
The revelation

Dante POV

I looked up and noticed the man staring down at me in confusion. He rushed over to Lillith's side, who was still unconscious.

"She has no life." His words fueled my anxiety. Did I do anything wrong? Did I cast the wrong spell? Did he give me the right book? Several questions kept flying through my head. However one main thing reminded constant in my subconscious thoughts; I had possessed strange energy.

"Listen, we need to do something, I need to help her. It is obvious the Bishap book didn't help." I pleaded to the man, whose name I am yet to discover.

"I have someone that could perfectly explain the whole situation. I am merely a library keeper, who knows all the books here." Staring at Lillith's lifeless body, I couldn't help but be amazed by her beauty. Even in her subconscious state, she was still very perfect.

"Lead me to this person you talk about, I beg you." I watched as he rushed over to his counter, pulled up a pen and a paper and scribbled something unto the piece of paper.

"Here, you have to find that address. I believe she should have answers to all the questions you seek." I placed the paper back to my pocket and lifted Lillith up to my shoulder. She had become absolutely heavy and despite the protest by the man to keep her here, I couldn't trust him not anyone with Lillith.

The night was drawing near and the cloud was pregnant, when I arrived at the location. It was a herculean task lifting Lillith's body, but I was glad I had made it. Right before I opened the door, I thought through the entire situation. What if the stranger had no answers to the question I could pose? I shook my head, erasing the negative energy that was threatning to step through.

It didn't take a few seconds after knocking through the door gently, that an old lady opened the door. She looked pale and her presence had an angelic aura to it.

"Come in." She said opening the door wide enough. Her apartment was warm and only a slight dimly lit fire pulled light to the entire place.

"All my life I have waited for the moment, where you would come to me." I stared strangely at her, while she walked over to get a cup filled with tea. I had Lillith laid on the couch.

"I was told by someone that you would have the answers to all my questions." I revealed holding Lillith's cold hands. She returned with the cup filled with tea and handed it over to me. I hesitated, staring at the cup and looking up at her face, which held a smile to it.

"You don't have to worry about anything Dante, I am completely harmless." How she knew my name, was a mystery. I pulled the cup of tea away from her hand and dropped it on the table. She sat by the opposite couch, examining Lillth carefully.

"Your fate and hers had been entwined long time ago and I am glad that things are now fully set in motion." Her words appeared to be parables to my ear, I couldn't fathom any true meaning to what she was saying.

"She died in my arms. I was trying to use the Bishap book to get her back to life." For a moment she chuckled and dropped her cup, which was now empty.

"Indeed, she is not going to come to life in this body again." I stared at her, confusion getting the best out of me. "When you cast the spell, the strange energy you felt, is death leaving and your soul, embracing immortality." I stare of confusion morphed into one of total shock.

"She is dead in this body, but is bound to reincarnate in a body that is distinct from hers. Dante, your destiny and that of Lillith's is full of adventure and you both have been chosen to make a difference in a world filled with witches and werewolve hunters." The trembling sound of thunderstorm, shook the entire earth.

"Where has she reincarnated to?" I asked, trying to assume I fully comprehend what she is speaking about.

"She has taken a body and your duty, is to find her. I can assure you that the moment you see her, you would know she is the one. Your energy would be bonded together with hers. However, there is a slight problem; the world where she finds herself would be your obstacle." We both heard a loud bang on the door, followed by what seemed to be the sound of humans yelling profanities at the door.

"You must leave at once." She got up from her couch and pulled me up, away from Lillith's body. "She is totally useless at this point. Her body will only decay as you take her away." She revealed, seeing my resistance and the need to return to pick her up.

"Use the back door." I followed the direction of her hands, towards the end of the room, which was dark. "Remember Dante, the fate of my world and hers lies in your hands. Find her and put a stop to the menace out there." The door was almost at the verge of falling, due to the force applied from the outside. One last stare at Lillith's lifeless body, I made it a point of motivation to find her.

Upon stepping out of the room, I heard several shots of gun and series of laughter which followed. I couldn't stop, the old woman had begged me not to stop. Few meters away, the entire house was in flames. I stood still, watching every material go into ashes and I could only imagine the once- upon-a- time beautiful Lillith's face, going down into ashes.

I noticed the men who had placed the house on fire, moving away with their guns and attires, which gave them the persona of witch hunters and it dawned to me, the identity of the woman I had spoke with; she was nothing short of a witch.

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