
Chapter 4

I woke up quite early despite what had happened last night and didn't feel like I needed any more sleep so I decided to wake daddy up by launching an all out tickle fest on him. He loved to do it to me so why should I let him have all the fun when I can also have some fun. 

To say my plan didn't work would be an understatement. He hadn't even moved and when I sighed and got on him so I could reach his most ticklish arms he had me in a tight bear hug making me giggle when he started tickling me back just as much as I had tickled him when I wanted to wake him up. 

Not wanting to get up and daddy still holding me close and cuddling me we just laid in bed until my stomach growled loudly. 

Daddy started poking me in the stomach asking if I was hungry. His poking made me giggle again but I still managed to do a yes nod with my head telling him that I was indeed hungry. Daddy started tickling me again before he told me to get dressed so long and to meet him downstairs and that he would have breakfast ready by the time I was done he would be done also. 

I looked to my clothes that was neatly folded in the bag. I wasn't exactly in the mood to go through everything and search for something I felt like wearing so I randomly took the top pair and went to get dressed in the little bathroom while I smelt dad's cooking. 

After breakfast we packed everything we used back into the car and we were on the road again. Strapped in my car seat I felt like I could see the whole world from where I was sitting. I didn't think that there was still  a need for me to be sitting in the seat but dad would tell me that he will remove it on my next birthday so we will just have to wait and see if he for once stays true to his promises. 

Not like he never does what he had promised it's just that he does promise me something and then as if he can't remember he does something entirely different when the time for performance comes around. I don't really like calling him out on this because he has been taking care of me and he has been keeping me safe and protected from the bad men that were following us. 

"Dad why are the bad men following us? Please don't not tell me or promise to tell me later like always. Was it something I had done wrong? Please tell me.." 

He sighed and swallowed before he answered me. 

"It's nothing of your doing. It's something I did before I had you and they want to hurt me like I had hurt them by getting to you because you are the most precious thing to me. I didn't know what I was supposed to do and was already paid and being threatened by other men that had paid me to do something for them. I had to choose who I wanted to not help out and I think I ended up choosing wrong." 

"Was it something bad? Like the stuff you always tell me not to do because I would get in trouble and be punished?"

He nodded his head yes. 

"Why did you do it daddy?"

"I needed the money for Abby and well you... Nobody was hiring me for any legal jobs and I had no choice but to take the work on in order for me to have saved you and..." 

"Thank you for telling me daddy. I'm sorry that I asked and that you had no choice but to work for these people that were bad."

He smiled back to me and asked me if I would like a juice box. I was quite thirsty so I said yes and drank the apple juice he gave me. 

Last night's little sleep is trying to catch up with me because very soon I had started feeling sleepy and closed my eyes with the intention of only resting them for a little while. Plan failed successfully.

Dad woke me up and told me that we were at the new cottage and that once we have loaded everything from the car to the house he would take me out for dinner and that I could have an ice-cream for dessert if I helped him get everything in it's place. 

In no time at all we had everything in the cottage and we were walking to the small diner that dad said he saw when he drove into the little town. 

Another little town, another two months of being the new people in town before packing everything up again and starting the whole process all over again. I smile and pretend that it doesn't bother me but it does definitely bother me. Not because we can't stay and because I can't make friends but the fact that dad never stops worrying and this makes him have us isolate and never talk to anyone making the people think we are weird. They definitely act strange when they see or interact with us. 

Once we got into the diner and we were seated and the nice lady had taken our drink orders dad told me that we might be staying for a little while longer here than we had in the past and that we would in future try and move places less frequently so that I could maybe start school. 

School would be fun but I was worried about being away from dad for the long time everyday being in school. Maybe we should just stick to the current plan where he teaches me and we have fun together. 

I smiled and started sipping my milkshake while waiting for the food. My stomach started growling again and I giggled when I saw dad smile having heard it. The food didn't take long at all and I ate as soon the nice lady set my food down. 

I really wanted that ice-cream after having finished the dinner. Like dad promised he ordered me the ice-cream and even stole a few spoonful’s before we left for home.


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