
Chapter 9

Keegan couldn’t stop his laugh when he saw her face after carefully putting the box in her trunk. He pulled it in quick though when she went from that stunned look to angry. Even in a tiff she was gorgeous. He turned towards her but fought the urge to smooth the grimace off her face with his fingertips. 

“So, honey, you going to tell me what you are?” 

“No, I’m in a hurry. Please leave and for future knowledge it is extremely rude and creepy to follow any girl home. No matter the type of employment she has.” Ember started taking steps backwards as she spoke. 

Keegan needed to calm her down. He could tell she was about to run. Skittish was probably an understatement when describing her. He could tell it was really unnerving her that her smoke wasn’t working on him. Maybe he should just come out first and tell her what he was? 

“If it makes you feel better we can sit and I’ll tell you about me first. Plus, I didn’t exactly follow you. Just your scent.”

Ember’s face scrunched up in a adorable way then, but her eyes seem to catch fire as he watched.

“Are you saying I smell, dude? Of all the rude ass things to say to a lady. You, mister stalker man, are going to try to excuse your behavior by saying I smell?” 

Ok, man my mate has some fire in her. She seem to completely forget that she was backing away a moment ago, because now she was steadily taking steps in my direction. One finger out pointing at my chest. Now I’m the one trying to back up for fear that finger was going to stab right through me. 

“You really think this is the way to get women? You, hulked out weirdo. What is wrong with you? How about you tell me that? Do you need someone to teach you how to respect women? Why the hell do men think insults should get you anywhere with a woman? You need to start thinking with the brain up top. Instead of the teeny tiny one down below.” 

Teeny? What? This was getting out of hand. He had never been called tiny, even as a pup. Keegan’s legs hit her open trunk and he ended up basically plopping down on her tailgate. She didn’t even seem to be taking a breath. 

He caught that finger in his hand before it went flying up his nose. Sweet tingles and flames ran up both their arms at the touch. 

Her mouth finally stopped moving as she gaze stared at my hand clasping hers. She had to feel that. He’ll, see that. Keegan had heard the mate bond could create tingles of the skin when emotions were high, but he had never heard anyone mention sparking flames before. That had to do something with her. The flames weren’t burning us. Just running over our skin. Her mouth hung open as she finally looked up into my eyes.

He saw his opening and in a rush he said, “Honey, I’m a wolf. My wolf recognized you. You’re my mate. I’m just trying to get to know my other half. Also, my sister would beat my ass if I didn’t respect women. I just want to talk. Can we please just talk?”

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