Heat (Blood Bound Book 4)

Heat (Blood Bound Book 4)

By:  Amy Blankenship  Completed
Language: English
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Heat (Blood Bound Book 4)

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17 Chapters
Chapter 1
Heat Blood Bound Series Book 4     Amy Blankenship, RK Melton     Copyright © 2012 Amy Blankenship Second Edition Published by TekTime All rights reserved.       Chapter 1 Micah was resting in bed wrapped up in so many bandages he was starting to resemble a mummy. He couldn’t help but smile softly as Mrs. Tully clucked around him like a mother hen and occasionally shook her head. He also wasn’t complaining about the amount of pain killer she’d stuck in his arm. He could see himself in the dresser mirror across the room and started to cock an eyebrow but decided against it when it instantly hurt. They’d already assured him Anthony was dead but he couldn’t help wishing the alpha werewolf was still alive so he could torture the bastard the same way he’d been tortured. The story they’d told him had sounded like a quick death. He wouldn’t have made it quick. “I think you shifters are going to end up being the death of me,” Mrs.
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2   “Put me down you bloodsucking lunatic!” Alicia yelled while clawing at Damon’s back from where he’d thrown her over his shoulder. The moment she’d realized they weren’t headed toward Night Light she had wanted him to stop… obviously wanting and getting were two different things. “I want to go see Micah!” “Michael told me to bring you back here and this is where you will stay,” Damon ordered as he calmly walked into Alicia’s room. He tossed her down onto the bed and winced when her nails left long welts on his back. Growling he added, “I don’t think your boyfriend will be overly disappointed if you’re a little late to his bed… side.” Alicia huffed and tried to scoot off the bed but Damon was immediately leaning over her with a palm firmly planted on each side of her shoulders. Damon glared down at her, trying one more time to put her under his compulsion spell, “Damn it, I said stay!” “I’m not a dog, I’m a cat you...” Alicia’s mind went blank for a se
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Mrs. Tully shook her head as she came out of Micah’s room and closed the door behind her before turning toward the crowd gathered in the hall. “He’s fine… still sleeping, but he is fine.” “Then he’ll make a full recovery?” Quinn asked skeptically. Mrs. Tully positioned herself between them and the door. “I mean it looks like he may have already made a full recovery. He doesn’t seem to have a single scratch on him.” She backed up a step and threw her arms out like a barrier when several of them tried to dart around her to go look for themselves. “No,” she said firmly. “For now, I don’t want him disturbed. He’s in a deep sleep and that may be part of what’s speeding the healing. If you wake him up before he wakes up on his own, you may disturb whatever magic is being used on him.” “Magic?” Jewel asked in confusion. She was starting to understand where the term ‘you learn something new every day’ had come from. “Magic or miracle… they're both the same as
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4 The alley became a bit darker than the rest of the city as Misery descended on it to check the rip in the dimensional wall she’d created with Kane's blood. She liked the fact that the humans couldn’t see it, though she was sure some with a stronger sixth sense would avoid the alley. Letting the darkness implode, she stepped forward choosing the child’s form as she knelt beside the opening. She didn’t dare touch it for fear that it would drag her through the barrier, but she could now feel demons gathering on the other side. Those demons could see the rip and that was the purpose of its creation. Misery let some of her own evil slither down her body in dark smoky tendrils and giggled as it seeped into the crack. Within moments, the same thing happened but this time in reverse. Misery’s back arched and her eyes turned blood red as the snaky darkness squirmed its way up her body then sank into her aura. The other side would wait until Misery gave them a sign… then th
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Boris watched from the office window as his bouncers tossed another group of guys out of the bar. The club goers had steadily gotten worse as the week went by. Unlike the story books and movies, a full moon does not make werewolves change but it did make them a little harder to control and the same could be said for the humans. At least it was keeping the wolves busy for a while. He glanced over at his nephew watching the boy smile as a pretty girl put in a request for a song she wanted to hear. Hiring Brando as the DJ had been a good idea and although the boy still wasn’t completely healed, the fact that he seemed happy for the first time in a long time made it worth it. The door to his office door opened interrupting his musing. Boris turned his head seeing two of the bouncers looking a bit rattled. “What is it?” “Titus is working the parking lot and he’s telling us he smells vampires… and that it’s not the dweebs playing dress up.” Boris picked up the p
