In love with a Billionaire, Saved by an Alpha

In love with a Billionaire, Saved by an Alpha

By:  Sissi_Jane  Ongoing
Language: English
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Akira is a young girl who lives in a mysterious village much coveted by the big men of the city who hope to find treasures among the sacred mountains of this place. And Richard, a rich young man from the city, seems to be interested not only in the gold, but in winning Akira, the most unusual young woman of these lands. However, to make this wish come true, he will have to face Alfred, the most fearless young man in the whole region who has sworn not only to protect his people and their sacred land, but also Akira who is terribly seduced by this new world of the big city...

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59 Chapters
Chapter 1: The city of Skyfall
POV AKIRA SELENA Sometimes, if not every time, looking out the window is the same as looking at a painting whose landscape remains intact despite the advancing time on the clock suspended on the dining room wall. Skyfall is a small, quiet town protected by countless mountains in the farthest reaches of North America. The sun is a stranger to us, and when it decides to visit, it hides among the thick clouds and is not even noticed by many. My mother told me that the guardians drove the sun from our land because it reminded us of the gold and glitter of precious stones that cost the lives of many of our ancestors. So we serve the night and the moonlight, and our song is the howling of wolves that guide the wild spirits of warriors with spears and arrows in their hands. But of course these are just stories told by my people. A failed attempt to add something interesting to this place, and thus beat boredom if only for ten minutes. However, my mother blindly believes in these old tales,
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Chapter 2: The Rockefeller Mansion
AKIRA SELENA Obviously, a dinner at a Rockefeller mansion deserves any and all sacrifices on my part. I am so excited, I can't wait to hear the stories of the new adventures they went on during this time we were away. The worst part will be that I won't have a single good or interesting story to tell. What could I say? That I finally learned how to hunt animals on the first try of my arrow shot? That is so boring that I don't even want to hear myself. " You're bewitched by them…" Alfred comments, as if I need his intrusion into my life as well. " I'm just not an idiot not to see the opportunity that is being friends with the Rockefeller family" I continue walking without looking back as he comes walking like a guard dog, there being a distance of one meter separating our bodies. Why doesn't he keep quiet? Everything was perfect until now... "You know the history of our people, in which men like Mr. Rockefeller only wanted our land and what could be in it" He explains the story
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Chapter 3: The Prophecy
POV ALFRED ... A spear going through my heart? I listened to Akira comment. Not only is she stubborn, she is also sarcastic. I sigh in boredom that I wasn't there to spice up this conversation even more. I would say something like: " Mr. Jeremy wishes to test?" I am amused at the thought. It's a shame that the two of them walk away until they completely disappear from my sight. Soon the gate closes with great intensity. The men in black glare at me after lining up, forming yet another wall to protect the Rockefellers. And guess what, this one is just as easy to breach as the other. However, I don't have to be a wild animal every time. I reach into my coat pocket for a bottle of booze, take small swigs, and it doesn't take long for their teeth and lips to quiver with desire for a bit. " Are you served?" I stretch the bottle towards them.Mister Jeremy won't know. He's in there drinking and eating the best, fuck you guys out here." First, indecision dominates in their gestures and
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Chapter 4: Dinner
POV AKIRA Between Alfred and Richard, it's not hard to see their differences. Richard is so sweet and kind, living up to his honey brown eyes and his darker brown locks like a tree trunk where you rest in search of peace. And his kiss proves to be a calm breeze of this so called summer I never knew. He was my first love while my pure and naive heart did not realize the countless obstacles I would have to face because he was a big city boy. Now seeing him in front of me, smiling at me, awakens feelings that I believed were dormant. "May I kiss your hand, Akira?" Someone asks. " Huh?" I'm still dreaming. " If I can kiss your hand. I asked twice." Richard says embarrassed and I come to my senses of what is happening. " My hand? Oh no need. I'm used to being forcibly pulled by Alfred when I throw tantrums." I tell one of my everyday pranks, but everyone remains serious, which makes me blush. Better keep your mouth shut, Akira. " In the big city the men are gentlemen and kiss th
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Chapter 5: A Moment for Two
POV Alfred "I don't know Great mother. I think the chosen Alpha will feel a calling in his heart" I reply to the old woman still sitting in front of me. Both she and the old father, are still looking at me with a look of a teacher who expects his student to know the answer to the question. "And what do you feel in your heart?" The old father asks tenderly, so that I dispel my suspicions that it is my vanity that is this voice whispering inside me. " Is it me...?" I don't know if it is a question or an answer. " Of course it's you, hollow head!" Says the older mother, tapping my head lightly. I bet that this "hollow head", she learned from Akira. Only she calls me that. Alpha, Akira, calm down! "Am I Alpha? I mean, am I the chosen warrior? Akira and I, we were made for each other like the roar of a wolf and the moonlight?!" I am elated that I can barely process all this information. " If you don't believe it, how do you expect Akira to believe it?!" The big mother say
