
Chapter 2

"Don't you like the food?"

I looked at Zadkiro. He was worriedly looking at me when I did not touch the food that he served to me minutes ago.

The man's name was Zadkiro Driavos, he introduced himself to me when I finally calmed down. I don't know how he managed to handle me but it was very effective.

I settled down and that's when he started softly talking to me again. He even introduced his name to me.

"It looks delicious," I admitted. "But I won't eat it. I don't trust you even if you told me your name. It's not enough for me to trust you."

I saw amusement pass through his eyes. I shifted my gaze away when were started to look at each other again.

It's his eyes that always captivates me and he might think I'm attracted to him 'cause he always caught me looking at his eyes.

"What do you want me to do then? Eat the food with you?" he asked and glimpsed at the food.

I admit that I am already hungry and I want to eat it but I won't take the risk. As I said, I still don't trust him.

"I want you to let me go, that's all that I want."

His aura automatically changed as soon as I said the words. He didn't seem happy about what I uttered.

He looked back at me and this time, his eyes were showing strong emotion that made me freeze. I got scared and I can't explain why. Maybe it's my instinct, giving me a warning about something.


I gulped.

My mind was in chaos and I wanted to do as he wanted because of his scary aura but my body would not cooperate. I was too scared that I couldn't control myself already.

I ended up closing my eyes and prayed. I've never been scared of this in my whole life and I don't know what to do. Praying is the only help I could give to myself.

I don't care if Zadkiro is looking at me like I was a crazy lady. It's better that way than to meet his frightening orbs.

Suddenly, I felt warmth covering my whole body which calmed my system from the fear that I was fighting. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see Zadkiro's body close to mine.

He was hugging me!

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to do that. It's okay, it's okay."

He keeps repeating those words while slowly stroking his hand on my hair. I was too stunned to speak and I did not dare to push him. The feeling of his hug was also so soothing that I didn't want it to end.

How was it even possible?

This is not the first time that someone hugged me. When I was in the orphanage, kids would often hug me and even the nuns. But this one is very different, it is... comforting me.

"You need to eat, Sereia. You've been asleep for almost a day and it's not good," Zadkiro reminded.

As much as I wanted to feel his hug, I did not protest when he pulled away.

When he placed the food in front of me again, I didn't say much and ate it. I changed my mind and he's right, not eating wouldn't be good for me.

Zadkiro watched me until I finished my meal. He left me approximately thirty minutes ago to return the plates I used but until now he hasn't come back yet.

Now, here I am, trying to unlock the windows and the door before he comes back.

I know that I am not in a good situation and I need to escape. I wouldn't let that man successfully do whatever he wants on me.

A person cannot own its kind and Zadkiro is not an exception.

He looked at the door that's why I couldn't open it, now I'm trying my luck with the windows. I can't see anything from the windows actually, it's all black and no light was passing from it. I don't know if the window was tinted from the inside or what.

It is made from glass and it will surely make a loud noise if I break it. Another problem is that there's nothing inside this room that I could use.


The chains! They were heavy and they could break the glass.

I ran towards the bed and looked under where I saw Zadkiro keeping the chains beneath. I was not disappointed when I saw it where he placed it.


I picked up the chains from the floor. As expected, they're quite heavy. My only problem is to do my plan quietly. I don't want to get caught.

I went near the window and tried peeping through looking closer but just like earlier, I saw nothing.

My attention went to the dim light on the ceiling. Maybe it has something to do that could help me. The light was not strong though.

"You're gonna make a mess."

I accidentally dropped the chain on the floor when I heard someone's voice. I turned around only to see Zadkiro who was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

What is he doing here? And how did he enter without me hearing the door opening? I don't have a hearing problem and I am sure I heard nothing.

"The windows of this room have special double lock outside. A metal from outside was activated which means even if you manage to break that bulletproof window, you'll need to break the metal next to it," Zadkiro said as if he was explaining to a student.

I felt my face heat up, I am starting to get mad in this situation.

"Why are you locking me up here? Just let me go!" I shouted out of irritation.

His expression never changed, it was still playful and I don't like it. If he thinks this is funny, well then I dare to disagree.

A knock from the door cut off the staring portion that the two of us are 'playing'. My attention went to the door and the same with Zadkiro.

I watched him open the door and I was amazed that it didn't make any sound. No wonder I did not hear him entering the room.

Luckily I didn't do anything or else I might messed up and triggered him to get mad at me.

When he opened the door, I saw a man rigidly standing in front of it.

"Sir, your brother is making trouble downstairs. We couldn't stop him because he's hurting our men," the man reported.

Zadkiro seems unbothered and eyed at me. I was even surprised when he managed to give me an assuring smile after what the man informed him.

"Go, I'll follow."

The man immediately left and did what was ordered to him. Zadkiro closed the door and I heard his heavy sigh.

"He's totally an idiot." I heard him say to himself, yet, I managed to hear it since the room was quiet and it was only the two of us.

He looked at me and then at the chain that I dropped on the floor.

"Continue trying to break the window, I'll have a business to do," he uttered.

Is he leaving again? What am I gonna do here? He told me I'd make a mess trying to escape from the window and now he's telling me to continue breaking it? Come on!

When he was about to leave the room again, I hurriedly spoke to stop him from doing so.

"Can I come?"

