
Humanity's Last Resort
Humanity's Last Resort
Author: Caleb Schade


They say all good things must come to an end, but what was good about the human race? We were always broken.

The intercom buzzed with the voice of a young female. “He’s here.”

“Who is?” asked David, the lead scientist in an underground bunker.

“The president of Project Humanity’s Last Resort. He told me he is here for a progress check. Word of advice, you should get outside while you still can sir, you’re getting irritable.”

“Let him in and learn to mind your damn business. My well-being is none of your concern.” scolded David.

“Sorry, sir. He’s on his way down now.”

The room was full of men and women dressed in either white lab coats or some form of formal attire. Those not in lab coats were sitting behind computers, poking away at their keyboard. One of them gathered the papers on their desk and carried it to David’s desk.

“I have the updated reports for the reactor’s efficiency, sir,” the worker said.

“Thank you, Simon. I will hand these off to the president when he gets here,” replied David.

David turned around, so he was now facing the scientist as they worked.

“Attention!” bellowed David.

The room commotion in the room froze, as if time itself had stopped. David cleared his throat and began giving orders. “Alright everyone, Mr. Shirker is on his way down here for his inspection. I want all progress reports finished and, on my desk, immediately!” David ordered.

“Yes, sir!” exclaimed the staff in unison.

The room resumed to its busy manner. Within seconds, people began bringing papers to his desk and had them sorted by his assistant. Five minutes later, a tall man dressed in a black business suit complete with a white button-down shirt and a red tie walked into the room. The room froze once again. Everyone stood up and faced the president.

“Everything is going to plan, I assume, since everyone has enough time to stand around and do nothing,” said the president in a deep voice. 

“Y-yes sir,” stuttered David. “We’re just about finished. All we need is for you to initiate Noah’s Ark and we’ll be able to execute Project HLR.”

“No need to get all bent out of shape. I know all of you down here have been worked harder than ever.” said Mr. Shirker, nodding his head. “Since you’ve been working so hard, I will continue to hold up my end of our arrangement. Your families will be saved and you will be reunited with them soon enough.” Mr. Shirker continued, “We will begin preparing the Noah’s Arks and Project HLR will be ready to launch in two days.”

“Thank you for keeping your promise. We all hope to see you in the new world,” said David, holding his head high. “But are you sure two days is enough to gather our families?”

“It is more than enough time, but do remember, I cannot force anyone to show up to their bunkers.”

The president turned and walked out the door toward the elevator. As he waited for the elevator, he took out his phone and dialed a number. “Hello, this is Mr. Shirker, yes, the end is near. Begin operation Noah’s Ark. Project Humanity’s Last Resort will be ready to launch in two days.”

He closed his phone and walked into the elevator.

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