
Author: RuthieEbun


At the click of her black Jimmy Choo's Lance heels on the office white tiles, heads began to turn and people began to trace their way to their offices and cubicles in fear. Starr Hart cat-walked in her wine button up bodycon gown, swaying her hips in the most perfect manner as her thick brown curls bounced here and there above her hips. She acted like she wasn't noticing anything, but at the same time was noticing everything. She held her Chanel handbag low as she stepped into the glass lift, tapping away on her phone with her right hand as she absent-mindedly pressed the '12’ button with her right index finger. She began to scroll through her emails, in case of any important or interesting news or business. But, there was nothing new there that could interest her, same old fan emails and business emails she had no pleasure in. She looked up from her phone as she switched it off lazily. Fortunately, she had gotten to the 12th floor. 

The very instant she stepped in, everyone became alert. ‘Good mornings’ began to come from here and there. Starr couldn't care less as she kept on walking to her office at her usual pace. 

Her office was at the center right of the 12th floor. It was the biggest office and the office with the best view. 

She walked into her office past her blonde secretary - Amber, like she didn't see her. Straight to her chair she went and immediately fell on it. She let out a tired sigh as she put her handbag on her table and crossed her legs, before shutting her eyes. 

“Mr. Chris Chariton is waiting for you in the conference room, Ma,” Amber stated to her, knowing that if she wasted one more second and Starr was a little later than she was, her job was at risk. 

Starr's forehead wrinkled as her eyes shut. She had totally forgotten that she had an appointment, and that was really strange. She never forgot. She let out a small sigh as she stood up from her chair and began to make her to her door. “Who's Chris Chariton again?” 

“He is an upcoming writer, who is also fast growing and a best seller,” Amber quickly answered. ”He has two best-selling novels, ‘Love is the Key’ and ‘Without Love’. He is well known for his Romance and Erotica concepts. He is also famously known for his great sense of humor and charms. His sweetness and kindness. And that he knows the right words to say at the right time. His-”

Starr cleared her throat, cutting Amber off in the middle of her sentence and also dragging her back from the fantasy world she was about to slip into as she approached the conference room, which was the second largest room on the floor. 

Realizing what was going on. Amber also cleared her throat as she let herself be dragged from her fantasy world and back to business. “He has been looking for a company he wanted to publish his new series with. And, he finally chose us,” she said as she handed Starr her iPad. 

“Tell Magnus I said, the chubby security I saw putting out a cigarette this morning, when I walked into the office, should be fired this instance,” Starr instructed. 

Amber simply nodded as she began to make her way back to her cubicle. 

Starr began to run through the bio of Chris Chariton that Amber had prepared for her. She couldn't help but nod at what she read. He was really good and knew what he wanted. She loved young people who aspired high and knew what they wanted. “Christopher Charming Chariton,” she said to herself as she got to the conference room door. “Let's see what you have to offer,” she added as she pushed the door and walked in. 

“Almost an hour late. Forty-five whole minutes,” one of the two young men in the conference room began to complain, almost shouting at Starr. And, no one dear raised their voice at Starr, it was immediately a no deal. “Is this how you people behave here? I mean, why can't a CEO be at her table by exactly 7? Huh? This is…”

The other young man who happened to be so calm and relaxed with crossed feet, cut the grumpy one off in the middle of his sentence, “I hope you're okay?” 

Starr was shocked by his question. One, no one ever asked her if she was okay; and two, it was strange for someone to care at a time like that. So, instead of answering him, she gave him a questioning look as she tilted her head. 

He shrugged as he looked up from his phone for the first time. “It could be anything. I'm sure you aren't late for fun, right? Prolly an accident or hold up. So, what could it be?” he asked ever so calmly, that Starr's jaw internally dropped. Even her herself couldn't be that calm and understanding at someone coming late.

She tried to keep herself comported as she straightened her back and kept her face strong. “Who is Mr. Chariton among both of you?” she requested, completely ignoring their questions. 

“I am,” the calm and relaxed one said as he dropped his crossed leg down, popping a wide contagious smile. 

