
Chapter 6

Serena wondered out loud as they both got seated in the car and she threw her duffle bag which contained an outfit change for each of them in the back seat. “I wonder why they didn’t see the bag in my hand. Either that I carried it way too well, they don’t know shit about fashion, or they were too busy judging our outfits.” Kylie snickered “I will bet on the last one, too.” She said knowing well, serena said the first two just as a dig at both male figures in the family.

By the time it was ten at night, they had already been fed, and changed into their second outfit. They had a very simple but fun day. Going to arcade, bowling in a dress which wasn’t meant for bowling, kylie’s definition of fun, went to an amusement park. Had some junk and here are they to finally do something more grown up like, get drunk.

Serena still wasn’t exactly feeling her dress as they entered one of the high-class pubs. Kylie hit her hand away from the hem, as she whispered in her ear. “Darling, you look ravishing, if you don’t stop now” she trailed off as her eyes pointed towards her bosom. Serena glared at her, annoyed at the truth in her words and blaming her for this mess. They walked towards the bar, kylie already talking to one of the bartenders as soon as they reached with bartender nodding and walking off. “Well, that didn’t take long.” She screamed in kylie’s ear the second time as she cocked a brow, unable to understand the first time. And she replied with a smirk, a freaking entitled smirk. Serena looked around scrunching her nose occasionally in distaste, she was no bar virgin, but it still got to her and thankfully a little less than the first time. She looked around catching a few males looking in their direction, the place reeked of testosterone and horny people, wolf or not. Good thing, this place was high end, which meant a selected crowd. The bartender Kylie was talking to finally set a tray full of shots on the table, another thing, it is supernatural friendly. Which meant the drinks were made to affect their kind, no kidding kylie wanted to start strong.

One shot down, then the second, the third, fourth until they were unable to keep track. Seeing as she still had her inhibitions, kylie probably had them make lighter one. But she was giggling like an idiot and made her want to cry but she didn’t want to do that either. Kylie was looking at her, laughing hysterically, finding something very funny. She came close and poked at her nose and then showed her the same finger that committed the crime. And the criminal is covered in salt? OHH! That made sense. They both sauntered off their stools and toward the dance floor. And screamed as they jumped around without any rhythm, they knew no one can really hear them over this loud music, but it felt therapeutic, they have had things happening for both and now felt like the best moment to let it out without needing to break down. They danced and danced, and well then serena had to pee. She let kylie know and left the dance floor toward wherever the hell the lady’s room was. She tried to walk without tripping, hell she tried but these goddamn Eiffel towers beneath her feet were making it hard to balance. Finally, the lit up female figure sign came into her sight and just as she was about to reach for the door handle, it opened, and she tripped. Oh my god, she was horrified as she landed in someone’s arm. She took a deep breath and finding the lost courage finally looked up. She was beautiful. No, she is beautiful and that is saying something. The aura off the women was strong, stronger than a whole lot of people she knew, and she was a fellow wolf? She finally collected herself and stood up straight, the other person still a little taller than her. Well, this is getting awkward as silence seems to be stretching more and more.

“Thank you” serena began and the other person smiled, and now everything didn’t seem as bad. She opened her cherry red lips and began, “It’s not a problem. Are you alright?” I grinned and nodded. “Just a bit tipsy, but I will be alright soon. Thank you again for the save.” They both knew this was it and she nodded acknowledging my words and said welcome.

She washed her hands and fixed her hair, lipstick which was bit off. She walked back to the dance floor without any accidents this time and only to find a man trying to probably forcefully convince kylie to go with him. Which she might, she is drunk, and regret later. She came to a stop in front of kylie. “Dude back off, she doesn’t want to go with you.” And is she going with you, it will do you more harm than anything else, she didn’t say this though. The man looked good but stepped closer to kylie, “How would you know she doesn’t want it?”. Damn they never understand, she pulled kylie towards her and glared at him. “Because she is with me.” Apparently, kylie heard this, so she turned toward him and shouted. “yes I am with her.” The man made a disgusted face and left, well whatever he was thinking, at least he didn’t make stuff difficult. He probably thought we were together, together. The alcohol was considerably out of my system, and I believe kylie had a few more shots than me. And sneaked in some more while she was in there falling into other girls’ arms. Good thing, they will never meet again hopefully. Kylie was starting to get her shit together a little bit too. They left the bar and went to get some snacks from the diner opposite. With some food in their system, they were both at least good enough to drive and they both suddenly decided to go for a drive. Which was basically them just taking the long route back. They sat in the car and the first thing kylie did was put songs on. She started singing along loudly and I, I could only laugh loudly. As I didn’t know the lyrics to this one, kylie noticing the same shouted. “Bitch! You seriously don’t know this one. I will share it with you.” And then she changed the song, which I could sing along with perfectly. And then it’s a mess of singing and screaming, their hearts beating along with the music’s rhythm. Serena was thankful that she was here with her best friend, she might not have a lot of friends but the one she had right here, she could trust her with her life. Kylie was there for her through a whole lot of shit, and she wished they will be able to have each other when in need, because they held each other up when either of them was down, and that is her birthday wish.

There have always been things that happened, little things that could torment a soul forever. And she had been pardoned from thus, just with the love and support of parents, brother, friends and her pack. At least a more than few from the pack, there are always bad apples, a fish that swims a bit dark. A despite she had a lot to cherish, lot to love, lot to care for, a lot to be humble for and she didn’t mind accepting any of that. Just that one day they won’t be there anymore. Who stays forever? And sometimes she questioned time, if it will take away something more than just itself and sooner than I bargained for. Who can mold it to hold. Hold happiness, and a lot. She had often felt like hitting a pause button, to stop time in those moments when she felt hilariously excited and happy, only for a few minutes. And she is scared that what if she, someday wishes to hit pause for eternity.

To have her people with her.

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