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Alicia shivered as the cool water showered down on her head and shoulders. Reaching down, she turned the hot all the way up… it wasn’t like a cold shower was really enough to help her anymore. She blinked feeling like she’d missed something. Honestly, she didn’t even remember getting into the shower. She reached for the necklace satisfied it was still there then searched her memory. Oh yeah… she remembered now. She’d finally told the truth. She’d come clean about everything and it had felt good. They weren’t mad… it had been a misunderstanding… all of it, and she could stay. She placed her palms and forehead against the cold tile wall as she remembered what had happened with Nick… poor guy. It hadn’t been his fault. If only she had someone to talk to who knew what to do. Alicia’s eyes lit up and she quickly got out of the shower, grabbing a towel and running to her bedroom. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she picked her cell phone up off the nightstand. She did ha
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Zachary and Angelica looked at each other when they heard the beeper going off in the living room letting them know there was chatter in Warren’s office. Unlocking the apartment door, they hurried to the device. Luckily, Zachary had set the bugging system to start recording the moment speech was detected. If they missed anything, then they could always back it up and listen to all of it later. “Please let this be a lead,” Angelica groaned then fell silent when Zachary hit the right button and disembodied voices came to life. Warren must have called a late night meeting because it sounded like not only were the jaguars there, but the cougar clan as well. They listened as Warren repeated his phone call from Damon. “Who’s Damon?” Angelica asked but held up her hand when a male voice gave her an answer. Inside Warren’s office Michael touched the cell phone that was deep in his pocket. He knew why Damon had called Warren instead of him but that didn’t take the
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Zeb walked through the crowded dance floor smiling politely when most of the humans gave him a path. They presumed such a man in his fifties being at a place like this meant he was probably just searching for his daughter who had snuck out for the night or maybe even think he was one of the owners with his business suit sticking out like a sore thumb. If they only knew what he was really doing. He reached for the hidden greed of the humans nearest him, touching their need for sex and flesh… their desperation to be wanted by the opposite sex… or even the same sex. He jerked on their jealousy for the others around them whom they thought had better bodies or partners than they did. He took those needs and intensified them to the point where heated kisses became savage and people were pulled to the floor not caring who was watching. Those orgies were quickly trampled by the men who wanted to prove they were tougher than the next guy. The glimmer of small stainless
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Damon lay propped up on his palm, watching the soft wisp of blonde hair lying across Alicia’s temple flutter as she breathed. He’d made love to her a second time only a couple hours ago and still he felt the need to be deep inside her. Reaching out, he stroked the back of his fingers down her smooth cheek entranced by the need to touch her. He smiled when her eyelashes slowly opened. Alicia felt completely relaxed as she floated up from her sleep. It only took seconds for the memories of last night to make their way into her mind causing her heartbeat to speed up. Fear of what she’d done seeped into her bones when she felt the sensual soreness of her body and the slight ache of her neck where Damon had bit her. Her brother’s warning came back to haunt her and she pictured Micah’s face as he turned away from the monster she had become. Feeling Damon watching her, she slowly turned her face toward him and was instantly reminded of the dream she’d had. His dark hair
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Chapter 10
Chapter 10 “I knew you were keeping something from me,” Micah growled. “Now, what else are you hiding?” Alicia glanced at the floor trying to hide the angry tears that threatened to betray her, “Nothing. At least nothing I plan on telling you… now or ever.” “Alicia,” Micah growled. Her eyes snapped up to meet his. “Don’t use that tone of voice with me, Micah Wilder. You’re not my daddy and even if you were, I’m eighteen and can run my own life from here. I don’t need a father figure!” she yelled, trying to get her point across. “Oh, I think I know what you needed!” Micah yelled back reaching over and ripping her covers off her bed. “Who did you sleep with?” “How do you know I slept with anybody?” Alicia was a little more than shocked over his reaction. He was acting like a jealous lover. “I know because it takes HEAT three months to go away! Are you going to lie to me and say you’re magically different from every other female shifter?” his eyes narrowed on h
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