
Chapter 9- FIRST DAY

Chapter 9- First Day


It's my first day to work but it seems like I am no longer excited to work. I don't know why I'm like this, it's like I just want to stretch all day but I remember-- I'm just poor so I have to get up and work.

I’ll go to work at eight o'clock but at six-thirty, I got up and went down to check what could be cooked but ended up just scratching my forehead remembering that we hadn't even gotten to a grocery store yet. Maybe there's a cafeteria in the building, right? I'll find it later and buy something to eat.

I went up again to iron my slacks and blouse. I looked at the heels lined up next to me, what am I going to wear? I can't wear a stiletto because it's too high and they might even think I'm one of Warren's business partners. Maybe I'll just use the mules for simplicity. Warren also bought me bags and most of them were shoulder bags, there were also sling bags. I'm so scratchy, will he deduct it from my salary?

After I prepared the things I am going to use, I took a shower. I had to speed up because I didn't know if Warren would take me in the car or not. If not, I will have to walk a long way to the guard house of this subdivision because taxis are rare here for people who live here and they have expensive cars.

When I came down, Warren is in the living room reading a magazine, when he heard me he immediately stood up and looked at me.

"Next time I want you to wear a skirt and stiletto." Is he crazy?

"And why?" I asked, annoyed. He stared at me before turning around and grabbing the attache case on the sofa.

"No way." I was secretly trampled by annoyance. This man is something! "Let's go." He said and left the house first. I first checked the doors and windows to see if they were closed before I left the house.

I got in his car and we left. While on the flight the two of us were just quiet, so what I did was I turned on the radio. He looked at me, I just shrugged my shoulders.

I get lost in your eyes

And I feel my spirits rise'

Oh, I remember this song, because it's my mom's favorite song to dad.

And soar like the wind

Is it love that I am in?

I followed it softly.

I get weak, at a glance

Isn't this what's called romance?

And now I know

'Cause, when I'm lost I can let go

I glanced at him and he just looked straight at the road. I wonder, where are his parents? Does he have siblings? Or maybe he grew up with his grandparents? Hmm. It's only now that I realize that I only know a little information about him, I don't know him very well yet. I don't even know how old he is. I gasped.

I don't mind not knowin' what I'm heading for

You can take me to the skies

It's like being lost in heaven

When I'm lost in your eyes

It's my first day at work, even though I'm not in the mood, I'll be fine so that Warren's head doesn't hurt because of me. Even if I don't finish my studies, I will prove that I can keep up. I will improve so I’ll not waste the opportunity given to me by Warren.

When we went down in front of the building, I was surprised when three black cars also stopped behind us. When they went down they were Warren's bodyguards. Gosh! I was about to get nervous! I thought we were going to be ambushed!

"Let's go." He said before walking slowly, I followed him and the bodyguards, who I estimated at twelve, followed us. That's why now that we're entering this building, the other employees are all looking at us. Seriously, this is embarrassing. It's okay if Warren is with me but what about the guards? Gosh, embarrassing!

When we entered the elevator, only two bodyguards joined us. As we entered I stared at Warren because he was in front of me. As for this person's luck, maybe he hasn't experienced even a single hardship in life? Maybe from kids' to the mansion house, he lived in? Then surrounded by five nannies. Five babysitters who did not abandon him or even let him be bitten by mosquitoes. I sighed, hopefully, my next life or myself in the parallel universe will be this rich so that we don't always have problems.

The elevator door opened and Kaison smiled broadly at me.

"Good morning, Tanya!" He greeted me warmly. I smiled at him with mixed nervousness because the rude boss is there. "How are you--  sorry. Excuse me for just a moment." WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK? Did he just say that to Warren? He squeezed here next to me so he hit Warren. W-wait, he does not know who the owner of the company is? "How are you? It's a pity we only have a little time to talk. Do you work here?"

"Oh, yes, I'm starting now."

"Wow! Congrats!" I just smiled at him. He’s a chatter. "By the way --- damn!" The elevator door opened on the fourteenth floor so he said goodbye. "Next time we’ll just talk, see you around!" I waved back at him and smiled.

When we entered Warren's office, he was quiet. As for me, I just waited for him to tell me where I would be stationed because I didn't know where I would be stationed.

"Here." I approached him and picked up the paper bag he had laid out on the table. "Take care of that. That's where you'll put all the schedules and all the things I'll order you." I nodded. "That's your station." I looked at where he was looking and I smiled, it’s nice! There’s a laptop there and there’s a phone as well.

He just explained to me everything I would do. First of all, there is this answering of calls so there is a telephone next to me, he said that it is important for me to answer the calls because they usually come from different departments of this company. He taught me a lot more and explained that I learned easily. According to him, I also have an assistant secretary who can answer calls especially when the two of us are not in the office. I wonder, how many employees does Warren have? Will it reach a thousand?

Throughout the afternoon I did nothing but answer calls from various departments. There was also a call from Japanese Airlines and they wanted to talk to Warren and partner with the company but were eventually rejected. Just this day he has rejected many who want to partner with him, I don't know what his reason is but I think that’s a waste. Of course, if he rejected some, he also accepted interviews that I saved on the iPad he gave me-- yes, the paper bag he handed over earlier was the latest version of the iPad and iPhone. He said, when we go out of town, it is important that I bring them for his schedule.

At six o'clock Warren sent me home, and two of his bodyguards took me home. I don't know why he didn't come but maybe he won't go home because he has a penthouse to stay in.

That's also good because maybe later his 'honey' will suddenly come home and cause more trouble. 

But why do you seem unhappy?

I shook my head. Sometimes the questions also seem crazy in my mind. I just took a shower and put on silk sleepwear, because I'm more comfortable when I'm wearing only thin nightgowns. After I took a bath and got dressed I went downstairs, I went straight to the kitchen and I was surprised when there was plastic on the counter table. When I opened it it was meat and it came from a famous restaurant near here in the subdivision. I looked around, is he home yet?

Instead of thinking about anything, I just ate the food and got full, then I went upstairs to sleep. I'm also tired today but I'm enjoying it so much. I just can't release what I'm feeling because of what's bothering me, but I hope tomorrow it's gone. As I was tired and drowsy, drowsiness gradually visited me after a few minutes of lying down.


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