
Chapter 14.

I'm not one to go out much, but today, I decided to do that with Callie. I felt bad last night, after she came to apologise about what happened at school. I might have been irritated at first, basically raising my voice at her, but I couldn't be angry for long.

I can't deny that it was getting pretty annoying with the occasional questions about Wesley and me. I mean, couldn't they mind their own business?

Unfortunately no.

I believe things might get worse from here on out, not that I expect anything less, with Wesley still being the talk of the school even when he's not doing anything. Wesley and I have just started out on our friendship and I have to say, that it's a lot more weird then I thought.

We've certainly gone beyond friendship when we kissed, and I can't really find a reason as to why we did, not that we talked about it. It's like it never happened the next day and I was happy we didn't talk about it, because things would have gotten awkward, which I'm not great in awkward situation.

After the kitchen talk with Aiden,    Wesley left and told me that he made plans to go visit his mom later in the day. Even though he might have said this, but I had a belief that he was doing all he could to avoid his dad.

I can remember him telling me that his dad did something, in which I didn't understand, but it seems to be the result of their strained relationship. Besides the hate he's trying to portray towards his dad, but I can see see hurt deep within his eyes.

Wesley is hurting and I don't know much on what to do, in order to help him, I guess I just have to be there for him, whenever he wants me to be involved.

" Gosh, how I miss our milkshake dates." Callie says, twirling her straw in her milkshake .

" Oh really, I would have thought all those late nights with your crew were fulfilling. "

She gives me a look. " You know what I mean. "

I shrug, drinking my milkshake.

" Our milkshake dates are more quieter and not crowded, so I enjoy them more, believe it or not."

" Alright, but don't let your gang hear you." I sing song.

" Pfft." She waves me off, her lips twitching into a smile.

I can't help but smile too.

" So I've got something for you," she says, digging into her bag.

I wait patiently for her to take it out, and when she does, I quirk my brow at the unknown CD album in question.

" Well I thought this would add to my apology, I made a playlist of all the songs we've listened to, and even new ones I think you might like."

"Uh, thank you." I say, receiving the gift.

" I hope you like it, " I smile my thank you at her.

" So, I heard yesterday during practise, that one cheerleader practically rearranged a basketball players face with the ball." I watch in amusement as her eyes widen.

" You have no idea."

" Tell me." I can't believe I'm doing this, I'll surely regret it later, that's for sure.

She takes in a big breath for dramatic effect, and I know that I'm in for it now.


I was right to believe she'd eat my ear off, because she has not stopped telling me about the happenings at school.

I can't even remember half of what she told me but I still listen to her. Our milkshakes are done and I'm all satisfied and ready to go.

" Well I'm ready to hit the road  and you?' I ask, looking at her, only to notice her looking behind me.

I follow her line of view and that's when I notice three guys by the counter, chatting.

I recognise one as Fin Daniels, who's in almost all black, apart from his white short sleeved shirt. He actually looks good and all the guys seem to catch the ladies attention, though one of the guys keeps on glancing at our table.

More so, Callie.

I turn to her, raising my brow, making it known that I saw everything.

She tries by all means to avoid eye contact, now fidgeting.

" Oh god." I hear her mumble under her breath.

She looks to be panicking.

Before I can ask her what's wrong, three figures appear at our table.

It's Fin Daniels and his friends.

" Hey guys." Fin says.

" Hi Callie." One of the guys says.

Close up, he looks familiar.

If I'm not mistaken, he's the same guy who had his eyes on her the other night.

Ooh, this is about to get interesting.

" Hi Ethan." And his name is Ethan.

Callie is far gone with her pink cheeks, not that Ethan is any better with his own shy smile and pink ears.

Fin elbows Ethan, gesturing towards me. His eyes widen when he realises that he's made it obvious where his full attention was on. Not that I care about what just happened.

" Hi, I'm Ethan," he extends his hand for a handshake.

" Hmm, and when are you asking her out?" I gesture to Callie with my head, my face resting on my palm.

" Uh --------" Ethan looks speechless, at a loss for words, that's more like it.

" Chloe, it's not - he has a girlfriend." Callie mumbles in harshed breaths.

She looks like she could die anytime soon.

" I told you." Fin snickers, patting Ethan's shoulder.

We all look at him. " Well, I'd also like to hear this."

He opens and closes his mouth, looking like a fish.

" I'm Nate. " The third, who's on the native side says, holding out his hand.

" Chloe." I shake his hand and before I can pull away, he raises my hand up to his face.

" My, my, my, you are one pretty lady, " he says, kissing the back of my hand.

Ooh he's the charmer of the group, got it.

My cell suddenly rings, thank god.

" I should take this."  I get out of my seat, taking out my phone from my jean. " Callie, tell me when you're done talking to your friends, I'll be right out." I say, leaving all of them.

I press the answer button without even looking at the caller ID.

" When will you tell her the truth?" That's the first thing I hear.

The voice belongs to Aiden.

" Can we leave this be?" Owen?

" No, she needs to know. " Aiden argues.

Who are they talking about?

I don't hear a response from Owen.

" You can't keep torturing yourself like this, you love her, she needs to know how much, she needs to know what she means to you." Aiden adds.

Is this ' she' some special lady in Owen's life? Does he have a special someone he needs to confess his love to?

" It will change everything if I do." Owen sounds defeated, worn out even.

I don't think they realise that the phone is online, and I can hear their private conversation.

" It's better if she knows, it's better if you tell her that --------"

" Chloe?" I jerk around in surprise, causing my phone to slip through my fingers in the process and it lands onto the ground.

" Oh shoot, sorry. " Fin says, picking it up for me. " This is the second time, this has happened, " he mumbles, handing my phone over to me.

I decide to switch off the call, reprimanding myself for eavesdropping.

" Is Callie still busy?"

" They kinda are and I didn't want to be the third wheel."

" I think Nate has filled that spot." I gesture towards Nate, who's shamelessly staring at the two, who look so shy around each other.

" He'll only notice after some time." Fin chuckles, turning back to me from the window.

" So why are you out here, Fin Daniels, where I am?"

" Well maybe I felt like talking to someone."

" Oh ?" I start looking around me, earning a chuckle from him. " I meant you."

" Me?' I act surprised, placing my hand against my chest.

He rolls his eyes, placing his hands in his pockets." Ha ha, very funny."

" So Fin Daniels wants to speak to lil ol' me, and what could he ever want to talk about, hmm? Let me guess, Wesley Adams?"

He opens his mouth to say something when his cellphone rings. He shoots me an apologetic look before he answers. "Hey man."

I've never seen so many expression changes on someone like seeing Fin Daniels, when he hears whatever is being said on the phone.

" Where's He now?"  I decide to look away and mind my own business.

" I'll be right there now, just keep an eye on him." I hear him say before hanging up.

" You need to go?" I ask.

" No we need to go." I give him a questionable look.

" It's Wes."

" What happened, where is he?"

" Somewhere he shouldn't be." My brows pull together.

" Should we be?"

" Neither of us, but right now, yes, before he kills himself."

" Say no more," I gesture for him to lead the way.

" Wait, what about ---------" I point behind us, reminding him of Callie and the guys.

" We'll tell them on the way, " he says.

" Uh, sorry, but I don't trust your friends with her."

" Do you think someone as smitten as Ethan, will do so much as harm a hair on her head?"

" Maybe not, but ---------"

" They won't hurt her."

I give him a hard look. " If I see anything besides a real smile or hear anything off, I'll kill you." I warn him before walking past him.

" I don't doubt it." I hear him mumble behind me.

On the way to our destination, only one question rings in mind.

What have you gotten yourself into Wesley?

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