
Автор: Mir_Bella_621

Chapter 1 : The Letter

⁂Chapter 1⁂

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"I'm scared Daniel. I'm scared something will happen sooner or later"

"You worry for nothing Elle. I'm here and nothing will happen to you. Even if he comes back, I won't allow any harm to come to you" Daniel said placing his hand on Elle's shoulder to have her turn to face him.

Elle gave him a tight smile. "Thanks, Danny. The fear is always here but with you here, I'll be alright"

"You shouldn't thank me. You know I will do anything for you" Daniel said smiling at her "How about we go out for lunch?"

"Fine with me" Elle replied going to take her bag.

They left the building after Elle gave instructions to her assistant Mia on what to do.

Everyone bowed at them as they made their way out of the building.

Elle is a 23-year-old businesswoman known across the country and abroad as the youngest female billionaire.

She attained such great height in business after she re-established her mother's business popularly known as EL corporations at the age of 18. That was five years since her graduation from college. The year that was still fresh in her memory, the day her mum died.

On the night of her graduation, everyone was happy and the atmosphere was jolly. But who knew the night will turn bloody?

Her friends and some of her relatives who came to celebrate with her left, remaining her distant aunt and cousins whom she went to send off at the airport.

Coming back after three hours where she had left her mum with her best friend Ethan in the house, only to find her mum dead and Ethan missing.

Her mum's death came as a shock to her leaving her screaming in fear. The state her mum was found was something she couldn't or didn't want to think about.

She was lying dead and dry on the cold floor. There was no trace of blood in her body when an autopsy was conducted.

The only injury on her body was two tiny dots on her neck. She didn't know what caused it, but the pathologist doctors were saying it could be a vampire.

She had laughed it off thinking the doctors had gone crazy. Vampires only existed in books and movies. Even if they did, my mum couldn't possibly be killed by a vampire. She had said.

And Ethan? She didn't know what happened to him. She had thought he was adopted, but when she found the note that was beside her dead mother, she was shocked beyond words. Words couldn't describe how she felt after reading the note.

In the note Ethan left, it read, 'Don't Always Think That Everyone Wishes You Well. This Is Only The Beginning'. It was written with blood smeared on the paper.

She couldn't understand what was happening. She tried comforting herself that it wasn't Ethan, but his handwriting was there bold and clear.

The police had searched everywhere for him but couldn't find him. That was when Daniel came into her life.

He had been supportive and helpful to her without demanding anything from her.

Though they were not a couple as people termed them to be, she was truly grateful to him.

Their lives have been going on smoothly with several business expansions all over the world before she received a letter two days back that had only four words she feared the most now. It read, 'COMING BACK FOR YOU…Ethan'.

Daniel had wanted them to report to the police which she refused. She remembered their heated argument the day the letter was sent to her.

"What do you mean we shouldn't report him to the authorities, Elle?" Daniel hastily stood up from his seat. Anger was evident on his face.

Elle also stood up "I know we should. But my instincts say we shouldn't" This had Daniel run his hand on his hair in frustration.

"Instincts? Tell me will your instincts save you when he kills you too?" Elle's hand shook, she had never seen Daniel this angry before.

Daniel sighed "Elle I respect your decision but I also want your safety," He said this time in a low voice that almost came out as a whisper.

"Danny I appreciate your concern but I'll be safe. Besides you're here, there's nothing to be worried about" Elle placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Fine Elle, you know I'll always give in but you won't go anywhere without your guards," Daniel said looking sternly at her.

"Yes, I promise Danny".

Flashback Ends.

Elle sighed as she looked out of the window that had Daniel placed his palm on her arm. He gave a gentle squeeze before letting go.

She turned to look at Daniel who focused on the road. It's not that she didn't understand Daniel. Yes, she also wanted to run to the police and hand them the paper.

Of course, she wanted to know what happened to her mum that night but something tells her to wait. She feels Ethan will come to meet her and she too wanted the same.

Ethan was her best friend from high school to college but to think he would do that to her mum was something she couldn't believe or didn't want to believe.

The car made a stop at cold Pearls, a dinette where only the top-notch businessmen and women went to eat.

Daniel came down to open her door. She took a deep breath that everything will be alright before coming down from the car.

Daniel held her hand before giving the car key to the valet to park the car.

Elle noticed a pair of eyes looking at her. She turned to her right but she didn't find anyone. It was only a building with glass walls that reflected things around it that were there.

Is the fear of meeting Ethan getting the best of me? She wondered.

"What's wrong?" She felt Daniel's breath on her neck.

"Uhm–nothing" she turned to face him.

"Are you sure?" Daniel seemed apprehensive about what she said. She didn't want to tell him. God knows if he will hire more guards.

"Yes, I'm sure. Come on let's go inside, I'm hungry" She said to ease the tension that was on Daniel's face.

Daniel muttered an okay before leading her inside.

Before Elle entered with Daniel, she turned to look at the building again. Her heart skipped a dangerous beat when she saw the side profile of a man looking intently at her.

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