

Sophia's POV

I hadn't expected our gaze to meet. The way his eyes had stayed on me felt weird and it made me want to go closer to him. The strange feeling had me looking away as I looked down. 'He is good looking so what?! Ok maybe more good looking than the regular good looking I know but that shouldn't make me this way right?' I bit my lips while clenching my fist. The strong urge to look at him, to watch him scared me. This is not normal!!!

"I feel you girl." Skylar spoke grinning.

"Let's concentrate." Ok why am I angry? Why do I hate the fact that she is just as attracted to him as I am? Why is the class not over yet?!

"So I see we have a new student, could you come up here and introduce yourself?" Sophia tensed hearing the teacher's words. She felt like crying. Not only is her head and body acting weird, this man just had to bring her out to become everyone's focus.

She could feel everyone's gaze on her as she walked to the front. 'It will be over soon.' She kept on chanting that in her head as she walked towards the teacher.

She turned to face her new classmates and weirdly enough, her eyes as though they were magnetized caught his piercing ones. Her heart skipped.

Clearing her throat, Sophia once more forced herself to look away. "Hello, I am Sophia Adalee James. I am your new classmate."


"Hello, I am Sophia Adalee James. I am your new classmate." 'Sophia Adalee. My mates's name is Sophia Adalee.'

"How old are you?" Wyatt's hands instantly fell on my knee as I forced myself to not growl. How dare a male ask my mate such a question in a flattery tone?!

"You can't. You will scare her." I heard his voice in my head. Indeed, she is human.


"I clocked seventeen on February 16th." Sophia answered.

"She is older than you are." Hearing Owen's amused voice in my head had me scowling while the other two smiled.

"We are of the same age!" I defended.

"Yes you both are, except your birthday is not until May. Doesn't this mean she is three months older than you are?" Owen gasped while I felt like punching him.

"Three months and some days. His birthday is not May 16th but May 25th." Caius added, his tone even more annoying than Owen's. Wyatt looked like he was enjoying a show.

"You all should find your way home!" I huffed. Sophia looked relieved as she was finally about to leave the podium after answering a few questions like where she came from. Why did they relocate here? What her favorite subject was?

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Wyatt's question didn't just leave the whole room shocked, even though I hadn't expected such a question coming from him, I was curious. Curious to hear her response.

'Of course she would have one, she is too beautiful to be single.' The thought made my heart ache. Her beautiful eyes found mine and I gulped. 'Does she feel it?' I wondered.

"No. No I don't." The fact that she had answered that while looking at me pleased me. I felt reassured. It felt as though she could feel my nervousness and she was telling me to not worry.

Sophia almost fled away from the podium. Her head was once more lowered and her hoodie was pulled to completely cover her.

"I don't want to not be in the same class as her." I confessed to my friends who all nodded in agreement.

"Of course. As soon as this class is over, I intend to change our classes to be the same as hers." Wyatt responded.

"So, are you going to tell her?" Caius asked. He has been curious about this and he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Tell her what? That I am her mate? She will think of me as a pervert. Or that we are destined to be together forever by the moon goddess? She is human, and humans... well they see the moon as a beautiful part of nature, not as an idol. And need I remind you, most of them believe in God. So exactly what am I meant to tell her?" I asked. How do I approach someone who most likely does not know of our existence?

"You could tell her you wish to be her friend. At least, I am going to be doing that." Owen shrugged.

"I think that will be hard. She seems like a shy person." I nodded agreeing with Wyatt. Earlier when she was called to go up, I had detected a change in her breathing, and while she was standing there, she had held herself from breathing so many times.

"I have always liked a good challenge. I just didn't take you all to be ones who will run when faced with a challenge." Owen scoffed.

"I think she is friends with that redhead. I will befriend her too." Caius smirked as he looked the lady's way. His expression had his friends wondering just what he planned to do.

"I don't care what you two do, but you mustn't hurt her friend in any form." Alexios warned them. He had an idea of what Caius might want to do but the redhead will only end up being hurt when Caius meets his mate.

"Hurting her friend will be a stupid thing to do." Owen's eye rolled.

The class soon finished with none of them paying attention. Wyatt as promised had rushed to the administration block where he got a hold of her lectures timetable and changed all of theirs to match hers. Three classes together later, we were all at the cafeteria for our lunch.


"I am overthinking it right?" Skylar asked again as she gave me a nudge.

"Yes you are. I did not even know them until this morning." I had to accept the fact that I can't shake her off.

"Wyatt never ask questions in class, but he asked you about your relationship status. That doesn't happen like ever!" Sophia took a quick glance around only to notice hateful glares that were directed at her from a certain table.

"Can you please lower your voice? And I don't know that okay. I don't know them, never met them until today so how should I know why he asked me a question when he never ask?" Sophia felt drained. Skylar has been asking her this since their first class and now, she still wouldn't stop.

"I don't know Sophia. Could it be love at first sight? I mean, recall when they had all walked into the class, they were looking our way. Boys who never stop to give anyone or anything a second glance all stopped and looked our way. Then Wyatt asked a question. Oh, coincidentally you had the same classes as them since morning. Now if this ain't destiny, I don't know what it can be." Skylar sounded so excited as though she was unraveling a mystery. "You might end up being the very first girl who will be joining their gang." She whisper yelled almost jumping from excitement.

"And if you are wrong?" I asked. I hated how I wished she was right, how I wished he had indeed taken an interest in me as I have weirdly done with him. But I hated the fact that she is insinuating that the guy who had asked me a question earlier was the one interested in me.

"Well, look at them. I am not wrong." Following her gaze, my eyes once more met with his. "I am so not wrong right?" Skylar asked grinning. "I am this ship captain, and it is going to sail so beautifully." Skylar cheered as I sighed wondering why I am sitting with such a strange person.

Turning away from them, I needed to turn my back to them so I won't keep taking a peek at him. But instead of feeding my eyes with his handsomeness, I was left staring at the ladies who were glaring at me earlier. Their gaze made me feel like they hated me. They stared at me with so much hate.

"Who are they?" I asked Skylar. I just couldn't ignore the obvious look of hate.

"Oh shit! The four had always paraded themselves as their partners. They must see you as a threat." One of the girls from the table banged her fist down. Had Skylar not lowered her voice, I would have thought maybe they heard her. But her voice was so low that the person seated at the next table wouldn't be able to hear us.

"Hello, can I please join you two?" I looked up to see one of his friend standing beside us with a smile.

"What?!" You... You, you want to siiit with us?" Skylar stuttered as she hastily got up from her sit. "Would you like to sit on my sit? I had sat on it so it wouldn't be as cold." I watched her lips that didn't seem like it was closing at all.

She should probably be a musical rapper.

"There is no need. I can sit here." The guy whose name I am yet to know pointed at an empty sit which he pulled out and sat.

"Hello Skylar." Skylar gasped as her cheeks became a very noticeable shade of red. "Sophia. I am Owen, and I realized our classes clashed all day today, so I decided to come day hi."

"Oh, hi Owen." Sophia greeted with a smile, Skylar's mouth that was held opened is yet to be closed.

"So..." With Owen there, the girls soon engaged in more conversation. They would laugh loudly. This obviously got them so many hateful glare and jealous whispering.

"Lunch hour is almost over. I better get going, I have biology next." Owen told them as he stood up to leave.

"That's crazy. She has biology too as her next class." Skyler's hands covered her mouth as she wondered how such coincidence could happen. Everyone knows the boys always receive classes together.

"Really, What a coincidence." Owen's innocent smile would never make one suspect them.

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