

"Master, why did you come here personally?" The One Night bar manager rushed out when he saw Royal, perhaps his presence at this time took him by surprise.

“Didn’t you say that the owner of this bar is an old man between seventy and eighty years old?” Giselle wondered. “The information the police have given out is not very accurate these days.”

Everyone was bewildered because this young man brought one surprise after another. This guy that Professor Louis Edward calls Royal must have had a special relationship with him, so even if this guy gave him a huge blow, he would not respond at all and remain calm to explain.

“Royal, what are you doing here?” Louis asked.

"Don't pretend like it's okay, I already know about Phoebe, don't expect to be able to hide it from me." Royal seemed very annoyed, he brushed off the dust that was clinging to his shirt. “I have contacted the juniors here, Phoebe's affairs are left to me to take care of, your business is to go back to Germany and do your job with name the CEO of Phoenix Ed.”

"I don't seem to understand the problem." Louis said, wiping the corner of his mouth with his hand, "Phoebe is my wife and sister-in-law, what you need to do is settle your business in France and go back to Germany with daddy."

“What did you say…” Royal was furious, he grabbed Louis's shirt and seemed about to give him another blow as well.

Egbert felt that the two brothers' conversation was becoming more and more serious, so he had to intervene before the two continued fighting.

“You two can stop now, we are both elite policemen here, obviously we won't let you two quarrel here. Professor Edward, would you mind explaining to me what's going on here?"

After Egbert's intervention, Royal was able to let go of Louis's body. He looked at Louis with angry eyes, Louis showed no expression, he just kept a quiet and calm attitude. Egbert was about to ask Louis something, but perhaps it was better for him to speak for himself.

“Royal Edward, I am the owner of this bar. If you need any information, just ask me.” Royal straightened his vest and told Egbert what was necessary.

“Edward… Isn't that the same last name as Professor Edward?” Jacob wondered, “Are you two…”

"It's my younger brother, Royal." Louis heard it, so he explained quietly, then he walked over to Egbert, “Royal, the kidnapper's message indicated that Phoebe's hint was here, that's why we came here. The important thing is that now we need to find or wait for the kidnapper's next hint."

“Are you crazy or something! Waiting for the kidnapper to send a message is like waiting for Phoebe to die and then telling him to come get the body. My brother, you should know that Phoebe has been kidnapped for three days by now and we still don't know all the information about the specific location. Like that, by the time they reached Phoebe, she had already become a corpse. I don't know how you policemen work, but if you're in my area, you need to do what I say." Royal said, his hand clenched as if he was about to give someone another blow.

Seeing Royal's impatient expression, Egbert was afraid that Royal would lose control and punch Louis in the face again, so he quickly stood in front of Louis. Louis' phone rings, it's email. Louis hastily opened his phone to check his mailbox, but what caught his eye was an anonymous email with a completely different ID address this time, maybe he created a spam email to give Louis along with other people. His friend could not find Phoebe's whereabouts.

This time the kidnapper's email sent an additional video image. In the video, there is still an image of Phoebe lying on the bed, she looks extremely tired, maybe she is sick herself so her face is also thin. Phoebe looked in the direction of the sewing machine but her eyes were no longer light, maybe Phoebe wasn't looking forward to living and leaving.

“Look, Louis. Congratulations on finding the key location. However, our game continues. Phoebe Edward has been held here for three days and now our game has officially begun, do you think if this beautiful girl has to starve and look thirsty to wait for you to come save her? he will die. I look forward to your answer. Louis, oppression lies within you: violets lie on the sand dunes, sunflowers lie in a sea of ​​fire, the farewell of the wind and the revenge of the water."

“Damn… What does he mean?” Royal slammed his fist on the table, and the table also split into two pieces. Giselle sitting nearby shivered involuntarily, human strength wasn't that strong, it was true that the Edwards were full of talented people, but perhaps Royal's strange actions caught the attention of all the investigators. Apparently this was Royal's sister-in-law but he was even more zealous than Louis. Although Louis is extremely worried but he does not show it on the outside, he is much calmer and calmer, sometimes Louis' calm makes others doubt about this husband and wife relationship.

"Isn't he referring to your previous cases, Louis..." Egbert thought. "But what does it have to do with this One Night bar?"

“Louis, what do you say, or do you want me to punch you again?” Royal said.

Louis was silent, perhaps there was something in the killer's sentence that made Louis feel chills. Perhaps many people do not know, but it is clear that the first sentence Violet is lying on the sand dunes is the way he wants to refer to the death of Violet Grace in the past. That year Violet's departure left a huge pain in Louis' heart, making him now only need to think about the things and events related to her.

A ting sounded, another email was sent, in the email was a sentence of the killer: The people you love all smell of red lavender.

"Damned!!!" Louis let out a curse that made everyone turn to look at him, Louis's hand gripping the phone so tightly it made his hand bleed. Louis knew what he was referring to and what red lavender he was talking about. Everything is related to the incident that happened two years ago, when he was a professor of criminal psychology in the criminal investigation team in Paris. All of his cases had very special names that he gave to distinguish them and were clearly recorded by him.

Louis ran outside, he seemed to be looking for something, but was stopped by Royal. Egbert was startled to see Royal's attitude quickly stopping him. However, Louis signaled to Egbert to leave him alone.

