
Entwined with the CEO
Entwined with the CEO
Penulis: Ace Conley

Chapter 1. First encounter

'Oh my god! I'm late!' Madeleine thought as she sprinted to her destination in record time. However, no matter how fast or hard she ran, it could not obliterate that she was still late for almost fifteen minutes. She sighed in frustration before finally halting at the front of Descartes Company to compose her nerves before entering through the access.

With that settled, she strode past everyone and went straight into the threshold, but suddenly she bumped into someone's chest, compelling herself to emit an undignified squeak.

"Oh my gosh! Why don't you watch where you're going, moron!" Madeleine clamored with utmost exasperation as she glanced up to see who she had run into. And then she saw a man— a bewitching man clad in a black professional suit with his arms crossed over his broad chest while looking at her with a very annoyed expression which did nothing to appease Madeleine's sentiment. He may be exquisite from the way of his outfit and his face; Madeleine was still upset for bumping into him, even though he did look quite endearing.

The man didn't utter a single word; he merely stared at her with those dark piercing eyes until the annoyance in him deviated into amusement. He was flabbergasted by her mesmerizing countenance.

"Don't stare at me like that, moron. You should be more careful next time," Madeleine scolded him as if berating an obstinate child in public.

"It's unintentional, so I won't apologize." the man looked at her for a few more seconds. "Anyway, allow me to introduce myself." he quickly changed his mood, smiled, and offered her his hands. Madeleine looked at his outstretched hand, attempting to process the gesture before realizing what it meant. However, her brows creased further when she realized how awkward their situation seemed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not used to having men's hands touching me." she rolled her eyes in irritation, even though she noticed how hot he was.

Afterward, she decided not to waste any more time talking to such an unfriendly stranger as she walked away, ignoring his gaze that tracked her every move. Just then, she reached the interview room where she was supposed to go for the day, and luckily she was able to regain her composure.

When she arrived, she noticed no one else besides the lady sitting alone at the table.

"Good morning, Ma'am."

"You're late," the woman stated bluntly, making a point to give Madeleine a once over before continuing, "Please take the seat over there."

Madeleine complied without complaint, knowing that the other lady was only doing her job to make her feel safe at work. As she took her seat, she smiled. "Thank you, Mrs..."

"Mrs. Querva."

She nodded as she realized that this woman was the human resource manager who had interviewed her yesterday over the phone. "This is my resume, Mrs. Querva."

"So, you are Madeleine Nevia, whom I apprised to come in today," Mrs. Querva said after taking her file.

"Precisely, Ma'am."

Silence lingered for a moment, and Mrs. Querva concentrated on reading her resume.

Feeling staggered, Madeleine was amazed at the view she was witnessing now. The entire room was decorated by glass walls and white walls, which were shrouded in beautiful paintings. There were bookshelves along with a huge window where sunlight filtered its rays into the room. It was almost ethereal.

Her profound admiration was interrupted when Mrs. Querva said, "Prepare yourself. The CEO himself interview you."

At hearing this, Madeleine was surprised. "The CEO?"

"I hate to say this, but yes," Mrs. Querva stated. "You were at the notable company, Ms. Nevia, and the policies are distinctive compared to other firms. Therefore, we have to check every detail of your background and future career plans to ensure you're comfortable working here. The CEO is the one who will converse with you with regard to your duties and experience. So all I can say is do your very best."

Madeleine felt uneasy. How was she supposed to meet a CEO that could determine her personality? It's her first time here; this is why the apprehension keeps penetrating her.

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," she responded, smiling but internally nervous.

"Perfect! Follow me."

Mrs. Querva stood up from her seat and started walking away. Madeleine got up as well, following after the woman. After a while, they were in front of a tinted glass door that led them to another room— the CEO's room.

Upon entering the room, Madeleine felt like heaven because a fantastic vicinity welcomed her; the room was painted dark brown, offering a cozy yet gloomy atmosphere.

"Good afternoon, Sir. The new applicant is here," Mrs. Querva said as she bowed.

"You may go now," the man ordered while facing backward at the glass window, which earned him a nod from the HR Manager.

Once Madeleine heard the clicking sound of her heels, she immediately faced the direction of the window and watched the CEO in his steady position. He was wearing a black professional suit.

Her breath hitched as soon as he spun around and recognized who it was.

It was the man she had encountered earlier on the threshold. The one who looked so damn hot that she almost forgot to breathe, yet he was annoying.

And the man recognized her as well because after looking at her up and down, a small smile arose on his lips, and a smirk began unfurling across his face. How could he forget this woman's angelic face, who looked like a perfect combination of innocence and elegance? He found her enchanting enough to steal his heart even from afar. Even the sight of those bright orbs, her mouth crescent moon shaped, and her long wavy hair filled his mind with memories of the last encounter. Despite the bitter fact that this woman called him a moron, he couldn't deny it.

His eyes then locked together with hers, and the intensity was apparent in both of their stares. After a quiet period, the man cracked the silence, and the next thing he expressed made Madeleine's face turn red and her legs wobble.

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