
Ever A Never After: Chapter 2

"So, met any neighbors yet?"

Jake glanced up from his painting to look at his little sister who was wearing his shirt and sipping from a cup of coffee.

"Nope, and I don't care" with that reply he got back to his painting. He really hates being bothered when working. But that won't stop Daisy from being a headache.

"Really??.... You moved here like how many years ago?"

"Three days ago" Jake chipped in, his attention on the lady that was coming to live on his canvas. Daisy ignored him

"And you are trying to tell me that you haven't met anyone? Not even one? Not even one person?"

"What's your problem Daisy?" He snapped angrily, putting his brush away. 

Thanks for ruining my mood Genius.

" Nothing. I don't have a problem. What I want to know is when you plan on returning home"

She said placing the cup on the small table in the middle of the sitting room, before walking closer to stand beside Jake with her hands on her hips.

Jak scoffed at that question, stood up and walked past his sister Into the kitchen to fix himself a cup of tea.

"Is this how you want to spend the rest of your life?" Daisy queried behind him, following him. "Locked up in this miserable house painting?"

"How I spend the rest of my life isn't really any of your business sister dearest" Jake murmured turning around to face her with a smirk.

"Don't be a smart ass... Don't give me that attitude either. You can't keep living this way Jay. It's been six years already.. you have had your fun, you have had your adventure. It's time to come back home please"

"If you are here to lecture me Daisy, I suggest you catch the next flight back to New York. You have a son back home. Meanwhile, how could you leave poor Alex all alone like that?"

Alex was Daisy's 7 years old son. And till now Jake still didn't know who his father was.

"Alex isn't alone. He'll be fine with Gina" Daisy replied as she watched Jake drink from the cup of tea he was holding.

Gina was his youngest sister, and Jake's heart twinged painfully at the mention of her name. He hasn't heard from her for six years now.

His siblings were the only ones he missed about home.

"You should go back soon. Because I'm not in the mood to tolerate your constant nagging" 

Daisy just smiled

"I'll go back when I feel like it. And it won't be before I meet one of your neighbor's dearest brother." She patted his cheek and left the kitchen.

Few minutes later she came out wearing a ripped jeans and white T shirt with her curly hair packed up 

"Where are you going to?" Jake asked.

"Friend hunting" she replied picking up her phone from the counter.

"And I'll start from the room beside yours. If I'm gonna let u stay in this God forsaken trench, I might as well check out who you are living with.. that's the sisterly thing to do" 

"No. That's you being meddlesome. Can you please ....not bother my neighbors?"

Jake's request was ignored as Daisy left the apartment with a short wave and Jake sighed when she closed the door.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Cassie was just about to go into her room for a proper morning rest when a knock came to the door.

For a few seconds, her heart panicked, then she shook her head scolding herself 

She really needed to get over this. There was no way Nathaniel would find them here now. But who could it be this early morning? It was just 9:30 am and she really needed to catch a few hours of sleep and finish some pending work.

She walked to the door and opened it to see a tall lady smiling at her. Cassie frowned as she stared at the lady from head to toe. She had never seen her before and the lady didn't look like someone who lived around here.

With her shiny curly hair and beautiful chocolate skin it was obvious that this lady before her wasn't someone that lived in the trenches.

Even the stud earrings she was wearing was a diamond one.

"Hello," The lady said.

"Uhm...good morning, how may I help you?" 

Straight to the point please. She wasn't in the mood for small talks.

"My name is Daisy Parker" The lady said and paused for a few heart beats, but when Cassie just stared at her without saying anything she continued her smile still in place.

"I'm visiting my brother. He's your neighbor, moved in a few days ago. And I just wanted to know his neighbors" 

Cassie knew who she was talking about. The delicious looking man that moved next door three days ago. She and Danielle had watched from the window as he unloaded his boxes from the truck.

Danielle had called him the big black man... and boy .was he big 

"It's really nice to meet you Daisy. I would really love to invite you in, but I'm tired and sleepy. Thanks for coming over though"

Cassie knew she was being rude, but she couldn't help it 

She had a very bad headache and she craved sleep.

"Oh no problem" Daisy replied, not missing a beat, her smile not faltering. "it's nice to meet you too" 

Cassie nodded and moved to close the door

"Wait .. do you have a name?"

"Yes I do, " Cassie replied and closed the door in her face.

Then she leaned against the door frame and slapped her forehead with her palm

Really Cassie? Was that necessary?

She ignored the little voice in her head admonishing her and went ahead to her room to sleep.

She would worry about how rude she was later...but at the moment she really wasn't in the position to be nice or chit chat with a new neighbor.

Cassie have never been a morning person.

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