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Chapter 6: A Secret
POV RICHARD " A wild rival? Comical!" Sacarmo takes over my mood. All that was left of company was my car, and if he could talk, he would be as upset as I am now. We have that in common: being irresistible to women, or at least I thought so. I'd rather bet that Akira Selena isn't smart enough to see what an advantage it is to have me on her side. Or just, she is so amazed at all that I can offer, that she can hardly choose what is best for her. How much effort will I need to make to please her? Isn't it enough that I have to return to this end of the world to woo a poor wretch who should be begging on her knees for my love? I hate Skyfall and everything about that primitive world of Selena. I hope my father is right about the riches that might be in store among those mountains, otherwise it will be a wasted time all the years I have come here and received absolutely nothing but this cold and closed faces of men who possess a foolish pride of who might measure strength with a Ro
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Chapter 7: The Moon Festival
POV AKIRA SELENAI admit how skeptical I can be about everything involving Skyfall, but on one thing, if not the last thing, not even the greatest among skeptics would remain indifferent. From living here so much, I know, that only something very magical would make everyone work hard before nine in the morning. Because the day does not go well with skyfallers, and even less so when the sky gives clear signs that today will not offer us its usual gray, but a splendid blue that has changed in such a short time.How did it happen? I wouldn't be able to explain, and frankly, no one is interested when there is so much to do for the party right at dusk. Men, women, old people and children all get together to make the preparations for the big day. In the decoration, many colors are mixed and apparently emotions too. This is how I feel when my gaze has just met Alfred's in the middle of the crowd. His strong arms are carrying tree trunks that will serve as firewood and seats around the bon
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Chapter 8: A Special Gift
POV ALFRED Hours before meeting Akira at the festival preparations… My steps are calm. I don't want to frighten the beautiful bird that is preparing for its flight. I don't want to hit it with an arrow. I am afraid that its blood will stain my luck. So I risk a jump and my fingers pull a feather, in return, he pulls my finger with his big beak. Our encounter turns into a war until I get the perfect feather. The bird flies away and I return to near old dad who is amused by the whole situation. "Wouldn't a letter on a flowery paper be more effective?" I grumble. I am not at all confident in this plan. Because the fact that Akira has shown herself to be more open since she left the Rockefeller mansion doesn't mean that she prefers things like that over her imported jacket she got from Lilian or Christian's stupid letter. "Old father, this might be my last chance. I don't want to waste it..." I confess my longings, and honestly, there is no one better to listen to me than him. "T
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Chapter 9: Getting to know more about Skyffal
POV RICHARDThe sun comes in fiercely through the window, beating down on my face while my eyes are closed and refusing to believe that this is the dawn of day.Oh my! If this is not a dream, what is happening in Skyfall?I have never witnessed such a sunny day, even though it is "summer". I get up in displeasure and go to the window to draw the curtains. My intention is to go back to sleep, but seeing those ridiculous little houses of the Skyfallers decorated with bright colors, I remember that today is the festival. It's been almost two days and not a single sign of Akira. My arrogance is enough to assume that she is waiting for me today with open arms and that this distance between us is just a ploy on her part to match the extremely coy matchmaking girls in the big city. I don't understand the reason for this, because I am not willing to give her any choices. She will be my wife and that will be our happy ending.I close the curtains, ending the depressing spectacle of these w
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Chapter 10: A Magic Night
POV AKIRA SELENA I have left my little home, although my mother's words have not left me. However, the night is festive, and for many of us, the opportune moment to celebrate the best that unites us. The small streets are all lit up and nobody would get lost until the center of the small town, so there is no need for me to get lost in my worries about what may or may not happen tonight. I feel my hands cold and my heart racing. Because today, the festival is not only a celebration. It is also a meeting point and who knows, maybe the possibility of a romance being born in the hearts of the youngsters. Maybe this explains so many colors and the magical aura that involves everyone beyond the fumes escaping from the huge bonfire where some already dance around, others talk and the shy ones use it as a barrier to exchange glances from one end of our "ballroom" to the other where the open sky and the moonlight are our hosts. There is also an exchange of gifts as a show of affection bet
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