

Before Adia could ask anything,Sebastian was already continuing, "My mother and my brothers are all here right now. Normally, it would only be us in this place. To top that off, everyone obviously likes you a lot. Due to that, I won't have a choice but to force myself to tamper down on my usual style and be as gentle as I possibly can tonight. Or else…" he let go of her chin.

"… the entire family will come at me mercilessly tomorrow. And we can't have that happening, can we?"

Adia blinked, speechless. Her mind immediately wondered how his family would even know if he was gentle or rough with her as they did the deed. He must really like it extremely rough in bed like he had told her before, if he was this worried about his family's reaction!

She forced herself to stop the urge to swallow nervously. Somehow, she was suddenly really glad at her decision of not postponing tonight.

"But don't expect too much from me." Sebastian's deep voice echoed again. "I don't do gentle… so my kind o
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