Starr was so tempted to return the smile but, smiles only showed kindness, and kindness is often mistaken for weakness. So, she kept her emotionless face-mask on. “Can we get the meeting started?” she said as she took her seat directly opposite Mr. Chariton. 

It was the first time she was actually having a clear view of him. His blue eyes were the most outside feature of his face, which shun brightly among all other features. His hair was styled into a messy slicked back, which projected his oval face very well.

Starr tried to focus back as she cleared her throat and crossed her legs, before placing her iPad on the table. “So, why us?” she asked as she placed her hands atop each other on the table, slightly above her iPad. 

“It's be-” 

“Sorry, who are you again?” Star asked the one who wasn't Mr. Chariton, as she had cut him off in the middle of his sentence with her right index finger. 

He felt so offended as he immediately tried to defend himself, “I'm the-” 

“Uh huh. I wasn't asking you,” she sassed the young man, shutting him up. 

Mr. Chariton couldn't help the small laughs that kept slipping through his lips. The young man who wasn't Mr. Chariton couldn't help but begin to mind his business as he tapped away on his phone. 

“That's my manager. He gets really protective of me, that's why he's been acting like that. He assumes people take my kindness for a weakness, that's why he tries to be my voice," Mr. Chariton defended the man, making his lip spread into a really wide smile. “His name is Valentine, and he was the one who chose your publication. He's been a fan since his very young age.” 

All of Starr's anger for Valentine began to slip away. She spared the young man a glance. He was way different from Chariton. He was short and a little chubby. He had long brown hair, which he neatly tied in a low ponytail. And he had a really chubby face that suited perfectly with his big eyes. 

Star smiled at his pouty lips then asked, “Why?” 

Knowing fully well that the question was being directed to him this time around, Valentine cleared his throat and answered calmly, “Majorly because I've always been a fan.” 

Start nodded at his words. “So, what are the remaining reasons?” she asked, finally turning to be face to face with him, putting her business face back on instantly, as she stared at him with so much interest. 

“One, your graphics designers do an awesome job. They're very versatile and always know the perfect cover for a book. Two, I love the quality of your paperback and hardcover. It's so distinct and lasts longer. Finally, I love that you guys don't use white paper to publish your books,” Valentine listed out with his fingers and a wide smile.

"You like a touch of the vintage uh." Starr nodded to his words and hers. “So, what is the name of this series and the theme?”

“It's called 'To Love Series’. And the main theme is love,” Mr. Chariton finally spoke for himself. 

“What inspired this series?” Starr quickly hopped to the next question, acting like she didn't care or wasn't paying full attention. 

Mr. Chariton’s lips were instantly graced with a wide smile as he said, “Love.” Starr held herself tightly from groaning, while Mr. Chariton tried to explain himself further, “Every time I step out of my house, what I mostly see is love. Either a walk in the street or in the park. All I can see is the love we're surrounded with. The love from our pets, friends, and family. Every kind of love.”

Starr couldn't help the smile that immediately kissed her lips, as she began to feel glad that she hadn't groaned out. He wasn't like every other person who simply wanted to write a Rom-com or an Erotica, he cared about the little things also. “So, 50-50,” Starr quickly jumped into the most important part of the meeting, to her. 

Valentine chuckled. “80-20,” he negotiated. 

Then, it was Starr's turn to chuckle. “50-50,” she insisted.



“Alright, 60-40. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Starr took a little of her time to think about it, before nodding to the deal and standing as she stretched her right hand. Valentine also stood up and took her hand with a smile, as he nodded to her. She smiled warmly. Mr. Chariton also stood up and did the same as Valentine did, except that he didn't nod. 

It was a deal. 

She picked her iPad and was about to leave, when something struck her mind, making her stop at the door and turn back. “We'll get the paperwork done and mail it to you,” she informed them with a final wave as she stepped out of the office with a smile. She couldn't deny the fact that she really enjoyed the meeting and wished it lasted longer. 

It was the first in years.


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