

I grabbed hold of Allegra's hand as I dragged her towards the girl's bathroom. I slammed the door shut as I ran my hand through my hair in panic.

"woah babe, what's going on?" Allegra asked as she took a sit next to me on the floor not before sanitizing it first. I swallowed as I turned to look at her " he is back Allegra" I replied as I buried my face into my arms that was on my knees.

"who is back?"

"kaiden" his name sent chills through out my body. Allegra brought her hand up to my hair and started playing with it as she waited for me to continue. " he was my best friend, we grew up together, him, Mason and I. We were kind off inseparable, our bond were so strong and then when we ended up in high school and after he came back from his family trip he became closed off and cold. He started hating me and I had no idea why." I trailed off, Ally just stayed quiet next to as she listened to me.

"he was the first person I gave my heart too and he threw it on the ground and tramp on it until it was in pieces" I sniffed as I remember all the cruel stuff he said and did to me. When I left high school I thought I would never see him again and I was content with that idea but now since he is back I have to re think everything.

"so you are telling me that new hottie is your ex best friend" she says slowly as if she's trying to digest everything I have just told her. I nod my head as I let out a muffled scream into my palms.

"okay, firstly you don't have to worry about him, and by the looks of him, I don't think he would bother you and even if he tries he have to go through me and secondly babe you need a drink." she says and I laugh, only Allegra can take a serious moment and turn it around. Maybe she is right, maybe I do need a drink and do need to let out some steam.

Seeing him after 3 years really did something to me. Kaiden and I knew each other for 18 years and we have been friends for 16 years until one night where everything changed for the worst. Kaiden was the sweetest guy I have ever met. I fell in love with my best friend but he just made a joke out of my love. I still remember that night where everything fell apart. Since then he hated me and I hated him for breaking me when I was vulnerable.

Ally was just about to say something when her phone rang with huge smile on her face she answers.

"Jeremiah baby how are you? I'm good? Yeah sure I will meet you there. Okay. Love you too babes" she then hang up. She stands up as she dust off the imaginary dirt out of her skirt as she pulls me up on my feet.

"Babe, I have just the right place for you to you have the time of your life to forget about all this drama" she said as she walks towards the mirror to touch up on her lipstick.

I lean against the wall with a frown on my face "what do you mean" I ask and she turns around with a smirk on her face " Jeremiah got us vip table at the Lux soo drinks are on him and he said that I should bring you, Mason and Lila will meet us there soo come on, I'm taking you to my room so I make you look sexy as fuck" she says with a smile on her face and I laugh as I walk behind her.

Ally and Jeremiah is known as the power couple, the king and Queen of Riverdale academy. They are dating for 2 years and it's going really strong. I wasn't a big fan of Jeremiah when I first met him, he was an egoistic jerk and a player but the way he treats Allegra and the way he looks at her, I know he wouldn't hurt her because he loves her. Great all my friends are in love and then there is me who is incapable of love.


Four dresses, 3 pair of heels and a ton of make up later, Allegra found the perfect dress for me, a black body on strapless dress that comes to my mid thigh with a deep cleavage that shows my

milky breast and she paired it with black heels. I applied some smoking eye make up and red lipstick for the final touch. I straighten my long strawberry hair and I let it fall down my back. I was admiring my outfit when I heard a whistle coming from behind me, I turned to look at my best friend and my eyes widened at her outfit selection. She had a short black mini dress that covered her ass only, she paired the dress with her favorite black thigh high heel boots and her favorite red lipstick. She looked like a real goddess infront of me.

She winked at me as she walked across the room and stood next to me facing the mirror "so how do I look?" she asked "Jeremiah isn't going to let you out of his sight when he sees you tonight" I tell her and she smiles as she admires herself "that was the point" she says and I laugh.

Once we reach the club we showed him our ID and made our way towards the VIP area. We saw Jeremiah seated in the middle like he owned the entire place, next to him was Atlas who is Jeremiah's best friend, next to Atlas was Brantley and Benjamin and lastly was my brother Mason with a drunk Lila on his lap.

