
Her Vengeful Lover
Her Vengeful Lover
Auteur: Ray

I will marry

“My daughter cannot marry this early,” asserted Lucas Spanos in front of Spanos’ family head, Sebastian Spanos who is his father.

“You do not have a right to decide. Your daughter is going to marry Alexander Adamos in next two days,” declared Sebastian who was seated on the couch in the living room. Beside him, his wife Lyra Spanos was seated.

“Father, she is only 23. Moreover, he is not the man whom she love. She does not even know him. How can you throw her into a marriage?!” Lucas complained. Anastasia looked at her father, Lucas, who already knows that her grandfather won’t agree to her even if she complains so she kept mum. 

“Father, forgive me for this rude behavior. But I think we should not impose this marriage on her. Moreover, the guy does not even have a  job and I don’t think he will ever be able to make our Ana happy.” Lucas put forwarded his concerns regarding his daughter.

“This is a modern world. A man can also do the household works while his wife can work in the office. He will live with us after the marriage,” pronounced Sebastian.

“Father?” muttered Lucas. He was looking at his father with an inquisitive look. “I am against this marriage. Please take back your decision, father,” Lucas asserted.

“Lucas, you did not do anything good in life and now you are telling me what I should do or should not. I do not want to hear anything. Anastasia has to marry Alexander Adamos in two days,” proclaimed Sebastian in an affirmed tone.

“You married a woman of your choice and now look how things have turned. She divorced you and you expect us to listen to you?” Lyra, mother of Lucas, angrily said. 

Anastasia got angry upon hearing those words. She was going to speak but Lucas spoke before she could. “Father, I understand. That was my personal choice but Ana is not like me. She is an ambitious girl, so, please think over this again,” stated Lucas.

“The designer is coming in the evening. You two can go now,” said Sebastian with a stern look. 

“I will leave this house along with my daughter, right away, if you forced this marriage on her,” Lucas declared. 

“Think before you speak. Give me back the money you spent on a useless business which at last bankrupted. Every single penny which was being spent by me on you after your education - I want that. Once you will pay, you can leave this house,” stated Sebastian. 

Lucas grabbed his daughter’s hand and left the living room. He was angry just hearing those bitter words of his father. 

Sebastian Spanos is the Head of Spanos family and has a dominating, fierce and over powering personality. His words are final words for every family member and no one dares to defy his orders. He has three sons: Icarus Spanos (Eldest son), George Spanos (Middle son), and Lucas Spanos (Youngest son) respectively.

Lucas is the least favored child of all the three because he had done a mistake 25 years ago. He married to a girl who according to his parents was not right for him. But still Lucas went with his own decision and married Katherine who is quite a popular model in Greece. He has only one daughter, Anastasia who decided to stay with his father after her parents divorce.

Anastasia looked at her father’s worried face and observed how her father was being treated all those years in Spanos House. He works in the S & L Co. Ltd as a senior manager but like the other two sons he was never being treated equally. S & L Co. Ltd. is established by Sebastian in his youthful days. Today it is the leading service providing company in Greece. 

“Dad, don’t be sad. If Grandpa wants me to marry then I will marry,” stated Anastasia.

“Ana, my Child! Father is making you marry a guy who himself has no future. The way father was talking clearly showed that he wants my child to marry just a man who will do household chores. You love Stephen and throwing you into a random marriage, I won’t let that happen,” asserted Lucas.

“Dad, what do you think I should do then?” Anastasia asked. “We don’t have money to pay back to grandpa,” stated Anastasia. 

“I have money. I will-”

“I do not want my dad to feel low in front of them in any way. I want to bring your lost dignity right back. I want Grandpa to respect you too. For me you are the most important person in my life,” stated Anastasia. 

“But I do not want to see my child’s life get ruined like me. Don’t marry. For me your happiness is most important,” proclaimed Lucas. 

“Dad, I am agreeing on this because of some reason. I heard from Nicholas that Grandpa is going to choose the inheritor for S and Co Ltd. I want to prove myself to grandpa so that he will choose me. He told you some bitter words which I want him to take back when he will see me as a potential inheritor. I want to tell him that I am daughter of Lucas Spanos who is not a useless man. If I run away from this thing today then he will never trust me. Moreover, all the relatives despise us. I want to show them too that I can be a threat to them,” stated Anastasia. 

“Why to take so much pain? Do you want your dad to let ruin your life like this?” Lucas queried him. 

“My life is not ruining. I have to go out to talk things out with Stephen,” saying this Anastasia walked out of the house. 

Lucas pinched the skin between his brows. “Please don’t do this, Ana. I should talk things out with Katherine. Maybe she will make her understand,” thought Lucas and walked after her daughter. 

“Where are you heading to?” Lucas asked Anastasia. 

“To meet Stephen,” replied Anastasia. 

“Meet your mother too. I have texted her,” stated Lucas. 

“Dad, why did you message her? I am not meeting her,” replied Anastasia. 

“Because I want to change your opinion on this marriage thing. We will leave the house. Katherine will make you understand,” stated Lucas. 

“Dad, I won’t change my decision now. I know what I am doing is absolutely right for me,” stated Anastasia. She got into the car and started the engine, driving away from there. 


“You are marrying?” Stephen asked Anastasia with a shocking look. The people in the café looked at them when Stephen lowered his voice and asked, “How could you do this to me?” 

“I did not know things like this will happen. I cannot refuse to grandpa,” Anastasia asserted. 

“Ana, when did you start listening to your grandfather? He does not favor your father and you are agreeing with this. Unbelievable! Are you doing this because you also want to be good in your grandfather’s eyes, right?” Stephen questioned her. 

“Yes,” Anastasia replied without beating around the Bush. 

“We were together for 4 years. I have never thought our love was this weak. Wait, should I say you have turned selfish over that company? Then everyone was right about you that you will leave me one day because you run after money,” Stephen pronounced. 

Anastasia snickered and spoke, “Yes, I run after money and I have no shame in that.” Saying this Anastasia got up from the chair. She put the money on the table for the drinks she ordered for them and left the café house. 

She got into her car. Her brows knitted together as she closed her eyes tightly. “This is the best I can do,” Anastasia told herself. She started the engine when her phone rang. “Why is she calling me so many times?” mumbled Anastasia and cut the call. But her mother Katherine did not stop, she called her again. Irritated by that, Anastasia answered the call. 

“Why are you ignoring my calls?” Katherine asked from the other side of the phone. 

“I wasn’t,” Anastasia lied to her. 

“Your father messaged me that you are getting married. You have someone in your life then why are you going with this marriage that too with a jobless and penniless man,” muttered Katherine. 

“Why do you care?” Anastasia snapped at her. 

“Ana, I don’t know why do you hate me so much but trust me I want your good only. Years ago you should have come to me. Well, you can still come to me. At least I will not impose things like that old man on you. This is the reason I divorced your father. I do not like that household at all. Come to me and enjoy your life to the fullest.” Katherine suggested her.

“Please, mom. I had only expected this from you. I am happy with my father. I am marrying because of my choice. You are wrong. You did not take divorce because of my grandparents but because you did not find that freedom which you have now,” Anastasia angrily said. “Don’t call me ever again,” saying this she hung up the call. She then started the engine and drove to home. 


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