“How do you count? Let Phoebe be tortured to death by a murderer? Can't all the women related to him have a happy ending. If you don't want to, get these cops out of my area. I'll definitely take this Paris apart to find Phoebe. What is the meaning of the wind's farewell, the sea's revenge? I don't care, what I care about is quality and timing, I won't spend any more time with Phoebe near that killer." Royal is angry.

“It doesn't matter if you get angry, if your method really works, then just do it. Just send a gang of yours to rummage through Paris looking for Phoebe. I don't think I'm worried, but this time he clearly wants revenge, the fact that he brings up the old cases is just to let me know that there is something in all of my cases. there is a mistake. Royal, I know you have power all over Italy but that doesn't mean we can find Phoebe any time soon. This murderer is trying to make fun of us, or rather tease him, wanting him to once again experience the feeling of life not being equal to death like this. Besides, he also knows that Phoebe is still a virgin, maybe he raped her but in the video, Phoebe's clothes are very neat, just like the first time he sent him about Phoebe's video, she seemingly unchanged; Looks like the killer had no intention of raping Phoebe. But how did he know that Phoebe was still a virgin? This means that he is very knowledgeable about this, or rather he is an expert or a doctor.”

Louis spoke at length, explaining what he had observed to Royal, but perhaps Royal could not hear, what he heard in his ears was probably not very clean information.

“Louis, what do you say…” said Royal. “Are you saying you haven't had sex with Phoebe since the day you married her? LOUIS EDWARD, do you think Phoebe is your replacement for Violet?"

Everyone heard it, Royal's voice seemed to be quite loud and the bar was so wide that the sound echoed everywhere. Jacob and Ronal began to talk, and Giselle joined the group.

"Hey, shouldn't we discuss Professor Edward's private life?" Giselle spoke up.

“But isn't that very strange? Why doesn't Professor Edward sleep with his wife? Is it because he studies and studies so much that he doesn't have a physiological need?" Jacob began to speak.

A blow to the heads of three huddled members, Egbert grimaced to disagree with the behavior of the three core members of the team.

“Ronal and Giselle already know, but why let Jacob question it. Violet used to be Louis's fiancée, she was also one of our once famous forensics, but she was unfortunately killed by a killer: Night obsession, so Louis always felt something. Violet's death has something to do with him."

Jacob seemed to understand, he gave an hour to show he understood and then started taking notes on something unclear, as if he was rearranging the information he had gathered. And Egbert was dragged to a hidden corner by Ronal and Giselle to ask questions.

“Hey big boss, aren't you curious about that? About Professor Edward not wanting to have sex with his wife. Is it possible that Violet is involved?” Giselle asked softly, her face filled with curiosity as she looked at her captain. To show his agreement with that question, Ronal also quickly nodded.

“It's true that I…also a little…” Egbert began to be confused. “And these two, aren't Phoebe Edward being kidnapped, perhaps this is related to previous cases, rather than being kidnapped. If you're curious about things, I think you two should look up information related to previous cases."

Serious expressions began to appear on the faces of the three policemen, perhaps after a few moments of joking talk, they also realized that the hostage was still in the hands of the kidnapper and she was meeting dangerous, now they must urgently re-investigate the old cases of Louis to consider the circumstances related to the case.

Louis and Royal still have not found a common way, perhaps the problem between the two of them is too big and that problem is Phoebe Edward. Royal smoked a cigarette to calm himself, he didn't think one day he would search with Louis Edward for the girl who once belonged to him and as for Louis, too many mixed emotions flowed through him like a stream. thousands of images are being displayed haphazardly. Louis patted his head, he had never felt so tense as now, perhaps since Violet's death nothing has made him nervous, everything has passed in his life so easily and he feels bored. He was once a famous criminal psychology professor, he was not afraid of any criminals until the person named Fear of the Night appeared in his life. It challenged his mind and forced him to the edge of despair, he had wanted to die when he saw Violet's unhealthy body and it was so horrible that he could never erase it from his mind.


"They're working together, aren't they, but they're not going to find this place, are they, Phoebe?"

The killer was smoking a cigarette, he seemed very satisfied with the suggestion he made to challenge the so-called criminal psychology professor. Phoebe is lying in bed, she is starting to feel more tired, today is the second day she has taken an aphrodisiac, a drug that increases her libido and libido but she cannot release it. It paralyzed her whole body and now even moving is extremely difficult. The killer slowly opened Phoebe's handcuffs and legs one by one, perhaps he was sure that Phoebe would not be able to escape after a period of drug use. Outside the door was Lily Swat, she stood looking at the girl lying on the bed with thousands of questions: Who is she? Could it be that she, like me, was also brought here? However, she just kept quiet and walked in with a basin of water.

“Take good care of her, Lily. You will be rewarded if the lady here is satisfied.” The killer told Lily.

"Who is she?" Lily asked.

“You don't need to know who this girl is, what you need to know is that you should take good care of this girl, as long as this girl is well taken care of, she will be rewarded; otherwise your fate will be like these people.”

The killer opened on the computer pictures of some victims whose body parts had been amputated, some had their hands cut off, some were beheaded, and some had lost their genitals. Lily saw the scene in front of her, she could only vomit, she couldn't stand the horrible images before her eyes. The killer stood up, he grabbed Lily's hair and pulled her towards the computer screen, his hand on her chin and pressed her face to it.

“Dear Lily, this is the end of those who betray the curse of God. If you disobey, I will punish you the same way these girls are punished. Don't be afraid, I will protect you from god, protect you from death that god has for you."

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