Allegra and I walked towards the table, we greeted everyone as I sat next to Benjamin and Allegra made way on top of Jeremiah's lap, she watched how she bent down towards his ear as she whispered "hey daddy" into his ear, but I guess she didn't whisper low enough because the guys on our table all hollered and laughed at what she said. Her entire cheeks turned red as she buried her face into his neck.

The night went on and everyone on our table were either drunk, high or both. It was mainly Atlas, Brantley and Jeremiah that was high. Mason and Lila disappeared during the course of the night. Allegra was grinding on top of Jeremiah and he was enjoying every moment of it. As for me, I was 4 wait no I think 8 tequila down and I can no longer stand on my two feet so that's why I'm currently in the middle of Brantley and Atlas. Apparently Mason told them to keep an eye out for me as if I'm a small kid, which I'm clearly not btw and now im rumbling.

"do you want to dance?" I whispered to Atlas, he turned to face me with a smirk and nodded. He put off his blunt as he grabbed my hand and made out way to the dancefloor.

The hills by the weeknd was on full Blast, the entire dancefloor was crowded with drunk people.

I turned around as I grabbed his hands and placed it on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I grind my body into his front. I could feel his breathe on my neck as he placed soft kisses. I turned around to face him as his hold in my waist tightened "stop teasing me angel face" he whispers as he buried his face into my neck. I closed my eyes in pleasure and moved my body with his as he continued to pleasure my neck.

He made me feel so good with the way he mouth was moving on my neck and the way his hands started to move from my waist down to my ass. I let out a small squeal when he grabbed my ass and he chuckled at my reaction. "you are so fucking cute" he groans. I look up at him as I licked my bottom lip, I watched how his eyes darkened as he stared at my bottom lip. He pulled me closer towards him until I was flushed against his rock hard body. He brought his face closer towards Mines and I could smell the alcohol and the blunt he just smoke all over him. That smell alone made me feel nauseous and sick. Just as he could smash his lips onto Mines I blocked my mouth as I gagged.

Atlas pulled back as he looked at me with concern in his eyes. "are you okay?" he ask as he looks me up ans down. I shake my head "I feel sick" I reply as I try to breathe in and out. Lokks like the tequilas I had are really doing its job on me. All I could see was blurry visions of lights and it was starting to hurt my head. Atlas grabbed my hand gently as he lea me out of the dance floor and towards the rest of our friends. Allegra gets up from Jeremiah's lap as she makes her way towards me "hey what's wrong?" she asks but I couldn't reply as I felt like I was going to throw up. " she doesn't feel too great" Atlas says as he holds me by my waist. Benjamin comes towards me "I think it's time to end this night" he says and eveyone nod their head.

I get inside Benji's car as I rest my head on thr cool glass "if you decide to get sick in my car pleasee tell me" he says as he starts the car. I close my eyes as I drift off to sleep.

"Sas wake up" Benji says as he shakes me slowly, I open my eyes and try to adjust to the light looming from the car. I look around my surrounding and notice I'm outside my dorm. He walks out of the car and open my passenger side door as he helps me down from his car." are you feeling okay?" he says as he looks at me as if Im going to pass out soon. I nod my head "I'm feeling better than how I was feeling in the club" I reply honestly. I think I needed that little sleep because I don't feel that nauseous anymore. All I need is my bed.

I say goodbye to Benjamin and I thank him for giving me a ride as I turn around and make my way to my dorm room. I stand infront of my room door withy heels in one hand and my keys in the other as I try to open my door.

Once I'm inside my room, I throw my heels to the corner of the room as I unzip my dress and throw of my tight dress. I sigh in relief as I felt like I could breathe again. Just as I walk a little more Into the dark room the lights is suddenly switched on and I'm standing infront of my extreme handsome and dark nemesis in just my black lace panties and bra.

"well well well" his dark eyes meet Mines as he checks out my naked and drunken state. I squeal as I wrapped my hands around my body.

What. Fuck. Is. Kaiden.Grey. Doing. In. My. ROOM!

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