
Chapter 2

Victoria Young was about to go into her husband's ward when she spotted her daughter walking in her direction. She quickly walked up to her. “Dear, did you speak to him?“ she demanded in a soft tone.

"Yeah, I did. Davis is ready to make compromises with the condition that I have to go on a date with him,” Danielle lied. Although Davis had casually mentioned wanting her to accompany him to a party, she knew he was up to no good.

"You don't have to worry, mom; he already knows that I can't give him what he truly wants,” she added, also trying to comfort and convince herself.

“I don't want you to go. What if it's just one of his traps to lure you? I won't be able to bear it if anything happens to you. You know, it's your father and, as well, my fault for introducing that devil to you in the first place,” Mrs. Young said, her voice filled with worry.

"Relax. I know you don't want me to do anything, but I can't just sit back and let someone mess with the company that took Dad years of hard work to build go down the drain,” Danielle replied firmly.

“Enough now; I'm going in to see Dad." Danielle pushed the door open, giving her mother no chance to reply as she walked towards the bed.

Her heart ached seeing him in this position, and she took deep breaths, trying to suppress the unsettling urge to cry as she walked towards his bed. “Dad, how are you feeling?” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Adam Young smiled weakly and reached out to pat her hair. “I'm doing good, dear. Why are you here? Don't you have any classes today?” he asked.

Danielle pouted her lip and shook her head. “Are you trying to get rid of me?” she demanded, feigning animosity.

“Of course not; Dad loves your presence, but you need to focus on your studies as well and take good care of yourself no matter what happens in the future,” he said, giving her another weak smile.

"I promise everything will be fine, dad,” she said, kissing his hand. "Everything will be fine after tonight,” she added inwardly.

After spending a few hours with her parents at the hospital, she received a message from Davis asking her to come over to his house. Immediately after she walked through the front door, her heart started pounding faster in her chest.

"Mr. Anderson told me to inform you that you should come upstairs." A maid announced she was bowing her head in respect.

Danielle drew in a deep breath as she ascended the stairs. Arriving at the doorstep of his bedroom, she knocked faintly and went in.

"It's almost time for the party,” Davis said, not sparing her a glance as he looked down at his watch with a stern expression.

"I'm ready."

Davis then raised his head to look at her, and his brows drew together as he glanced at her from head to toe. A look of dissatisfaction marred his handsome face.

"You can't come with me in that dress; thankfully, I got them to prepare something for you tonight.” With just one phone call, the maid came over shortly. "Get her ready,” he ordered, and Danielle could only follow the maid along, not wanting to anger him.

"You must be kidding? I can't wear this dress!“ Danielle snapped angrily, looking at the seductive black dress that was presented before her.

“Ms. Young I'm not in the position to do anything. Would you like me to help you get ready?“ The maid said she was unaffected by her reaction.

"Just get lost!“ She angrily yelled at her.

She was about to stomp to his room and curse him for trying to make her put on such a provocative dress when she recalled his earlier words. As long as she's in her best behavior, he would undo all the mess he had created, but wouldn't putting on this dress make him angrier?“ She thought this to herself inwardly.

Getting on his nerves was the last thing she wanted to do tonight, although if it were in her own hands, she would do worse than that to him. She couldn't bear to sabotage her parents business and happiness for her own reasons, even though it was clearly their fault for urging her to date Davis when he had come out of nowhere confessing his feelings to her.

She sighs siliently and quickly gets ready, brushing her hair while looking at herself in the mirror. She admires her looks, from her wavy black hair to her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, straight nose, and lastly, her pink plump lips.

Immediately after she descended the stairs and walked towards him, Davis smirked in satisfaction as his eyes roamed all over her body. He made sure the black bodycon dress that stopped by her mid-thighs he chose highlighted more on her endowed boobs, which he couldn't take his eyes off.

"Can I please not wear this?“ Danielle said, her cat-like eyes pleading with him.

This was the first time Davis found her vulnerable, and he almost gave in to her request but unfortunately remembered his insane cravings for revenge.

"If that's what you want, you can take off the dress and get out of my house,” he said nonchalantly.

Danielle bit her lower lip hardly and remained silient. "It's fine. The dress isn't that bad,” she mumbled softly.


Davis didn't fail to steal the ladies attention with his charming looks as they made their way into a private room. Danielle went after him, only to be greeted by a couple of guys who all had female companions beside them.

"Hey Davis, is here!“ One of the guys who had noticed their presence announced it, earning the attention of others.

Danielle shifted uncomfortably, feeling nervous under their intense gazes. She found some of the guys looking at her breasts and buttocks, making her face flush in embarrassment, and for a second, she felt like the ground should swallow her up.

“Hey guys!“ He smiled at them and went forward to take a seat, leaving Danielle, who stood there with her gaze lowered awkwardly.

The place reeked of smoke and alcohol to the extent that she found it difficult to catch her breath.

Davis felt overjoyed watching the show; this was the first time he had seen the feisty Danielle Young quiet like a submissive slave to its master. The typical Danielle Young he knew would have normally flared up immediately when those men stared at her body lustfully.

"Who is this beauty you have here with you?” one of the guys asked with his gaze on Danielle.

"Oh, her? She's just a whore who's been bugging me to take her out."

Danielle, who heard this, decided not to pay attention to Davis's shenanigans and instead invest her time thinking about her future.

“Don't just stand there like a tree; come on, pour me a glass'' Davis gestured to the bottle of beer in front of him.

She quickly poured him a glass like he had requested, and as she leaned in to pass it to him, Davis grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly to his lap.

Danielle gasped loudly and tried to get off, but he only tightened his grip around her waist firmly. Danielle could feel her insides churning with anger. He dared call her a whore in front of these people; she was yet to digest that, and now he was taking advantage of her.

"Let me go!“ She said it firmly, wriggling herself from his grasp.

He abruptly pushed her off him, causing her to land on her buttocks. "What's your problem, Danielle Young? One minute you are begging me to bring you here so you could hook up with rich guys because Young's cooperation isn't doing fine, and the other minute you are trying to act modest.“ Davis yelled in an audible tone.

“Am I not good enough for the night? How much does it cost, Danielle? Name your price, or do you want to have fun with all the guys here? You slut!"

Danielle couldn't take the humiliation anymore. She abruptly picked up the glass of wine on the table, and with no hesitation, she splashed it on his face.




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