Highschool Sweetheart by Gloria Samuel

Highschool Sweetheart by Gloria Samuel

Oleh:  Gia lee  On going
Bahasa: English
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Trina is a melodious singer and is crazily in love with her crush Jake who makes her join his band. She has got an annoying brother and she is bullied by her course mates Mandy and Mckayla who try to disband her and Jake. Trina falls out of love discovering Jake's motives. Trina meets with the Mayor's son, Brad and she hates him at first sight finding him rude and arrogant and she is surprised to learn that he will be the judge to will decide on her music performance.

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11 Bab
Oh My gosh, My face!
It was a frenzied dawning, I woke up and slowly opened my eyes staring up at the ceiling. I stretched my arms lazily and I did not feel like springing up from the bed but my tummy was aching, I had just a slice of pizza last night.I would have had a whole pizza but my six-year-old brother John, ate the biggest slice from my plate since I waited to finish doing my assignment before I'll eat. I'm actually used to him taking from my food. There were some sandwiches, and burritos left in the fridge but I did not have an8 appetite for any of it except for pizza.I complained to my mum Juliet, and to my dad Dickson, but they did not take my complaint seriously.My mum said, "oh let it be, he's just six, don't be a baby."I felt insulted, "what? I'm a baby?"And then I thought, maybe I'm actually being a baby since it's just a pizza. But it's not just nothing to me. I love having pizza, I wish they considered how I feel.Anyways, I gave up. Fighting with my baby brother would seem childish
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In the basement
It clocked 11:30 am. I was still hiding in the basement sulking like a lost puppy.Mandy and Mckayla were seated at the cafeteria munching on spaghetti tacos. The cafeteria was quite noisy, there was humming in the air, and it was quite packed.Kenzie and Sam who are Mckayla and Mandy's friends, approached their table grinning excitedly from ear to ear."Girls guess what?" Kenzie said impatiently.Mckayla rolled her eyes and groaned, "you know I don't like guessing. Just spill it out.""Okay, Jake is heading towards the school's basement.""And he's alone." said Sam energetically.Mckayla and Mandy gasped feeling stupefied, "What!" and sprang up to their feet grinning from ear to ear. They dropped their tacos and grabbed their handbag."Come on, let's go hurry to him." Mandy said and they walked out of the cafeteria.Jake was singing as he was walking through the stairs towards the down floor. The girls spotted him walk past the library and they increased their pace towards him.They
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Oh my gosh! My diary!
I was quite shocked, and I thought, "me? I'm gonna be in Jake's band? We're gonna be singing next to each other. Oh, me and my crush."My cheeks blushed and I shyly bowed my head, "I don't know what to say.""You don't have to think about it. Just say yes. You've got a beautiful voice, you're all I need."Mandy angrily started to us, and Mckayla followed."Are you gonna pick this dumb pooped face to be in the Jackson Fellas over me?" Mandy barked."Yea, I think she'll be a great profit to the band."Mandy was suffocated with shock, and was getting short of breath, "but um... You just met this loser today and we... I and Mckayla have known you since a long time.""Yea, I'd pick either of you but Trina is the singer Jackson Fellas need. I'm sorry but I pick Trina."Mandy felt bittered, she stared into his eyes boiling in fury and she turned her gaze to me. I could see the rage in her eyes, I got nervous like she was going to push me in front of a train, and I stared at the floor to avoi
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Oh my gosh! My dress!
I stood at the stairs folding my arms and staring into space when my dad approached me. He was coming from the kitchen holding a fresh mango and heading towards the staircase when he spotted me.Dickson touched my arm and I shook and turned to him, "Dad.""Baby girl, what's wrong? You seem quite pale."I exhaled, "it's nothing dad, I'll be fine. I just feel tired.""If there is anything bothering you, just let me know princess.""I'm okay. I'll just go to my room. I want to apply this cream mum gave me. I cannot wait to see my cheeks smooth again." I grinned from ear to ear and I walked upstairs.It was quite a hot afternoon the subsequent day, I was in my bedroom sorting out for the prettiest pair of trousers in my wardrobe. I flung all the trousers from the wardrobe on the bed, and a few blouses.Men! I have never messed up my room like I had that day. Nothing seemed perfect to me anymore, my dresses seemed ugly to me. Even my pair of purple designer's jeans my dad gifted to me on m
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My Performance!
I randomly picked up a pair of blue jeans and I wore an orange blouse which was an old dress. I was hastily dressing up that I did not remember that the blouse was shabby.I roughly combed my hair and painted my lips with a colourless lipgloss. I slipped my feet into a pair of black low heels and grabbed my handbag from my bed.I was almost stepping out of the room when Juliet stepped in. "Dear are you all set to leave?""Yea mum. I wouldn't want to keep Jake waiting."She felt quite irritated by the dress and before she could speak, I had fled from the room to the living room. I was quite surprised not to see Jake and I panicked thinking that he was probably bored and left.To be sure, I peeked through the curtains and I spotted him standing outside the gate besides his blue SUV. He was wearing a blue shirt, and a pair of blue jeans and a pair of flashy spectacles sat on his face. I couldn't help but stare him then it dawned on me that we have a band we have to attend and I hurried o
