
Chapter 2

I headed straight for my room once I was back home. I locked my door behind me. I had to be so careful with what I did so I wouldn't get caught.

As I sat on my bed, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I had made it back home safely, without anyone suspecting a thing.

But I knew that I couldn't let my guard down. I had to be careful every step of the way. One wrong move and everything could come crashing down, and it wasn't only me that would be punished. It would be Lillie and Elena, too, and the last thing I wanted was for them to get into trouble because of me. I started making a mental list of all the things that I would need to take with me. I needed to pack light, but there was also so much that I would need. After all, I would never be able to turn home again. Once my family had worked out what I had done, they would disown me. Werewolves are meant to be pack animals, only ever doing things that benefit their pack. I have always tried my hardest to be a good pack member, but it was hard when I didn't believe in all the things that they did; I wanted to live my own life and make my own choices and as long as I stayed here, I would never be allowed to do that. So, I had to put the guilty feeling behind me and do what was right for me.

I couldn't afford to waste any more time. I took a deep breath and started to pack my bag. With each item I picked up, I asked myself if I really needed it, which was a lot harder than it sounded because when you know that you're never coming back, you find a reason why you need to take that thing.

As I packed, my mind raced with thoughts of what my life would be like once I left. I was scared, but I was also excited. I knew that I was doing the right thing, even if it meant leaving everything I had ever known behind. I carefully folded each item of clothing, placing them into the bag. I knew that I was packing more than I needed, but I couldn't help myself; I wanted to hold onto everything that I could from this life that I was leaving behind. Just because I didn't want to be here didn't mean that I didn't want to still be a part of my pack and family. They were all that I have ever known. 

I paused for a moment, considering a small photo frame on my nightstand. It was a picture of me, Lillie, and Elena during one of our adventures. It was the last one that we took together with our families, knowing about our friendship. I never understood what changed so much with all our families. They used to be fine with us being friends when we were kids, but the older we got, the more they kept us apart, telling us that we were too different and our kinds should never mix. I remember the first time they tried to keep us apart. I was only 12, and I was so excited to be going to see them, but as I walked out into the dining room to tell my parents where I was going, before I could even say anything, they told me that I was never allowed to see Lillie and Elena again and that our friendship was forbidden. They never gave me any answers they just left it there and told me that if i disobeyed them that i would be punished. I ran to my room and cried for hours until I decided that I would sneak out to go and see them, and that's what I did. When I found them, they told me their parents had done the same thing, and we promised each other that no matter what, we would never let anyone stop us from being friends.

Picking up the photo, I slipped the photo into the side pocket of my bag; it was a photo that I never wanted to let go of because it reminded me of everything happy that was in my life. I grabbed a few other photos from around my room, ones of my family, and slipped them in there, too. When I was done packing, I sat there looking at my bag, not knowing how I felt about all of this. My whole life was in that bag right now. Everything that I thought was important enough to take with me was in there. A tear ran down my cheek, but I wiped it away as fast as it came I wasn't going to let myself be weak. If I did, then there was a chance that I would back out of this, and that wasn't an option. 

I took another deep breath, looking around my room. Its familiarity now seemed distant, almost foreign. I was about to step into the unknown, leaving behind the only life I had ever known.

Just as I zipped up my bag, I heard a soft knock on my door. My heart stopped. Had someone noticed something? I grabbed my bag, threw it into the wardrobe, and closed the door behind me before I moved towards the door cautiously, my mind racing through a dozen possible excuses. I stood there with my hand on the door nob, thinking of who it could be and what they could want. Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened it, hoping that whoever it was wasn't here to tell me they knew about my plan.

I was greeted by my mother; she stood there with a bored look on her face. I knew that she hated having her time wasted, and my taking so long to open the door would have angered her. I opened the door wide and stood up straight, hoping that she wouldn't be able to tell that there was something going on. 

"what took you so long, winter?" she asked, but she didn't give me time to answer before she went on. "I am very disappointed in you and the way that you took the new this morning of your marriage with alpha ryker. Your father and I spent months picking you the perfect husband."

