
125. Two Choices



I couldn’t feel anything or hear anything. Not even my heartbeat. Nor could I sense if it was hot or cold. There was darkness around me, yet at the same time, I couldn’t see it. It was just… emptiness.

The pain that had consumed me was gone. I had been stuck in this state for so long that I had no idea how much time had passed. Was I dead? I had felt the agonising pain and then my life slipping from my grasp.

The last thing I remembered was Kiara’s scream of anguish. I had failed her. I left her when she needed me the most. I once thought I’d destroy the world for her, but then I realised I needed to create somewhere safe for her. For our pup.

At times, when I felt the darkness consume me, something would tug me back, leaving me suspended in this emptiness. But now… I was getting pulled into the depths of the darkness that I was always teetering at the edge of.

A sudden dazzling light made me close my eyes, raising m

Moonlight Muse

Thank you to everyone for reading and your constant support ♡ please do vote and drop me a comment! Follow me on ins.sta.gram at author.muse thank you! We have 5 updates left for this book. :)

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goodnovel comment avatar
Meisie Mokgweetsi
wow I'm in tears thank you for bringing him back for her and their pub
goodnovel comment avatar
Kim JK
I agree and I still shed tears... lol
goodnovel comment avatar
writer you nearly gave me a heart attack......great chapter

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