you don’t have to be so clingy, we are alone now”.

“We are alone? We are alone”? Allison asked raising her voice.

“Shh Allison, we don’t want to wake everyone especially the maid”. He said pointing towards Shirley’s room.

“Don’t try to avoid the question Nik, what do you mean by we are alone? What are we Niklause”?. She paused then continued when he gave no reaction. “I’ve been with you for three whole years and we still keep this friend with benefit relationship? Is that what this is”?

“Allison don’t try and act like the victim here, I never asked for this. You kept keeping pushing yourself at me”. Niklause growled lowly.

“And I accepted it because I thought you would love me later. You know what? I’m never leaving you. You’ll love me Niklause; you’ll learn to love me. She ran away crying.

“Allison!!! I’m sorry I’m so sorry okay”. He followed after her.

Adon entered Sarah’s room which used to be their bedroom. Sarah sat on the bed, body resting on the bed rest reading a novel when she sensed a presence in the room. She raised her head. “What are you doing here”?

Adon looked around the room uncertain that she was even talking to him. “Me”?

Sarah scoffed “Dummy, and wait did you forget to knock on the door”?. She rubbed her head in frustration. “Just forget the second question, answer my first”.

“Which was”? Adon asked staring at the ceiling.

“Can you quit acting dumb?, it doesn’t suit you”.

“Ok fine, this is my room. Our room, I mean and I’m spending the night”. Adon said, a sly smile dancing on his lips.

Terror filled Sarah’s face. “What you can’t spend the night here”.

“I can and I will and there’s nothing you can do about that”.

“Well you can have the room to yourself okay. You can keep the damn room to yourself”. As she stood up to walk away, Adon pulled her back by her hands and slammed his lips on hers. At first it was cool and mesmerizing but 3 minutes into the kiss Sarah got violent and pushed Adon off.

“That’s the second time you’re doing that Adon”. She said as her heart pounded against her chest rapidly.

He smirked playfully. “OH you’re counting. Does that mean you want more”?

“Whatever, I’m leaving”. As she pulled the door knob, it refused to open. She faced Adon for an explanation but instead he burst into a dramatic cry

“Well I have the key. I mean business when I say we are spending the night together baby”. He moved closer to her and caged her in between his arms. “I’m like an alpha male claiming my Luna. And trust me, I’ll claim her”.

He left to the bathroom and slammed the door. Sarah didn’t know if she was angry or not but she was sure of what she felt ‘Turned on’.

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