
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Damon’s POV

I walked into my dads room and he was surrounded by his Gamma and Beta who were carefully listening to what he had to say.

My presence wasn’t noticed yet so I decided to be quiet to see what was so important they had to say now. Dad needed rest and lots of it.

“When I die make sure Damon rules,he is the one who deserves the position.” Dad coughed badly after.

“Whatever you wish.” They both said in unison.

I couldn’t bear the disheartening sight,I just couldn’t bear to see my dad in such a position and he already started proclaiming his own death.

“Dad, you are not going to die.” I said walking further to him.

I saw corn beside him and gently held his hands in mine,his hands were very cold like a hushed soul.

I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing my dad to anything and I was going to make sure I didn’t lose him.

“Leave us.” Dad said and they both left the room leaving me with dad.

“Damon my son,I didn’t train you to be this weak, did I? People like us don’t cry because we are meant to ease people of their pains , so we have no time to sulk.” Dad said, forcing on a smile to his face.

I could see through that smile and all I could see was pain,and agony and he was just smiling to keep me relaxed.

“Dad, don't say things like that. You can’t die yet,it’s not your time to die. This is just a phase and I know you will pass it and then everything is going to be alright.” I said, reassuring him, pressing his hands tightly against mine.

Dad remained quiet and just smiled at me, His face was already very pale and wrinkles already appeared all over his face.

What I dreaded the most was dawning to reality,it was like seeing my dad drain right before it meant I just couldn’t stand it.

Just then we heard an abrupt knock on the door intruding our conversation.

It was Nero, Dad’s Beta.

“I am sorry to intrude on your conversation but time is far spent and Master Damon would have to leave for school.” He said out and walked out,

School was the least of my problems,why would I have to go school when my dad was in a critical condition?

“Okay Damon,you should go to school, we can continue our discussion later.” Dad said ushering me to go to school because my looks made it evident I didn’t want to.

“You are sick dad,I should be by your side at all times,school can wait.” I calmly said with a frown on my face. Anything could happen and the thought of going to school and not meeting my dad by the time I am back drained me.

Dad chuckled at my outburst and heaved a long sigh before replying.

“Go to school Damon, I will be fine. I have a lot of people who can take care of me so you don’t have to worry.” Dad said with a bold smile which warmed my heart immediately.

“No dad I can just….”

“Damon go to school.” Dad said in a dictative tone and I knew he wasn’t going to let me stay behind so I had to go.

I was already dressed in my uniform and set for school.

“Your driver is waiting for you.” Nero said as soon as I walked out of the room.

The maids took my bag into the car and just as I wanted to leave I turned back to talk to Nero.

“Take good care of dad.” I said in deter.

“I gladly would,” he replied and I walked out straight into the car and as soon as I got in the driver sped off.

School now felt useless and not to talk of the ridicule I went through yesterday.

I just ignored literally everyone because of what was going on back home,I can’t even remember the last time I smiled at anyone.

I was quite a good snub now but that didn’t stop desperate girls from trying head over heels to get my attention.

I hardly noticed anything around me and just focused on the important ones and blindly ignored the rest.

I should have just stayed on my own to ignore whatever was happening to that girl but for some reason I decided to help and I got shut out in return.

It’s a lot I have to take care of because I shouldn’t care about other people’s problems.

I wonder why she allowed herself to be ridiculed in such a manner but it was their business as I had no time to participate in all their jejune acts which I was far beyond.

Time was surprisingly fast today and today was just like every other day. The only excitement I had was that I was going back home and I would be able to see dad.

That was the only thought that made my face shape change,other than that I carried a frown and plain attitude throughout the day.

I got into my car and the driver turned to leave when I saw the same girl who had ridiculed me not long ago.

And she seemed to be disturbed again.

She was surrounded by female students who were dragging her hair and harassing her in all sorts of ways.

It was none of my business because there was no way I would try to help her.

She deserved for being such an arrogant being to have refused my help. She could get all that comes to her for all I care.

My driver drove along and I caught a glimpse of her eyes and our eyes met.

I felt very awkward because she looked at me with quite some level of uncertainty.

I wined up the glass and looked away.

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