
Enslaved By Apocalypse
Enslaved By Apocalypse
Penulis: Alexis Moon

Choose to read : New World System

"Set up space Astronauts to fight the war, and appoint everyone from all over the world. I believe we should appoint every man who knows how to fly a plane because we need more manpower. We have no idea why we are facing such calamity."

"Excuse me, sir, our two spaceships have been reduced to ashes by them."

"What are you talking about? How is that possible? It just launched into space, and before they could do anything, they attacked our spaceships! What is going on?"

The head of NASA growled at the workers who were reporting every single moment of the spaceships and rockets that were sent to fight with xenophorm warships but were burned to ashes in a matter of seconds.

Every country's space organisation was busy modifying their technologies to avoid becoming prey to the Xenomorphs, but the attack of extraterrestrial beings was powerful. They soon arrived in the Earth's atmosphere, accompanied by massive monstrous-looking warships laden with heavy armour.

Nobody knew who they were, why they were here, or why they were destroying everything.

Soon, the earth became a haunted deserted place, with only human skulls, dead bodies, and fallen buildings visible everywhere.

Not everyone was killed; common groups of people who did not take part in the war were spared, but they will have a more miserable life in the future.


"This upper incident happened 50 years ago since from that time Earthtian were enslaved by Trasykian."

"Can you imagine being controlled by someone? Can you be okay when you only know the truth!"

"What would you do if you woke up early in the morning, completed your daily routine, and then discovered that the world you live in is being watched over by another world system?"

And you can't tell anyone; it's impossible; don't even think about it because people will call you crazy or a traitor. It's exasperating, isn't it?

Many of you may choose to accept your fate and close your eyes to reality in this case, but what if you are a curious soul? You simply cannot accept; you want to fight and live free.

We all want freedom, right? Nobody wants anyone to have control over their lives.

Kavya, an 18-year-old girl, was a curious girl who discovered that Earth is controlled by Xenomorphs from another planet. Her life is turned upside down, she feels as if she is in a cage, as if humanity as a whole is locked in a cage.

It's even more difficult to understand and believe when you have no proof; only a diary!

Except for her grandfather's old diary, she has no one who has witnessed the entire thing to explain to her this Damn truth.

"What? Are you serious?"

You're telling me that I should believe what's written in diary. No way! A diary is one's imaginary friend; some even write their dreams in it. And you're telling me to believe such an important thing based solely on what's written in the diary. Seriously!!

This was her first reaction as she turned over the coloured-in pages of her grandfather's old dairy, in which he used to talk about his scientific researches. The last pages of that diary were critically disastrous, forbidden text to read because it was about an incident that occurred 50 years ago.

It was a game changer for young people.

This novel is set in the year 2075 in a world created by Trasykians. Don't think about other planets; I'm not talking about them. The World System I'm referring to is Earth itself, but it is controlled by Trasykian, the original inhabitants of planet Trasatania.

They have invaded here from the Odysseus Star system in the galaxy Odysseus.

They declared themselves the new race of Earth and the supreme beings of the universe.

Trasykian were taller and more muscular than humans.

Their body complex was milky white, with reddish long hair. The facial features were similar to humans, with the exception of the unusual greyish-yellow eyes. They have the ability to use supernatural powers.

They created a world system that was entirely different from what we had. A completely advanced and modern world.

They renamed the seven continents as...

Traskya Orga 1–7

They created their own world of advanced technologies after destroying everything created by humans. Every Earthtian record was destroyed or buried.

The Trasykian Armies seized control of the judicial system.

Seven Trasykian army captains were sent to Earth with powerful armies and advanced weapons to establish their empire. Caption was the highest rank in the Trasykian Armies.

The seven captains represented the seven continents ( Like - Traskya Orga 1, 2, etc)

A single Head Country Mayor oversaw all countries. The mayor was usually a Trasykian general. The general was in charge of the county's needs and armies.

There was no such thing as a state or district system.

It was something like BLOCK 1,3,4,5,6.....etc (number of states in a specific country were named as BLOCK) and Trasyakian appoints Earthtian as Country Mayor or BLOCK head only to those who were wealthy and loyal to them.

They have the largest international Trasykian aerospace and space engineering organisation university, where Trasykian's children used to study and where children of loyal and wealthy Earthtians can gain admission. It was the largest school in the world, with millions of students, teachers, and staff members. Students were taught advanced technologies as well as weapon development knowledge. They received Trasykian aerospace engineering degrees from this university and were appointed to

high ranking jobs.

Houses were far more advanced, cars flew through the sky, and there was no need for roads because everything was connected by a super fast Trasykian automatic train. Everyone was required to study, and everyone was expected to have a basic understanding of aerospace engineering and computer science. It was a requirement.

"Do you believe it is easy to fight them and gain freedom?" Everything is under their control."

The answer is__

"Impossible is nothing; everything is achievable if you decide to bet on your life." Nothing is more important than your life, and when your life becomes less important than your goal, you will undoubtedly achieve it. Is your will or your fear stronger? When you compare it, you will find the answer.

This is your own World System. "Fuck it!"

This book will change your mind and show you how to become powerful from a position of weakness.

A journey of five young people will show you how to overcome your worst fear and fight your most formidable foe.

I can't guarantee how the storey will end.

So, get ready to travel in a new world system, set aside everything, because your world is about to implode...

In 2075...

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