
Ginger And Rage
Ginger And Rage
Автор: Mitch



"Fuck." I muttered as I slammed the tip of my already pink pointy finger inside my locker. That was excruciatingly painfy. Fucking stupid old lockers. Who on earth created these lockers anyway? I slung my side bag over my head, adjusted my light green uniform shirt and got in the midst of ugly headed students that had no regard for common sense when it came to walking in the hallways. I got out of Manchester Central high school and breathed shortly in relief. I made it out without any injuries.

Walking on the streets of Manchester, I avoided the looks of fear from people I passed by. They saw me as a murderer and a psychopath, honestly I'm just 16 .

Finally, I got to the lonely street of my home which wasn't so lonely as I saw some boys playing basket ball at the public court.

My pace came to a halt when a ball hit my butt and I turned around slowly for dramatic effect. That was fun, until he decided to open his mouth.

"Look who it is guys, our very own criminal celebrity, Harriet," a guy with brown shaggy hair, I'm guessing their leader, joked and they all laughed like it was funny.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you, considering how bad your mouth breath smells." I deadpanned and he grew silent as I smirked, touching my brown leather-bracelet that had a pocket knife in it. I did that whenever I felt the urge to put people in their places. He got closer to me and I stood my stance, not moving.

"You think you scare me huh? Well let me remind you bitch, I could beat yo ass not minding if you're a girl or not," he threatened as he grabbed both sides of my jaw to look up at him (curse my 5'2 and half inches height) and I stared into his gray eyes, my brown ones emotionless.

"Not with your bad breath." I replied smiling and he growled and pushed me. I fell to my butt on the floor as my bag's items spilled. I decided to let him but changed my mind when he laughed and snorted. I felt my hand twitch in anger as images of different ways to make him suffer kept displaying in my head and the idiot made a very big mistake, he crouched down to my level and smirked.

"I could do this all day, push you to the ground as my boys video it and show everyone how pathetic you are," he sneered and I scrunched my nose and smiled genuinely at him.

"I hope your boys videos this too." I replied and he looked confused then screamed when I slit his left ear quickly with my knife. His friends were to scared to come closer, pussies. I kicked him down sat on his right shoulder since he used his left hand to grip his injured ear. I picked his fingers and smiled, ignoring his protests and the protests of his friends. I separated his fingers from his little finger and studied it. It looked appealing enough to lick. I moaned in delight as I ran the tip of my tongue from the end of his finger to the tip.

"Fucking delicious." I giggled and bit it hard, watching him struggle to unclasp my jaw with hooded emotionless eyes.

"Let go you psychotic bitch! " he screamed and I shook my head no and bit it harder. I wasn't letting go. Not until I taught him whom not to mess with. I felt as though he hadn't learned yet and bit even harder. The more my inscissors and canines sank deeper, the more I felt I hadn't done enough damage.

"Call the cops Darwin." I heard one of his friends yell out in panic and I laughed in a deep wild voice, enjoying the taste of the metallic iron cold liquid that ran down my tongue. My eyes were wild and blood started to drip down the sides of my mouth while he continued to scream in pain. Just as I was about to do justice to his other fingers, I heard sirens close to me but I still had his pinky in my mouth. I wasn't letting go.

"What's going on here?" I heard a female cop ask and tears threatened to blind my vision as the finger and the blood almost choked me. I wasn't letting go. Not when I let Garriet die that night.

"Help him, she wouldn't stop." I heard but I was still focused on the attractive pinky finger in my mouth. I felt people dragging me off him but I bit tighter, shaking my head like a wild animal and kicked him off when I felt his pinky in my mouth. That was enough for me.

"Get up Harriet," the female cop pulled me up and I glanced down at the boy who's eyes were wide in fear as he screamed in pain. I laughed at him, my teeth still clasped together as blood poured from my mouth, landing on my uniform.

"My finger!" He screamed. "She bit my fucking finger off," the boy said when he found his voice and I rolled my eyes. Someone brought him a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding and my hands were cuffed behind my back. I laughed out loud when I spat out his tasty pinky on him.

"I bet you'll always remember this, huh? Shrimpy dick." I taunted before I was led into a cop's car. Well mom wasn't going to like what happened.

Hope you all are enjoying the story, comment. Love you all😘😘😘😘😘

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