
Penulis: Oshemaye

Chapter 1.


"Babe" I called out as I laid on his bed relaxing.

Lately he had been getting me gifts and buying anything I want. So as soon as I got my allowance, I decided to maybe get him something.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Where's your --"

"Never mind." I cut myself off when I found his phone. I wanted to go through his screenshot and his Jumia Cart to see what I could possibly get for him.

I tried to unlock his phone but turns out he added a new pass code. I tried my birthday and his but it didn't work.

"You have a password now?" I questioned as he walked out of the bathroom, he was wearing just shorts displaying his chest plus his dreads was wet.

"Yeah.. umm, for safety reason" He picked up his phone. He typed away on his phone with a smile growing on his face then turned his attention back to me.

"Oh,I have a gift for you." He said ramaging through his closet.

Richard and I have been dating for 5 months now, we met at the mall, you know those guys that keep disturbing you at the mall.

So I gave him my number so he would leave me alone with the thought that I'd simply block him when he messaged me.

Whereas when we started talking since I was bored I kept talking to him after a few dates and lots of pestering later,we started dating a month after.

"Here." He handed a branded nylon containing a small box. I looked at him and he smiled at me motioning for me to open it.

It revealed a pretty Tennis Bracelet and I gasped looking it.

"Thank you baby, I really love it but what's up you have been gifting me back to back lately." I smiled admiring the gift.

He took it from me helping me put it on.

"I'm glad you like it and there's no reason I just want to spoil my baby" He kissed me for head and my smile grew wider.

"Well, I really appreciate it." I thanked and he laid beside pulling me closer to him.

He started trailing kisses from my cheeks to lips with his hands roaming around my body. He continued but when he was about to take things too serious, I stopped him.

I am 19 and still not ready to lose my virginity. He let out a frustrated breath then I scooted away from him.

"I'm sorry, I am not just ready." I told him softly as the room was filled with an uncomfortable silence.

He didn't say anything, he just left the room leaving his phone unlocked. I heard the front door open then close letting me know he just left his apartment. I checked after hearing a ding indicating he got a message.

I saw messages from different girls and what he used to save their names made me scrunch my face in irritation.

Tee baby🍑

Coming through tonight?


For sure definitely wanna see you again.

Tee baby🍑

Cool, see you later


Sent 3 pictures.

More baby🤤

I was shocked because basically the girl sent pictures of herself practically naked. Checking through their chats it was so obvious he saw these girls often. No wonder he locked his phone and these girls contacts were hidden.

Funniest part was the girl just sent him pictures today like about 10 minutes ago while I am here and he was about to meet the other tonight. The disrespect.. I legit have no words for him.

I grabbed my things, wore my Nike slides and adjusted my clothes and removed the Tennis Bracelet.

"Are you leaving?" He asked as I walked out of his room and he was entering back.

Instead of arguing or confronting him about it, I chuckled dryly and looked at him from head to toe then walked past him and slamming the door behind me.

The Bolt Ride I ordered was already waiting for me downstairs so I went in while he kept shouting my name.


"So basically all these time this guy has been buying you gifts, he had been sleeping around?" My best friend,Chidera asked.

She was my best friend for about 3 years, we have been friends since we were processing admission to this university and now we were in our third year. I was studing Mass Communication while she was studying English Language.

"Yesss, can you believe that?" I paced back and forth thinking of what to do. I just told her what happened and she looked as angry as I was.

"I knew it, there was just something about him and plus him not in any school should have been a red flag,he obviously has a lot of time on his hand." She hissed standing up.

"So what's the next move now? Let me call the other girls for back up we have to beat him up or something."

"Chidera I feel so stupid, like all those time he was buying me gifts and being all affectionate and I was smiling like a fool he would have gone to his guys and laugh at me."I explained about to break down crying.

I didn't cry a lot so crying meant it really hurt me. She held me tightly trying to comfort me.

"Like I was really about to give up my virginity for that stupid.. ughhh, I'm so stupiddd. "I hit my head repeatedly but she immediately held my hands.

"No you are not, you know if you were I would have told you. "She said trying to her funny but I gave her a blank look.

