
Her Triple Alpha's Revenge
Her Triple Alpha's Revenge
Author: Phoebe Phoenix

Ch. 1 - A Fated Night

Kiera POV

"Amazing, Luna!" A man kindly smiled at me as he spoke, giving me a nod of approval.

"You've outdone yourself tonight!" chimed in the Alpha's wife from a neighboring pack.

Praises floated around me as I navigated through the crowd in my shimmery gold gown, exchanging smiles and greetings with other pack members.

This gathering wasn't merely a party; it was a beacon of hope in a world shadowed by the tyranny of the Dark Wolves of the North.

"You did amazing with this party, truly remarkable, Luna," my Beta, Devon, approached, a flute of bubbly champagne in hand.

"Thank you, Devon. Is Tracy having a good time?" I asked, taking a sip of the champagne he handed me. His dark complexion in a sleek black suit contrasted boldly against the sea of white and gold around us.

"Oh, she's having a blast," Devon chuckled, his eyes twinkling with affection as they trailed after his wife immersed in lively conversation nearby. "Between the dancing, the wine, and the juicy gossip, she's in her element."

I observed my Beta, lost in admiration as he watched his wife. Even amid the crowd, their connection was undeniable. "I love how you love her," I admitted, acknowledging their rare bond as fated mates.

Turning my attention away, I scanned the room, seeking out the man who I longed to be my fated. A smile tugged at my lips as I spotted him immersed in polite conversation with our guests, his demeanor calm yet commanding.

His head lifted as if he sensed my longing for his touch, and our eyes met across the room, a silent exchange of desire passing between us.

A blush heated my cheeks as he strolled my way, his presence commanding attention as always. Jackson, my husband, and Alpha of our pack, was not just a lover but my oldest friend, whose gaze could still make my heart skip a beat after all these years.

"Absolutely ravishing, sweetheart," Jackson murmured as he enveloped me in his strong arms from behind, his lips pressing tenderly against the mark he had left on my neck. "You look like a goddess, Kiera. Everyone is envious of us tonight," his words were filled with desire as he admired me.

In his embrace, I felt cherished and protected, his affection making me feel like the most desirable woman in the world, but like most nights, my husband's attention was needed elsewhere.

A fellow Alpha approached us. His glacial blue eyes looked past Devon and me as if only he and Jackson held any significance. "We have an issue that needs attention."

"Of course," Jackson nodded respectfully to Alpha Marcus, then kissed my cheek. "Save me a dance, sweetheart."

"I'll save you all my dances," I replied, giving him a small kiss on the lips. My affection for him was undeniable.

Devon's chuckle danced in the air as I watched my husband's retreating figure, still marveling at the fact that he was all mine. "You two seem happy?" he teased, a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

"We are," I replied with a genuine smile, a surge of warmth enveloping me. Tonight, life felt almost perfect.

The ballroom sparkled with twinkling lights, its corners adorned with delicate flowers, but amidst the joyous atmosphere, a subtle unease lingered. It felt like the evening carried the weight of significant change, something lurking at the edges of my consciousness, echoing the unsettling visions of my most recent dreams—a warning of darkness to come.

"How's married life treating you and Athena?" Devon asked with a playful grin, nudging me gently back to reality.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Honestly, she's not thrilled. She mostly naps, probably dreaming of a fairy tale world where we're royalty," I replied, sharing a knowing glance with Devon.

It was no secret that my wolf, Athena, disapproved of my infatuation with Jackson, a man she deemed unworthy of our affection. It wasn't that Jackson wasn't a good man; he just didn't meet the lofty standards set by my high-and-mighty wolf.

Devon laughed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He knew all too well what a royal pain in the ass my wolf can be. "Well, I'm sure she'll come around eventually," he said optimistically. I wish I felt the same, but I knew Athena, and she would never look to Jackson as our equal or even as our Alpha.

"We've all come a long way," Devon said, his tone reflecting a mix of pride and hope as he raised his glass to mine. "And with nights like these, we're reminded of what we're fighting for."

I smiled, clinking my glass against his. "To unity," I said, savoring the momentary sense of peace and camaraderie.

Devon's attention shifted back to his wife, and my gaze instinctively sought out Jackson again. However, my smile faltered as I noticed the tense exchange between Jackson and Marcus, their voices low and intense as they quietly argued.

A sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach, a foreboding whisper that warned of uncertainty. As much as I yearned for peace, conflict seemed never far behind.

Then, as Jackson closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the energy in the room subtly shifted. When he turned, his gaze swept across the room, landing on a woman who seemed to command attention effortlessly.

She wore a vibrant red dress that flowed elegantly from her body. Her fiery hair tumbled in waves around her shoulders, starkly contrasting her sun-kissed complexion.

The moment my eyes found her, a surge of hate ran through my body. I didn't know why, but I wanted that woman removed from my territory. I wasn't a petty person, and I certainly wasn't a jealous one. The intense emotions that took over my body were foreign to me, and I didn't know how to react.

"Who is that over there?" I asked Devon, my voice barely above a whisper, as I noticed Jackson's intense gaze fixated on the stranger across the room.

"I don't think I've met her before," Devon replied, barely able to take his eyes off his own mate.

"Do you think Jackson has met her before? They seem..." I trailed off, my voice tinged with uncertainty as I watched Jackson's movements with growing unease.

As he began to walk her way, a sense of dread settled over me like a heavy blanket. His nervous glances only added to my apprehension, and I held my breath, unable to tear my eyes away from him.

His gaze fixated on the woman once more. It was as if he saw nothing else but her beauty. I felt a sharp pang of betrayal as I watched him look at her with the same intensity he once reserved for me, his wolf emerging with unmistakable lust and desire.

Tears welled in my eyes, immobilizing me in disbelief. This couldn't be happening! The foundation of trust and love I had built with Jackson seemed to crumble beneath me, and I was powerless to stop it.

As she faced him, her smile lighting up her features, I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, stirred by a thick surge of jealousy. Her eyes, bright green and captivating, seemed to mirror the intensity of his gaze, and for a moment, I felt as if I were witnessing the collision of two destined souls.

"No!" I whispered, shaking my head in denial as the realization of my worst fear unfolded before my eyes. The only man I had ever loved stood before another woman, a woman who seemed to be meant for him in a way I could never be.

Phoebe Phoenix

Hello All! Thank you for giving my book a chance, and I hope you enjoy the read. Please leave a Gem for support :)

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