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At the club
It was 8:25pm later that day. The weather was quite frosty and breezy. Jake drove me to my house and he parked his car by the gate."You are home now. I promised your dad I will bring you home safe and sound." He smiled at me.I chuckled softly and he looked into my eyes, "you were amazing. You really impressed me.""I'm the one really impressed cause because of you, I'm in a musical band. I always knew that I'm a good singer but it did not ever cross my mind to join a band.""And I'm happy to have you in my life, " he cleared his throat, "I mean the band. We are lucky to have you."My cheeks blushed.He sighed, "it's almost nine pm." He glanced at his wristwatch and I wished that the minutes would not go by, that it'll be 7 p.m and we'd still have time to hang together. But it's quite late and even though I want us to chat longer, my dad would be upset that I stayed out so late.Jake stepped out of his car and he walked towards my door and he pulled it open. I dropped my feet on the
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Spaghetti Spectacle
It was quite a hot Friday afternoon in Maxwell university. I was carrying quite a large tray with a few snacks like, donuts, Cheese fries and a bottle of soda on it approaching a bench in the middle of the cafeteria.The cafeteria was quite packed with several students, there was humming in the air, and when I looked at the rows of seats, each persons on each row seemed to be chatting with each other and I felt quite bad that I was the only one without friends, or among a squad.Anyways, I was friends with Myles my course mate. We always hung out at the school library and he'd talk about his kitten, Dora. She has a white fur, and cute pair of brown eyes. She felt warm and soft when I held her in my arms in his apartment.I ended our friendship ever since he laughed at my swollen face with the others at class.Who would mock a friend or join the crowd and laugh along with them? I was starting to miss Myles's company staring at everyone gisting and catching fun with their friends.My he
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He's Not My Boyfriend
Jake and I walked to the washroom and we paused at the door."I will wait right here. You go in." He said.I nodded and I clenched the doorknob and pushed it open. I walked inside and shut the door. I walked towards the sink and I looked at my reflection in the mirror.I noticed strands of the noodles rolling from my hair and dropping on my shoulders. "Ew!" I moaned.I felt quite nervous being in the washroom hoping that no one was in the room as well. I did not want to be noticed. I did not hear any noise from either of the doors in the room and I felt quite relaxed but I wanted to eagerly hurry and get myself cleaned up before any lady step in and notice that I amcovered in spaghetti.I bowed my head in the sink and pressed the tap rolling it and water gushed out of it. I bowed my hair under the tap and the water splashed on my hair. The water was frigid.After I was done rinsing all the noodles and stew out, I reached towards a towel hung on a hook. I grabbed it and wrapped it aro
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At the Resort
It was 2pm that same day. The weather was quite hot. Jake and I arrived at his dad's resort. We stepped out of his car parked in the parking lot and walked inside the resort.I heard many cars driving by. As we walked into the resort I noticed that there was a lot people and I could hear many people talking at once.I glanced at a cafeteria and noticed waiters carrying plates of meals and bottles of drink serving the people in the cafeteria. Most of all the customers were dressed in beach wears.I can taste the not very fresh air because there has been many people walking through here. The resort is called Paradise lodge. It is an enormous resort.I grinned from ear to ear as we walked. Jake clenched my hand."It's beautiful." I said energetically. My eyes lit up in joy.He turned to me, stroked my cheek and looked into my eyes, "no you're the one beautiful."I speechlessly stared into his eyes and blinked twice."Let's go to the cafeteria, " he dramatically rubbed his tummy, "I'm sta
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My eyes were getting soaked with tears, and I felt like hugging him.He held his phone and texted his mechanic."He will be here soon." He slid his phone into his pocket and leaned against the car.I listened to hums of cars driving by. Lampposts were stationed at the roadside. They glistened the road so brightly that I could observe a billboard at quite a far distance.The wind blew quite heavily, it caressed me and I shivered almost like a leaf. The wind shook my hair and I noticed Jake's hair shaking. He flung the strands of his hair off his face and the wind threw the strands back on his face."I'm feeling cold Jake.""I don't feel comfortable either and I don't have a jacket to clothe you.""When's the mechanic gonna appear?" I looked up the road."Don't worry he's on his way."Jake felt disturbed staring at me shaking and he advanced towards me. I looked at him and I wondered why he stood so close to me."It's frigid and I have an idea that will help keep us warm.""What is it?"
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