
Chapter Two


The happenings of the evening wouldn't let me fall asleep. Thankfully, Fabian had driven me home, and made me feel less pathetic than I already felt.

Just how did my life turn out like this? I mean I planned my life already. My career, my finances, and especially my love life. Growing up, I always dreamt of a romantic fairytale love story, but here I was having a sorry tale. I truly love Damian with all my heart. His smile had a way of melting my worries away. Oh should I tell of his eyes, those pretty grey eyes just does something to me.

I can never forget the day I met Damian. I worked as a Human resources personnel at that time, in one of the big hotels in town, but I was at the brink of resigning and getting a better job offer at Elvis Hotels and Resorts.

I was to have an interview at about 8am at the hotel that particular morning, but it was already 7:35am and I was not even close to the bus stop yet.

The road was so busy, and the traffic lights were just so slow. I made up my mind to burst into the road, come what may. I wasn't about to miss that interview and lose the opportunity of getting paid double of my current salary as at that time. Damn yes! I needed the money. Mom was so sick and the hospital bills were ruining my mental health. Being the only child of my widowed mother, the least I could do for her was to take care of her in the best way I can.

Just as I was about to hit the sidewalk, a car I could have sworn came from no where, picked me off my feet.

"Ouch! Ahh!"

"Goodness! Are you okay ma'am?" The driver asked, as he briskly came out of his car.

"Okay? How on earth can I be okay!" I said angrily as I nursed my sore elbow.

Suddenly, the door to the passenger seat opened and the most dashing human I had ever soon stepped out of the car. My sore body soon felt so cold and chilly.

"Is this a human or a super hot mannequin?" I thought still in a daze. He was tall, with pretty grey eyes, the right amount of facial hair, even with his finely sewn suit, one could tell that he had a chiseled chest.

"Miss, are you hurt?" His baritone voiced filled my ears.

I couldn't mutter a word as I was so lost admiring his strong well defined jawline.

"Ma'am are you okay?" He asked again as he walked closer to me with his hands in the pockets of his sharply ironed trousers.

"What?.. um.. Yes I'm great!" I said hoping I wasn't sounding wishy-washy.

"But ma'am you sounded quite hurt earlier.." His driver said.

" Puff.. me hurt? No way.." I said trying to get up. To my surprise and awe, the dashing prince before me, stretched his hand to me.

" He wants to take me with him.." I thought.

"Yes. I accept" I foolishly blurted placing my hand in his.

"Accept? What are you talking about?" He asked with a smirk.

"Shoot! I.. I mean, I accept your kind gesture." I said trying to hide my flustered face. He slowly helped me up, and I could smell his sweet but masculine cologne.

"This man must be stinking rich!" I thought.

"So if you are fine, we should head to our respective destinations." He said.

"Yeah.. Goodness! My interview!" I screamed realizing I was now screwed for sure.

"Oh.. you have an interview? You should hurry up then. It's past eight now." He said looking at the Audermars Piguet on his wrist.

"Yeah I should." I said in a bid to run off already.

"Wait. Tell me where it is and I'll drop you off." He said, sending the chills down my spine.

" What? um.. there'll be no need for that. It's not so far from here." I said, knowing that that was the biggest lie of the century as I had two more bus stops to get to, before I could arrive at Elvis.

"Really? But it's fine. I really want to drop you off. That way, I will feel less guilty." He said. He tried to sound pitiful, but his handsome grin couldn't hide his mischievous nature.

"Okay. If you insist." I finally gave in. There was no way I could resist this charming fellow anymore.

His driver with a bow opened the car door and I sat beside Mr hottie.

" Sweet Jeez! I just hope this is not a dream. If it is, Kira, don't even think of waking up from this one." I silently prayed. Soon the driver turned on the ignition. I loved the way the car smelt. A mixture of scented rose and his strong cologne, with an atmosphere screaming "I'm freaking rich!

"So where are you headed." He asked.

"Oh.. I'm going to Elvis Hotels and Resorts at Chile Avenue."

"Really? You said you had an interview there?" He said with a raised brow.

" Yeah I do." I said wondering why he looked a bit surprised.

" Ok then. Surprisingly, that's where I'm headed too. " He said with a smile.

"Wow.. what a heavenly coincidence." I said making him snicker.

"Heavenly coincidence? you have a way with expressions."

"Oh boy! Did I sound stupid?" I thought feeling flushed.

"We are here." The driver said.

In thirty five minutes, we where there.

"So quick? This car is the real deal!" I blurted.

Realizing what I had just done, I quickly covered my mouth with both my palms.

I could see a laugh building up around the corner of his lips.

"Oh no! I'm such a disgrace!" I thought. The driver tried to open the door for me, but I couldn't let him do it. "No. I don't deserve it. Not after I just spoke like a gold digging pauper." I thought and opened the door myself, turning to the man almost immediately in embarrassment.

"Thank you so much Sir."

"Hope you aren't so late for the interview?" he asked with concern.

" Well, I am. It's already 8:45am but it's fine. If I lose it, then I lose it." I said resigning to fate.

"Okay. But hurry in now. You just might be lucky." He said with a smile, making me smile back at him,and I ran into the magnificent building

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