"Look, cry if you need to but to me you really don't need to waste your tears on that stupid idiot. You didn't even love him you were legit still catching feelings until he showed you his true colours and let's thank God it was early. Like what if you lost your Virginity to that?Or if you caught an STD? " I agreed nodding my head.

"You are right, let me be grateful it didn't go too far." She nodded and smiled at me wiping my tears.

My phone rang out loud, I checked and saw it was him blowing my phone.

"Block the fool." She demanded going to check the food she was cooking.

There was a knock on the door and she went to check.

Our other partner in crime walked in, Aishat. She was dark skinned with pretty eyes and slim but small, she was studying Law and we met through one of my male friends, Jonathan, who she was dating when we were in Our First year second semester.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked. She was the most caring out of the three of us. The both of us were just soft girls while Chidera was the tout.

"Ohh, don't cry you know I never liked him anyway and he was looking at Chidera weird."

I know because I saw him looking at Chidera funny but I ignored it.

"All the red flags and I ignored everything. "I hit my head gently but she held my hand.

"Don't mind him joor let's go and get ice cream and watch Friends or Hustle."I nodded hugging her.

Chidera went to get the ice cream and the three of us licked the ice cream and ate cookies laughing watching the show.

But what they didn't know was I was actually starting to love him.


Two Days Later.

I was coming back from class after a 4pm to 6pm class. I haven't even eating anything all day because I have been busy.

I was wearing purple joggers and a white crop top with black crocs. My braids were let down and I wore my dark shades because of the sun. I noticed a cream Camry car and I knew it was Richard.

"Christiana." He called out walking towards me with a gift bag in his hands.

It took two days to actually come check up on me even though he was blowing my phone.

"What?" I stopped in my tracks and looked at him.

"Why have you been ignoring me? And why did you leave like that day? I have been calling you and texting didn't you see it? "He asked aggravated.

I looked at him from head to toe and wondered what exactly I saw in him, I wasn't even that hurt anymore, I was disgusted.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He raised his eyebrow.

"So it's now you are noticing that I haven't been replying." I glared at him.

"I have been busy with--"

'Oh please I saw your chats, you were booked for the night so in your head it's like Christiana can wait all I need to do is get gifts and we are good, Am I wrong?" I cut him off. He looked shocked with a mix of guilt but he quickly masked it up.

"What are you talking about?" He took a step back scratching his eye brow.

"I don't have time for all this,Where do you want me to start?The fact that you were cheating on me with multiple girls because I didn't want to have sex yet or the fact that all the buying of gifts was just to ease your conscience and make sure I eventually drop pant. Which other thing did I miss? "I put my hand on my chin acting as if I was thinking for more and chuckling dryly.

"Christiana chill."He tried to touch my hand but I quickly moved and gave him an -are you mad?- look.

"If only you were giving me what I wanted am sure I wouldn't be looking for it outside!" He snapped and I was taken aback. I hissed and clapping my hands smiling.

"So it's my fault abi?" I asked getting irritated.

I was standing in the sun, hungry and wasting my precious time. He didn't say anything he just ran his hand across his face letting out a deep sigh.

"See it's done, we" I pointed to both of us and said, "are done so have a nice life." I tried to walk away.

"I'm sorry baby, I really am..I love you and I am willing to do better I swear." He begged stopping me.

"No, I'm not interested just let me be please. "I tried to walk away again but he held my hand tightly and I am sure my skin was going to be bruised.

"Stop. "I looked in his eyes and saw it turned dark, he held my other hand so I was facing him fully.

"You are mine and mine alone and I can never, "he motioned for me to look at him and he stared at me ,"ever let you go, you are stuck with me."

My eyes watered because I was scared and he was really digging his nails through my flesh.

"Follow me." He dragged my hand towards his car roughly.

"Let me go Richard." I shouted trying to fight him off but he just continued.

"Christiana!" Chidera yelled out of no where dragging me forcefully away from him.

"Is something wrong with your head?" Chidera asked coming face to face with him and pointing to his head. At this point I was in a full blown tears.

His face softened and he tried to move towards me disregarding Chidera, "baby.. I'm sorry I blacked out.."

"Leave me alone or what I will do to you you will regret you ever met me,Fool." I spat angrily still crying then left with Chidera.

What would he have done if Chidera didn't come? I thought walking to my room with Chidera comforting me.

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