
Chapter 5

Into the parking lot, they went out the back entrance. She expected him to stop there, but he kept walking until he was next to a very sleek black car. He easily maneuvered her to open the door for her to seat on the seat. He then faced away from her, opening his jacket, and stood in front of the door. Ok, weirdo, she thought silently to herself. As she began to gain more control over herself in the cooler air though, she realized she was outside in her outfit and that was why he was standing like that. He was still protecting her.

Funny most men wouldn’t even think of what she was wearing with everything else going on. The slithering, glitter top and skirt was deep green that went well with her hair. The straps for the top were just strings tied around her neck and upper back. Even though it was exposing it really was helping her right now to allow the night air to bring her temperature back down. As sweet as this was, she needed this man to go away. She doubted that would happen while she was sitting in his car, so she tried to stand. 

“Sit back down,” the man said. He wasn’t even looking at her, so she wasn’t really sure how he knew she had moved.

“Look, sir, thank you for your help, but I need to get back to work now.” There that was a polite enough good bye right?

“Honey, I’m letting you calm yourself then you are going to talk to me about what you are because I’ve lived a long time and my family goes way back too, but I have never seen or heard of anything like you before.” Turning just his head Keegan stared down at the girl sitting in his car. “I heard that guy call you Ember. Is that your real name?”

Staring up at the man, Ember shivered at his cold tone, “Who are you? Move away slowly. I just want to go back to work. I don’t know what you are talking about. Thank you for getting me out of there, but I need to go.”

She stood up and tried to move passed him, but he didn’t budge not even an inch.

“I asked you your name?”

“You can call me Ember,” she said crossing her arms and began taping her foot.

“Ok, Ember get in and scoot over.” 

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m due back on stage.” 

Just then a loud bang is heard and then voices.

“Hey Keegan, are you coming with us? Hanson wants to find some food.” A tall thin man yelled across the parking lot. “We are going to Stella’s.”

Grabbing my hand, the man leans in. She expected some sappy hand kiss where lingering saliva would have to be religiously washed away, but instead he merely bowed. He then finally let her step aside.

“I am sorry Ember, but I must assure that my companions reach their destinations. I promised my sister.” He said with annoyance in his voice. “I will be back to continue our discussion. Be careful.” 

He was behind the wheel and moving before Ember had the chance to say anything else. She wrapped her arms around her waist and headed back inside. Robert appeared around the corner.

“All good?”

“Yeah, all good. I’m ready.” 

Robert gives me a steady look and nods his head, turning around to go let the D.J. know to cut on my music.

“Back to life.” I whisper to myself as I hear the familiar beat of my music vibrating through the speakers. 

“Everyone please welcome back to the stage, Ember!” The D.J.’s voice gathers the crowd.

Only three hours and then home to Melody. Time to pack up the iron box and move on. Never stay after they ask your name. With her head on her troubles of moving on and where to head she began her routine and weaving her web of smoke. Poor guys they would be leaving with empty wallets tonight. A woman’s got to do what she’s got to do and she needed to run.

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