I didn't want to fight with her before I left forever, but I couldn't hold it in. "You knew that this wasn't what I wanted, but yet you and Father still went and sold me off to the highest bidder," I spat at her, catching her a little off guard. I never spoke to her like this; I have always just agreed. "you don't give a shit about me. This wedding and who you picked is all for you and Father so you can finally get rid of me. Your embarrassment of a runt daughter."

Her eyes narrowed at me, and I saw her wolf flicker through, which was something I had never seen before. My mother has spent her whole life training to be the perfect person. She doesn't have slip-ups like letting her wolf try to take control. "how dare you?" she said as her hand came up and struck me across the face. 

A whimper of both shock and pain left my mouth as I grabbed my throbbing cheek. in my whole life, neither of my parents had ever laid a hand on me until now. Tears started to well in my eyes, but I held them back. The last thing I wanted was for her to see that I was hurting. "I hate you," I spat as I slammed the door in my face. Any part of me that had any regrets about running away was now gone. I didn't feel regret for the things I said to her. She made it clear to me that she didn't care about me or what I wanted.

I picked up a book that was sitting on my desk, throwing it across the room and letting out a loud scream filled with pain and anger. I held my tears back, not wanting to let another one fall for a family that clearly didn't care about me. I know that I was being dramatic, and most people would have just shrugged it off, but after a lifetime of trying to please them and be a good daughter and pack member, I was so angry and tired. I know I have not always been perfect, but I have tried never to do anything too bad that would bring disowner or embarrassment to my family.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me. I couldn't let my wolf take over. If I did, I could risk blowing up this whole thing. I had to stay focused on my plan. I went over to the drawers beside my bed and pulled out the little magic phone that Lillie had given me. She gave one to Elena to it was so we could stay in contact with each other. I turned it on and clicked on our group chat writing. I hate them so much i can't wait to get out of here.

Within a few seconds, the three little dots appeared on the screen, telling me that they were replying. 

What happened?

Did they find out about the plan

should we really be talking about this on the phone? What if someone finds it

stop being a little bitch, Elena. If anyone finds out about this, it will be because you told them

go suck a toad's dick, Lillie. You're the one who will give it away because you can't control your powers

I smiled at their fighting. It was something that they always did because they were so different from each other. Well, we all were, really. Elena is nice and caring, always worried about other people's feelings, not wanting to upset anyone, and Lillie, well, she is dark. She doesn't care if she hurts anyone. She finds fun in picking on people. Sometimes, it gets a little dark, and we have to talk her down from murder, and then there's me. I don't really know who I am or how i even fit into our friendship i just know that they are the two people in this word that means the most to me and i have always been able to trust them and no that they will help me with any trouble i get in. 

Enough, guys. I just had a fight with my girlfriend. I hate her so much that I can't wait to get as far away from here as I can. I'll see you later. Don't be late!!!!!

I turned the phone off and went over and put it in my bag. The only plus with having a fight with my mother is that it will make it easier for me to stay away from everyone because they will think that I'm in my room, hiding away and sulking because of the fight. Walking over to the balcony in my room that overlooks the pack's training fields, I place my hands on the railing and close my eyes, taking in all the smells and sounds of my home for the last time; my heart hurt for a second, but I pushed it to the side. I would be so much happier away from here I would be able to make my own choices and live the life that I wanted. I've never left my pack grounds. It's something that my family always made clear that I was never allowed to do. It wasn't safe for me to get out of there, but who says they weren't lying to just try and control me? 

Opening my eyes, I looked down at the guards training in the field, and I started to wonder what it would be like outside of here, living amongst humans. There were so many choices that we could make about where we could go, but the only one that made sense was to go and live in the human world and pretend to be like them. We could find another pack, but they wouldn't take Elena and Lillie in, and the same goes for other witches and fairies. There was a chance that if we went to them, they would just tell our families, and we would be dragged back here and punished for what we had done. Today would be my last night as a wolf when the sunsires tomorrow i will be nothing more then a boring human and i loved the sound of that. 

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