
Chapter 5

"I'm pregnant! " I yell to the boss as soon as I close the door to his office behind me. 

"I know that now get out! " He says irritated not sparing me a glance. 

What the...? 

"You know? What, you stalking me now? " I let my irritation free. 

Boss or not there he crossed a line. Now he looks up and if looks could kill... 

"I think if you fainted in my conference room in the middle of the meeting, I'd be told what's up with you. Get out now I have work to do! "

"It's your kid! "


My patience has completely run out. The man isn't in the least bit affected by my words . He actually smiles and leans his back on his fancy office chair. 

"Not a chance. I used protection ."

How I don't like that he is talking about just himself in that sentence. 

"I haven't... I haven't slept with anyone else in the last six months I think I'd know whom impregnated me! " I don't like so much saying this sentence. 

I expected him to laugh mocking me but instead he gets up agitated. However ,he doesn't say anything .He is looking at his door I think behind me. So I too look behind me. His secretary is standing there shocked. She heard everything, great! 

"Um...! " Is all she says before awkwardly exiting. 

Her voice rings in the room for a moment. My breathing is long and heavy like usual during confrontations. The boss fiddles with the files on his desk for a second. Sits down and then trains his eyes on me. Damn, he is so intimidating when looking at me with such disdain. 

"I'll be expecting your resignation letter miss Lily-white. " He says calmly. 

Calm is not anything I am at the moment. Whom does he think he is ?

"Excuse me! " I ask confused and pissed. 

How dare he! 

"Company policy, no intimate relationships among staff. Definitely not with me your boss ,seems you've forgotten that part! " He utters shamelessly. 

"You can't just fire me. I signed a year's contract. A year did not just end overnight. I won't resign. " I say breathing out hell fire. 

I don't get bullied as I watch. He stands up urgently. 

"If you don't leave my office on your own I'll send in security. " He threatens coldly picking up his receiver and dialling a number. 

I want to be stubborn and stand my ground till I'm dragged out of here but that would be humiliating so I just walk out. 

"In my office ,now !" I hear him order someone as I step out. 

I've never been so angry in my life. When I got up from the bed in the infirmary I didn't think this is how the conversation was supposed to end. 

His secretary passes by me forcefully smiling. I want to butt head her like, 'Thanks for being there when I was facing utter humiliation! '

Tears well up in my eyes when everything that just happened hits me like an out of control bus . 

First I'm pregnant! 

Second I just got fired. 

Third I've been humiliated in front of another staff. 

He denied the pregnancy being his! 

I'm so stupid! 

"Don't cry Trinity. Don't cry. You know what they say, 'no matter what you are going through eat first .' I say no matter what I'm going through I'll visit the bathroom first then go eat. Everything will be clear after then. Because I need to think .Can't let me be thrown out like this. I'm not trash to be taken out any time. I have to fight for my place. Right after I internalize that I'm pregnant for a guy that would rather I was dead. 

A lone tear escapes my eye when I think how stupid I actually am for getting pregnant during a one night stand. Let's forget for a second that it is for a guy who hired and fired me in less than a week. 

I don't even realize it when I'm off the stairs and onto my office. But I pass by it to the rest rooms. 

To my bad luck, Jade is there retouching her makeup. I quickly get into one stall. In my haste of course it is not the graceful getaway I had hoped for. But I got away and that's what counts. 

"Trinity? " She calls unsure of her actions, "Trinity? Trinity are you okay? " 

Please go away! You are the last person I'd want to be with right now. I wipe my tears and wear a big plastic grin. I step out .

"I was really just too pressed. " I lie smoothly. 

She furrows her brows for a second but then smiles at me. 

"How cool is it that we both got hired here !" She says excitedly. 

I hold myself back from rolling my eyes. 

"You had a job already ." I say calmly before splashing water on my face .

I don't need to look at her to know she is actually surprised. Oh, the audacity! 

"Yeah, I mean, this one pays more. Didn't think you'd mind. " She says almost innocently. 

I chuckle humorlessly. Of course she didn't. 

"So it's why you didn't even tell me about your plans ? If I wasn't hired I swear Jade, I wouldn't have spoken to you ever again. " I tell her seriously. 

She frowns. 

"But you are hired. Don't be selfish. If it's only you they wanted they wouldn't interview people. They would have just sent you an email to report to work. I know you were jobless but I needed this too. " Jade says frustrated. 

Oh no she doesn't! 

"I'm the selfish one Jade ?" I ask a little irritated. 

We stare at each other for a while both pissed at the other. Then Jade throws her arms around and walks away. 

"Yeah leave coward! " I mutter under my breath. 

My day is going really, really bad. I'm losing everything all at once and why ?I need to get back in the boss' office and make things clear to him that I won't let him play me like this. 

If he wants a DNA test done to prove he is the father then that is what will happen. I don't want a relationship with him either so he can't fire me for impregnating me before I started working for him. Maybe he shouldn't have approved it. 

Isn't the strongest woman one who gets what she wants any way or the other? I'll be that woman now because losing is not in my vocabulary. 