Zadkiro creased his forehead and looked at me curiously. I know he was wondering why I said that.

I wanted to familiarize this place to create a plan on how to escape since there was no way I could leave using the window or the door of this room.

"Only if you're going to promise me you're not going to do anything that is against my will."

I smiled.


I thought I'd need to hardly convince him but that one is very easy. I hope I've learned something.

I don't have any plan of staying here and waiting on what would they do to me. They're strangers and they kidnapped me. I must always keep that in mind.

Zadkiro extended his arms to me and I already knew what he wanted. Putting my fear aside, I went near him and he welcomed me by putting his arm on my waist.

My heartbeat became faster because of what he did. Nobody had ever done that to me and I found it uncomfortable but I have this feeling that tells me... I like it.

With Zadkiro's guide, we went out of the room and walked in a long corridor. All I saw was fancy doors while we were walking to who knows where. There are no paintings or any designs that could make it look cheap.

His hands remained on my waist until we reached the stairs. I was astonished upon seeing every detail of this place. Everything was owned by a wealthy person and I could tell it in a view.

We started walking down the stairs and I saw a lot of people, or a lot of men rather. All of them are scattered in the spacious chamber.

My eyes widened when I realized that almost all of the men had guns on their arms. The hair on my nape rose and I almost stopped walking, thanks to Zadkiro, I continued to take more steps until we finally stepped onto the floor.

Gosh! How could I escape if the guards were this many? I am not invisible and they would easily notice my presence.

"Hey there, Akiro my brother! Long time no see!"

My attention was diverted to the person who just spoke.

When I looked at the man, I tried not to look at him from up to down and vice versa but I failed to do so.

I am not being judgemental but he does not look good. He has piercings on his ears and nose, a hair color that was too bright matched with improper haircut, and rugged clothes. He doesn't look presentable.

"What brings you here? I was sure I said I don't want to see you here again," Zadkiro coldly said and tightened his grip on my waist.

The man, who I think is Zadkiro's brother, took a step but the men with guns stopped him.

"Damn, your men are very strict Akiro. I don't like them." He then turned his sight on me and showed a creepy smile. "Oh, who's this lady standing beside my younger brother? Would you mind stepping closer to me to tell me your name?"

I don't want to say this but Zadkiro is the definition of dream and his brother is the definition of nightmare. Haist, I shouldn't think that way.

"I would like to introduce myself to you, but looking at the way how you talk to me like you're planning to do something, I'd prefer to stay where I am standing," I frankly stated formally.

His smile became even more wider which creeped me. Honestly, I don't like his vibe.

"Leave, Zandrous. This is my place and I am not permitting you to come whenever you want to," Zadkiro finally interfered.

The smile on Zadkiro's brother, whose name was Zandrous, immediately disappeared. I watched the creepy smile slowly fade on his face and it was soon replaced by anger.

Now I'm an emotion reader. Great.

"Argh! Don't tell me what to do! Don't tell me what to do!"

I covered my mouth when Zandrous unexpectedly stamped his foot on the floor repetitiously like a child throwing a tantrum.

I was puzzled by his sudden action and I couldn't take my eyes away from him because of that.

"He's crazy, don't be horrified," Zadkiro whispered in my ear.

If I were to be asked, I wouldn't disagree with what he has said. From what I recall, he is Zadkiro's older brother but he's acting like a five-year-old child. His emotions also change in a snap.

"I hate you Akiro! I fucking hate you! You hear me? I hate you! I hate you so damn much!"

I wanted to cover my ear because Zandrous' voice was too painful in my eardrums. He's a big man and yet here he is, shouting like a little boy.

Even the man who was stopping him from coming near us seemed irritated as well. It's not just me who dislikes what he's doing.

"Bullshit Zandrous, I told you to leave. This place would not saint you," Zadkiro angrily said.

I glanced at him when he removed his hands from my waist. I just stepped aside because maybe he was going to approach his brother and make him leave.

"Is that so?" Zandrous stopped from shouting and stamping.



Everyone was alarmed when Zandrous unanticipatedly grabbed a gun from one of the men who was stopping him. All the men moved backward and aimed their guns at Zandrous, hoping to stop him from whatever he may do.

"I am higher than everyone among you," Zandrous stated while playing with the gun in his hands.

I was worried because no one dared to grab the gun from him. When I looked at Zadkiro, he didn't seem bothered at all, he was only standing and watching the scene that his brother made.

I looked around to see if I could hide somewhere because I didn't want to be included in their sibling fight. I still need to leave and my mind wouldn't change.

"I want to see blood."

As soon as Zandrous uttered those words, a loud shot made everyone curse and panic. I was also shocked because of the loud noise and usually I'd scream, but something made me stop doing so.

I felt my nerves suddenly tremble and weaken, a strong pain filled my body and something liquid from my belly dripped on the white polished floor. I held the part of my body where I felt something weird without saying anything, that's when I realized that right this moment... I am bleeding.

"Sereia, shit!"

Zadkiro ran towards me and caught my body when I was about to fall off the floor.

I heard loud noises around me but I couldn't look. My vision was blurry and the pain I am feeling is becoming more intense.

I felt Zadkiro's hand holding the painful part of me and I already knew he was trying to stop the bleeding.

I tried staying awake but I did not manage to pull myself together when the darkness took over my consciousness.

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