




This morning has been really awkward and weird especially kaiden, he has been acting really weird this whole morning.


"Kaiden Grey if you don't get out of this bathroom in 3 minutes I swear to the Lord above that I will come in there and murder you" I scream while banging the door.


Kaiden has been in the bathroom for the past hour I wonder what he is doing in the bathroom for an hour.


Unholy thoughts appears in my head and cringe thinking about what he is doing there especially after he announced that he needed a cold shower or a good fuck.


While I was busy talking with myself Kaiden walks out of the bathroom with a huge smirk. " the bathroom is all yours mi'lady" he says with a wink.


I stand outside the open bathroom door with my eyes wide opened. I can never get over how Kaiden looks when he comes out of the shower. His entire body glistens in water drops as he drips down his hair onto his chest and rolls down his rock hard abs and down his towel. I lick my lips as I stare at That sharp v line and I wonder what monster he has under that towel.


"staring is rude Saskia" Kaiden says as he leans against the wall with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes as I make my way into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.


I stared at my reflection through the steam glass mirror and I wile the front of the mirror with my hand as I look at my beetroot covered face.


"get a grip on yourself Saskia" I whispered to myself as I stripped out of my clothes and stood under the hot shower.


After last night Kaiden has been acting really nice toward me. I don't know if he is acting nice to me just because of what happened last night or he is just breaking down those walls he built or he has a hidden agenda.


While we both was walking down the corridors I felt Kaiden tense next to me and when I turned to see what he was staring at, I saw Atlas standing there with a sympathetic smile. "Hey Saskia , look I know what I did last night was fucked up, I apologize and I never meant to do that to you, you are an amazing person with a beautiful soul and I know I fucked up, but I really do like you and i-" he got cut off by kaiden's sinister laugh.


"really bro?" I saw the way Atlas tensed up and he narrowed his eyes at Kaiden. "can you back off please, I'm trying to have a word with my friend" he says to kaiden and I watched between them both how stiff their bodies were like at any money they would pound on each other like wild animals.


"what did you just say?" Kaiden spat out and watched how his clenched fist made contact with Atlas face. He jerked back surprised as he swang his fist into kaiden's cheek. I screamed in horror and called their names to get their attention.


Suddenly they was pulled apart from each other by Jeremiah. The entire corridor was full of students who was standing and watching the fight between Kaiden and Atlas. Kaiden had blood dripping down from his nose, his knuckles were bruised but Atlas looked far more worse. His left eye was bruised, his cheeks were purplish blue and his nose was broken.


"what the fuck is wrong with you two?" I screamed as I looked at both atlas and kaiden's face. Atlas tried to speak up but he just mumbled a sorry and walked away from us, away from me. I don't know why I felt a bit sad when he did that. Kaiden noticed my change in expression as he put his arms on my shoulders. "relax Hazel I'm all good" he says. Before we made it the cafe we heard a cough  from behind us, we both turned around too see Jeremiah standing there with a smirk on his face.


" I'm afraid we haven't met. I'm Jeremiah Malikov"

He says as he gives his hand to kaiden to shake


"kaiden Grey" kaiden said he shook Jeremiah's  hand.


 Meanwhile in canteen as soon as Jeremiah, Kaiden and I stepped into the cafe everyone's eyes were on us mostly on Kaiden and Jeremiah.


I paid attention to how girls were reacting to Kaiden and Jeremiah. They was pushing up their boobs or showing them their cleavage and it was pathetic. One thing I noticed about Jeremiah was that he never paid these girl any type of attention.


But when I looked at Axel we was just smirking at them and sending them winks.


Jeremiah just walked passed them and went over to Ally has he placed a kissed on her cheeks. As I turned away from all the attention and looked over our table where my friends sat I saw someone familiar , I smiled as I made my way towards the table leaving kaiden behind with all those girls.


I sat next to Lila and Mason as Jeremiah sat infront of me with Allegra on his lap. I swear those two can never get enough with each other, sometimes it's cute and sometimes it isn't when they are making out in front of an entire room of people.


I turned around to look for Kaiden when I saw him standing so close behind me with a huge smile on his face when he saw Mason.


Mason and Kaiden have been really good friends even after what happened between myself and Kaiden, he still kept in contact with 

my brother.


"Saskia!!!  OMGGG, look at yourself, You look extremely beautiful!!!" Someone said behind me and before I could see who that person was I was engulfed in a huge bear hug.


"Kohen? Omg look at you!!! Handsome as ever dude. How are you doing?" I said with a huge smile on my face.


Kohen Grey, he is kaiden's twin and the complete opposite of the devil himself. From the time I knew Kohen he was extremely sweet and adorable, Kohen is like an older protective brother when Mason is not around.


" I'm good Saskia, it's good seeing you here , I mean I know this was your dream college same with Kaiden" he says and then he turns to look at his twin "speaking of my twin how are you Bro?" he said while looking shocked when he noticed how close Kaiden was next to me.



I haven't spoken to Kohem ever since kaiden and I became enemies. "I'm good" he said curtly with a smile. Kaiden and Kohen got Along really well, they had this thing were they could read each other's mind by just staring at each other which should be creepy sometimes.


I introduced my friends to Kohen and Kaiden. They all seem to get along really well. The only person who was missing was Atlas and I knew he needed some time to cool off. He did say that he wanted to explain what happened that night and Kaiden didn't give him that chance. I made a mental note that when I see him later I will have to get that explanation out of him.





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