"He's gonna know he messed with the wrong type. " I say a little too salty roughly wiping away my tears. 

Big girls don't cry about their problems Trinity, they find a way around it at any cost. I first stop by the cafeteria and put some food in me. I don't know if it's just in my head or this is actually happening but I've never felt more refreshed in life. Now I'm ready to face him. Jadala Bin Hasad! 

I feel like a movie start bursting through his doors without knocking or anything. I know there is no wind fanning me making me look all cool and I'm not moving in slow motion either, but I feel that way and it boosts my ego way above charts. 

He is alone busy going through some files like he didn't hear a thing. 

Do you hear that ? Yeah me neither. But my ego has been scratched a little. Like the very sensible person I'm not ,I do what any normal person would do in such a situation. 

I rush towards him and crawl onto his lap cradling him. He is confused for a second and I take the opportunity to attack him. I lips nibbling on his neck, one hand in his hair feeling it while the other in his shirt feeling his chest. I remember vaguely that he liked being teased too much. I let a soft moan just to provoke him further. 

He clearly hasn't yet absorbed the shock because the only reaction from him is a low noise in the back of his throat. I don't stop my torture since it looked like whomever is in charge needed to be known clearly. 

A throat clearing brings us back to reality. We both spring away from each other breathing heavily. I'm so embarrassed and to think this is all my doing. I don't meet anyone's eyes trying to remember how to breathe first. 

Was here for revenge but ended up liking my plot too much. It takes away the power of looking like I'm in charge. We are all quiet for a moment. I knew it is Jadala's secretary because I can only look at her skirt and I remember it from earlier. 

"Uh, sir, I just came to tell you that the jet is fueled and ready. We will be waiting for you whenever you are ready. " She says seriously but it is hard to miss the smirk in her voice at the end. 

I've already been embarrassed and so what! I look her in the eye and see her laughter. I turn to look at Jadala who is picking his coat. Yeah, he would just leave when we have unfinished business to attend to. No, I'm not talking about what you think I'm talking about. How I want you facepalm right now. 

"Be down in a second. " Jadala tells his secretary. 

Damn bastard acting all professional and shit when just like a minute ago he wasn't . It's my fault I started it but he had the chance to push me away and he didn't. Damn that would have hurt my feelings big time and shutter my confidence. Let us all be thankful for the one thing a man is very defenseless over .You know what. 

The secretary leaves with one lingering look between us. It unnerves me for a reason. I however stand my ground. By that I mean I again I'm all over Jadala. No not like last time. Just in his face. 

"I won't accept you firing me or treating me the way you please. Me coming to you to tell you about my condition is just a courtesy call. I don't actually want your money or presence near my child. Men like you are weak and trying to act strong. You think if you treated others like shit they will be shit but truth be told you are the shit here because it must be what you feel inside. I will single handedly raise my child but I will be needing this job. Know what, you can transfer my office to another floor in the building and hopefully we won't be meeting that very often. Do we have a deal? " I speak with no breaks my voice higher than highness. 

As I spoke, Jadala's face displayed quite the variety of expressions. He says, 

"Has someone ever told you how hard it is to raise a child? It's born naked, smelly and bloody. It cries because it has to breathe on its own. The parents teach it everything from scratch. To speak, sit, walk, run, to love and let be loved, acceptable and unacceptable things in the society, how to make friends ,how to be happy, how to ride a bike, encourage them, accept them and what they choose in life even if it's not what you wanted for them. "He pauses looking at me sternly, " Parenting is bigger than 'I'll have my child and raise it up ' Most people fail and it's why there is so many broken people walking  around . With my occupation I would most definitely fail because I was raised to always chase the money because, 'A bag of a million dollars is a bag of a million dollars today, tomorrow and day after. ' I would choose chasing the bag over anything and anyone. You want your job, have it. That pregnancy terminate it. I don't know who told you it's just so easy to forget having a child. People act like they've forgotten but what they don't tell you is that the thought randomly apprears in their minds occasionally. I don't want that. It's unfortunate for the innocent thing but I don't want to live my life like that. I don't want to be a father whether I'm a present or absentee one . Think it through, do you want to have a kid and raise it in this fucked up world so it is broken and incomplete for you to tick the, 'I failed as a parent ' box? " 

And with a look of 'you think you know it all but you are just a fucking kid ' He walks away. 

I'm glued to the spot for a few minutes. A lone tear escapes my eye. I fall to the ground defeated. 

"Well screw you, I'm not a quitter! " I scream in anger, betrayal, frustration and fear. 

Good thing this floor is lesser occupied because last thing I want is for other staff to find me here like this! Oh scratch that one just did. 

"Oh hey, here let me help you up. Poor thing, I you already fainted and now are an emotional wreck. " The HR says actually worried for me. 

Hands me a glass of water and I drink it quickly pouring some on myself in the process. I didn't even know how dry my throat was until I drank the water and felt alive again. 

"I'm going to give you a three day break to rest up a bit because clearly you need it. "

I don't answer, I don't look at her. I just stare into space .

'A break from reality would be nice !' The voice in my head says repeatedly . 

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