
Chapter 12.

I'm kissing Wesley.

He's kissing me.

Oh my gosh, we are kissing.

My eyes widen in shock, that I push him back, this action surprising him that he staggers back.

" What the hell did you do that for?!"

" I told you already, " he says, breathing hard.

" Well, you just stole my first kiss." I say, trying to regain normal breathing.

" That was your first........" He doesn't finish the sentence, but gapes at me.

" Don't act so surprised, some of us don't lock lips with the whole nation." I roll my eyes at him

" And you think I have?" He quirks his brow, pointing at himself.

I shrug my shoulders, walking past him to sit on the edge of the bed. He pulls a chair close to the bed, sits on it and just stares at me.  Silence envelopes us.

"Can I just say something, " he says after a while.

Thank god, because it was getting pretty awkward now.

" Sure." I gesture for him to go on.

" Not that it matters, but your lips are really soft."  What?

" Uh, okay. " I've never felt so awkward in my life, I'm missing the cricket sounds right now. " Good to know, " I say, rising up to my feet.

" No I - what I meant was ---------" He stops mid sentence when there's a knock downstairs.

" Stay here. " I tell him, heading for the door.

" Expecting someone, maybe your boyfriend?" I throw a glare his way.

" If I had one, the whole world would know by now." I say, getting out of the room.

" What are you doing here? " I question Callie, who stands outside my door.

" Can't I visit a friend?" I arch my brow at her. " Okay fine, I was feeling bad about what happened at school."

" Oh, you mean spying for your friend?" I say.

" I wasn't - look, I'm sorry if I came off as if I'm prying, but I was just curious, and in my defence, I'm not the only one who's wondering about what's going on between you too."

Damn teenagers.

" Well there's nothing, we're just friends."

Her brows quirk up.

" Since when?" She asks, sounding surprised.

" Since those who claim to love and admire him, decided to prod and pry, instead of helping a fellow student !" My voice rises up a level.

She blinks a couple of times,  taken aback by my outburst.

She opens and closes her mouth, words not coming out.

" It's late and I should hit the sack, I'm pretty beat." I say, hinting that I'm done with this conversation.

" Right........I guess I should go." She says , turning away from me and starting down the porch.

I feel bad now.

" Hey!" I call her.

She glances over her shoulder at me." We haven't had Thursday Shake in a while, I'm kind of low on the sweetness." I shrug with a small smile.

Her face lights up. " Well, I'm free tomorrow, " she suggests.

I nod, telling her it's okay.

" Okay." With that, she walks off.

I watch her retreating back for a few seconds before closing the door.

" Spying huh?" I jump, jerking around to face him.

" Couldn't you just stay where I told you to?" I say to Wesley, who's seated on the stairs.

" And miss your little convo?"

" And he dares not deny eavesdropping." I say loudly to no one, making my way to join him on the stairs.

I settle down one step lower.

" So, they believe there's something going on between us."

I nod.

" Well, let's give them what they want."

" What?" I frown at him.

" Let's just date, well, we won't be a real couple, we'll just pretend to be one."

" Haha, no."

" Alright, they'll continue assuming then." He sing songs.

" Let them, I don't care," I say, looking ahead.

" You seemed to care when your friend was here, " I glance up at him." You defended me."

" Because you're my friend and nothing more." I tell him, rising to my feet and heading up to my room.

" Your friend, huh?" He says in the doorway.

I keep silent, digging in my closet for my PJs.

" You know, I've seen enough of you today, so get lost." I tell him, walking past him to the bathroom.

Aiden's words ring in mind, reminding me of his concerns. I don't know why I think of this, or maybe I do.

I've spent more time with Wesley in a day, then I've done with my brother. It had been so long since I've had time to myself, with my own thoughts. It's all Wesley or Luis, constantly in my mind, I'm either paranoid about bumping into Luis or that Wesley is possibly risking his life somewhere.

I'm pretty beat in deed.

Returning back in my room, I'm surprised to see him still here.

"Let me guess, you have more things to vent about." I say, his head gazing up from a magazine he's been reading .

" Nope."

" So will you finally tell me why you're really here?" I ask, discarding the big pillows from the bed, as I prepare for bed.

" I don't want to see him." I'm pretty sure he's talking about Jack.

" You can't ignore him forever." I say.

" I can try, " he shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms.

" He's your dad."

" He's no one to me, " he grumbles.

" So what, you're just going to be angry with him forever? " I say.

" You don't know what he did!" He argues.

I decide to not say anything, to not argue back, because we won't get anywhere and I'm exhausted.

I sigh, getting inside the covers and leaning my back against the headboard.

He sighs. " Could I stay here for tonight? "

I don't know why I'm not surprised, maybe it's me being tired.

" One night." I warn, holding up my finger, before getting out of bed, throwing a pillow and an extra blanket his way.

I stifle a laugh when the pillow hits his head, where I earn a glare from him.

Good thing I have a fluffy rug in my room, he won't be too uncomfortable.

" Switch off the lights when you're done." I say, getting back in bed, pulling the covers up to my neck.

There's a moment of silence before he calls me again.

" Chloe? "

" Hmm?"

" Thanks."

" Yeah, yeah yeah......." I pretend to be nonchalant about it, though a small smile makes its way onto my face, just before I'm lulled into sleep.



I feel him come close to my hunched over body, at the corner of the room. Fear grips at me, pricking my bones, and a cold shiver running up and down my spine.

He's back again and  he's back to kill.

" I told you I'd find you," he says, standing just a few feet from me, looking down at my half conscious brother.

If he does anything more, he'll surely kill him.

Aiden is almost unrecognizable, all bloody and almost unmoving.

I can't even call out to Aiden, my throat has tightened, words are not coming out.

" I'm going to teach you a lesson, you'll never ever run away from me again!" He growls.

All of a sudden, he starts kicking at Aiden, whose low groans of pain could be heard in the silence, besides Luis's kicks.

'Stop,' I call out, my voice sounding hoarse.

He doesn't stop, his kicks becoming more hard.

' Stop, please!'

The more I call out for him to stop, the more he kicks at Aiden. I'm afraid that he's near death.

I crawl towards them, just as Luis steps back to catch a breath. Luis looks down at Aiden and I, and he smirks, he steps forward with his foot coming down on my figure that's covering Aidens body.

" Aah!" I scream, waiting for the hit.

" Chloe!" I'm jolted awake with a shake.

My eyes pop open and I gasp for air, my chest heaving up and down, sweat dripping down my chest.

" Chloe?....Hey, hey, are you okay?" A hand pats softly on my cheek, knocking me back to my senses.

I blink twice, staring up at the person who has just come into view, almost hovering over me. " Wesley?" I question, wanting to be sure, because he's the last person I saw before sleeping.

" Yeah, it's me, " he answers in a whisper, his warm breath fanning my face as he leans close.

"I had a bad dream, didn't I?" I ask, my own voice being low in a whisper.

" Yeah," he chuckles, nodding against my forehead.

" What's so funny?"

" You still to try punch me even in your dreams, you're dangerous woman."

" You should run for the hills then."

" Where's the fun in that?" I chuckle at that.

There's a moment of silence, with us remaining in the same position, none of us moving.

" I should kick you out of my bed." I tell him, though I don't make a move.

" Why don't you?"

" I don't know."

A kiss is planted on both my cheeks, before he returns to rest his forehead against mine.

" What are you doing?" I question, though I have an idea on his intentions.

" I don't know, " he says, before his lips connect with mine.

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